
Golden Boy of 2011 : Angger Dimas

Started by Gober, 31/12/11, 22:16

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SALUTE & RESPECT ...  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Syndromatic (7 SQUARES / MPXX ASIA)
I Respect The Person & I Respect The Music
Twitter: @Syndromatic @seven7squares @MPXXAsia

Sedikit koreksi tulisan boleh kan paman?  :)
Setau gw yah yang maen di ADE 2011 ngga dari Indonesia ngga hanya AD doank tapi ada juga DJ CREAM (soul menace) soalnya salah satu temen gw kesana dan ngeliat dengan mata kepala sendiri dari Indo yang maen di ADE yah si AD dan si DJ CREAM (Soul Menace)

But over all Angger Dimas a very good producer.. Can't wait to see him more produce in 2012. :)

>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

Thanks for the info Jim, anyway apsara juga pernah main di Tommorowland...

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good.. always support all DJ's INdonesia ex. AD..
maju terus AD... !!!  *tepuktangan*

#Indoproud  *bgs*
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


wooowwww ANGGER DIMAS...

RESPECT  *bgs* 

Quote from: echaaaa on 05/01/12, 13:07
AD is Epic , sayangnya masi ad orang lokal sendiri yang ngenye-in dia (thats a fact,and maybe im the only one tat has the balls to say it) , dude his music works, his out there now making it happens , so unless ya'll can do better,your words are pretty much useless,gw pribadi kurang cocok sama soundnya angger,but i dont need to bash him,i support him and booked him Twice , and will booked him some more ,he rocks the club

so its 2012 , stop the hate on music and start supporting .... im just sayin ....

so its 2012 , stop the hate on music and start supporting .... im just sayin .... < indeed.
what we want what we believe

Angger Dimas : producer asal indonesia yang mendunia..dan banyak lagunya jadi hits dunia dan nongkrong di atas..bangga juga mengetahui Indonesia punay producer spt ini. Otomatis mengangkat nama Indonesia di dunia, dan menjadi semangat buat temen2 producer lokal untuk mendunia juga, karena sudah ada bukti, gak ada yang gak mungkin.

Semoga AD tetap down to earth dan merakyat. cheers
what we want what we believe

AD keren, gw salute sama prestasinya yang luar biasa. Dan orangnya low profile. Gw sering denger banyak orang ngomong kalo AD sombong. Itu buat gw mungkin cm celoteh orang sirik yg gk mampu punya prestasi kaya AD dan gk kenal secara personal sm AD. Setuju sama echa,,,stop hate. Lebih baik lo saling support sama EDM di Indonesia. Dan kl berprestasi,,, akuinlah. Karena memang dia pantes.
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare