
EMC 2013 : Asia Focus Panel

Started by Gober, 20/12/13, 12:42

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Electronic Music Conference kembali diadain tahun ini di Sidney, Australia. Konferensi ini melibatkan banyak praktisi di dunia EDM seperti Tiesto, Diplo, Laidback Luke, Chuckie, Dillon Francis membahas topik hangat yang ada di industri ini salah satunya adalah topik yang menfokuskan kepada Asia yang dihadiri beberapa promotor terkemuka sebagai speaker dari negara Asia yang dinilai berhasil membangun industrinya di masing masing negara seperti Malaysia, Korea, India, Jepang, Filipina, Thailand, Singapura dan dari Indonesia diwakili 2 orang yaitu Christian Rijanto, co-founder Ismaya Live dan Flic Russell, music director Potato Head Bali.

Berikut beritanya yang diambil dari Inthemix :

QuoteElectronic Music Conference 2013's focus on the growing Asian market for dance music was thrown into sharp relief yesterday when eight of the region's biggest players in clubs and festivals chewed over the size and potential for dance music's growth in the 2.5 billion person market.

Dave Milligan of touring and management company SixSix Asia said that Bangkok "has grown massively in the last couple of years. Ten years ago, when I first moved there, there was very little happening, there was like one big DJ show a year, like Tiesto or Paul Oakenfold or something like that, and now you've got, every week, small underground shows, and occasional big festival one-off events as well." Adam Matthews of Livescape Asia concurred, saying, "This year is going to be the third year [for Future Music Festival Asia], and we've seen exponential growth."

"People now come to see the artists, and they actually understand the music, and they know the songs," added Christian Rijanto of Indonesia's Ismaya Group. "It's a big improvement in terms of the market's understanding of what the industry is and what the music is."

South Korean promoter JC Ahn said that, in his country, they'd almost reached saturation point. "We ended up doing the first EDM festival in Korea's history, and now Korea has several hundred clubs throughout the country, and we're just overabundant with music festivals throughout the country as well."

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