

Started by club2club, 21/05/12, 20:22

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24/05/12, 17:15 #25 Last Edit: 24/05/12, 19:08 by danzig
dari interview lama, tapi mewakili gw bgt ;D

Skrillex won a Grammy; thoughts?
[laughs] Good for him. Yeah, I feel absolutely no connection to that music anymore. That's just a successful musician winning an award. It's cool.
-Ben UFO


another good article actually.. apakah edm akan bernasib sama seperti musik ska beberapa tahun yang lalu? ketika booming secara cepat, diperas habis-habisan; dan dibiarkan mati..


the Wall Street rag makes the worrying prediction that, "as EDM and its related events continue to grow, an audience may be developing that wants nothing more than predictable, middling entertainment."

"I won't mention any names, but I've been listening to a lot of mainstage sets from these new DJs and I found the first hour of their sets is unbelievable. They play two, three minutes of every track and it goes absolutely crazy. But after an hour, they've played all their hits and you see the crowd just going flat," Armin told ITM.

"I don't know. It's a big debate. I was brought up in the days of Sasha & Digweed, Carl Cox, Judge Jules, Paul Oakenfold: these huge sets that build and build. I guess people don't have the patience for that anymore. We live for the quick fix... I try to lure people into something more beautiful than just that quick fix of all the big hits. I don't want to be a jukebox at a festival."

"That's why we ended up with Guetta, Afrojack and all that shit. It's because we just didn't take people with us. We decided we'd be completely underground, and completely cool. It's created a situation where mass appeal went elsewhere."
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

makin buruk aja perkembangan nya kalo gini :-\

sangat sangat memprihatinkan :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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anjinqqq.. tipe-x jadi boyband?? wtf??


i'm not gonna press the play button, sayang bandwith sayang bandwith... ;D
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

gua denger lagu itu pertama kali di acara RCTI, kerennya pas semua boyband selese main mereka nyanyi lagu ini. hahaha. those guys got balls...

"But after an hour, they've played all their hits and you see the crowd just going flat" - ini yg membuat scene rnb mati beberapa tahun yang lalu.
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
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Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

Quote from: Gober on 19/06/12, 23:14

"But after an hour, they've played all their hits and you see the crowd just going flat" - ini yg membuat scene rnb mati beberapa tahun yang lalu.

cudnt agree more, we live in an instant generation, embrace it or you may left behind..

pendapat gw aja sii..

sebenernya udah keliatan kok trend-nya.. everything is digital, everything is instant, mungkin (I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon) di suatu hari nanti kita liat orkestra musik tidak lagi membawa instrumen2 musik, tapi semuanya pake laptop masing2 atau tablet.. pemain biola tidak lagi memainkan biola, tetapi mengeluarkan suara biola-nya dari laptop, they still play it live, tapi tidak perlu menggunakan biola.. so does pemain saksofon, pemain gitar,.. etc

that might look crap, but that may be the future, and what we all see here now is how people is shifting..

lo bahkan bisa menyanyikan lagu walaupun lo udah ga ada lagi di dunia..

Erwin gutawa membuktikan itu pas konser Chrisye kemarin, dia nyiptain lagu baru buat Chrisye, dinyanyiin sama Chrisye sendiri tapi Chrisye-nya udah ga ada.. he made it by compiling Chrisye's word from other songs.

as for EDM, gw setuju sama Indra.. kita bisa bilang bahwa itu mainstream, itu komersil, tapi kita juga harus akuin kalo penggemarnya banyak.. jadi yaa masing - masing udah ada bagiannya, udah ada kue-nya.

Idealis sih bolehh, but when it comes to money, when it comes to business.. selera pasar tetep akhirnya jadi prioritas

the trickiest part is bagaimana skrg idealisme yg lo punya bisa diterima oleh selera pasar, itulah yang dicari.. jadi lo tetep bisa educating crowd lo, musik lo tetep didengar tanpa lo harus menurunkan kualitas musik yg lo punya..