
Dj Tiesto dies in tragic car crash

Started by dark bark, 20/09/06, 02:45

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hayang boneng lo darkbark??? serius??? :o :o :o :o :o :o  :o :o :o :o :o

wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

iya.. liat aja di linksnya,,,

iyess sudah baca,, dan mencari d search engine, byk yg menconfirm,,, but no english news,, only link yg lo kasih,,,,  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

tapi ada yg bilang juga itu rumor gitu.. yah mudah2an aja ngga...

kutill gua pikir beneran.. tapi seru juga nih buat ngerjain orang ya?
EVILUTION for the world.
we are here, because we are DARE to CARE.

serius nggak seh jadi bingung ini..

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

yang boneng lu cink? baru kmaren si nardi ngasi gosip yang tahun 2005...
jangan2 si nardi ngambek kita celain, trus dia mensabotase boilnya tiesto cink...
wahhhhh.... nardii nardiiiiiiii... im not empty think about u...  ???
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

wah kalo beneran kejadian, tega amat si nardi sampe ngebelain ke europe buat sabotase segala..heheh

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

it's fake man.. >:(

ada website yang emang provide fake stories, yang udah ada template-nya.. jadi basically DJ Tiesto itu bisa diganti Louie Vega if u wish, even Gus Dur probably, dengan template yang sama..

emang tampilan websitenya meyakinkan sekali, seperti website news provider asli, tapi kalo lo klik link2nya ngaco semua.. tujuannya buat ngerjain your friends and family sih..

Mau mencoba mengganti namamu di berita yang sama ____ ____ died in tragic car crash?

check out http://fakeawish.com/

that's the site..

selamat mencobaaa.. dark bark udah nyoba tuh kayaknya.. :D
No man shall escape the wrath of the Grooovee Monkeeeeysss!! keep it real!

udah tau nyet... ngga goblok2 juga dah... ampe dijelasin detil gitu... hihihi... napa lo terpukul yah denger tiesto die... ahuehauehauehuaheuaheuaea




ampe di kantor pada berantem ngebahas tiesto died juooo...

>:( ;D

waks ya ampun... tenang2 teman2 semua... gw barusan smsan ama tijs... dia lagi santai2 di Ibiza kok...


Quoteabout this web site. (this story was dynamically generated using a generic 'template' and is not factual. Any reference to specific individuals has been 100% fabricated by web site visitors who have created fake stories by entering a name into a blank 'non-specific' template for the purpose of entertainment. For sub-domain info and additional use restrictions: FakeAWish.com)

;D ;D ;D wakaka dasar website kurang kerjaan.. humm kupalsukan berita mengenai syapa yahhh  :D
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nih tai nih berita....2 orang sms gw sampe malem2..kampret...

yaelah dark bark.. pantesan td ada temen yg nanya... gw sampe meratiin tv gak ada beritanya.. huhu..
klo jadi rabu minggu depan gw ke den haag.. tp cuman sehari. sibuk ndak kira2 ?

@ SGStronix

ya kan gak smua orang se-uptodate loe nyeet.. uyab s08bulc gitu lhoo.. secara loe temenan langsung dengan tiesto gitu kan.. gokil.  :o
No man shall escape the wrath of the Grooovee Monkeeeeysss!! keep it real!

ah thanks god it's only a fake news.....

gila lo, paling ngga seumur hidup gw,
gw pgn nonton dia live sekali lagi, dijakarta tercinta  ;D
The Music Is The Drugs

kirain beneran... ;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

ADa lagii..... ???
......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

pasti ini salah satu thread untuk mengejar 3000 posts.. hahahahaha ;D;D;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not