
global anthems ,yang di kuping loe "teteup gak cocok"

Started by jeng_kompen, 23/09/06, 08:19

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maaf ini gw nggak ada maksud tdk apresiatif thd produser/genre tertentu tapi emang lagun mereka ngetop tapi gak cocok buat di kuping gw:(mungkin ada yg mau share...)

-tom novy .....nobody
-david gueta .....the world is mine
-bob sinclair....world hold on

heuhuehuheuhuehu...becanda juo... :P




murder on the dancefloor
ace of base // i saw the sign
we | are | all | connected | in | one | circle |

hihihi... justru gw demen banget murder on the dance floor
i'm really thrilled by that bextor gurl
moving forward to www.discomate.co.uk - and become our fans

hmmm...mungkin yg kurang suka sih...
tom novy - your body
global playboys - the sound of san francisco

ada beberapa bagian trutama reff yg bikin drop..:(
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

setuju gw..tom novy gak banget...hiahiaaha..

kok gua suka yahh tom novy? hihihi...  :P
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 23/09/06, 17:49
kalo tom's cupu suka ga  ;D ;D
yg gue tau lo mah sukanya TOPMIR... alias topi miring
welcome to my weekend

semuanya dr groove coverage and dj sammy...heuehehhehehehe ;D ;D

bener kata lu sis DJ sammy haduh...haduhhh.. ngga penting.. huehheuhuehuh
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

hahaha...tul tul..klo temen gw bilang..: musik pasar..sampe pasar aja ada tuh lagu :P
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

D-note - Shed My Skin
Bob Sinclair - World Hold On
iio - rapture
iio - at the end
iio ........
iio ........

terlalu Mellow  ...  :P
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

iio - rapture *(tung-tung mix),kl yg original suka hahahahah
good music + cold beer = "good time"

whuahahhaa,....tapi jgn salah lo dj sammy & groove coverage klo diputer di daerah kota[dgn versi mrk tentunya ;D ;D] pd hebohhhhhhhh juga hypeeeeee bgt!....<<<<<dr pengalaman temen pas 'ngambil' dan kbetulan itu lagu lagi diputer,,,huhhhuuhhuuhh :D

@siska: wah kak sis pengalaman temen apa diri sendiri neh sampe tau gitu.

halaaaaaahhhhh puasa2 bo'ong dosa kaleee.....heuehehheee...

jadi itu global anthem regional?heheheh...disana sih semua lagu juga enak aja asal kenceng...nak enak enak emang enak...*wuzzz wuzz wuzzz*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

darude saya kurang suka.... (menurut kuping saya lohh...) hehe peace

Quote from: letitia on 23/09/06, 10:32
murder on the dancefloor
ace of base // i saw the sign

ko gw suka 2 - 2 nya yah...
....lighting can strike....

hmm..gw suka tuh bob sinclair  ::)

yg eneg sih iya tuh dj sammy...masih aja lho  ;D
underground movements...

bang sms siapa ini bang...intro nya gokil ieieieieiei ;D

hahaha.. SMS tu global anthem yah..?? tp gw agak2 suka tu, lucu aja soalnya hahaha...

;D ;D

hahaha,,,betul betul,, sms....
ampunn dijeeee....
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

hehhehe kyknya bentar lg jd global anthem tuh... hahaha ;D