
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: biT on 05/01/07, 09:33

Title: Good Charlote Secret Concert???
Post by: biT on 05/01/07, 09:33
any one know where Good Charlote will have their concert in Indonesia???

here's the link i've got about that concert

http://www.detikhot.com/index.php/tainment.read/tahun/2007/bulan/01/tgl/04/time/174828/idnews/726959/idkanal/228 (http://www.detikhot.com/index.php/tainment.read/tahun/2007/bulan/01/tgl/04/time/174828/idnews/726959/idkanal/228)

Title: Re: Good Charlote Secret Concert???
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 05/01/07, 12:56
ga secret jg, blm diumumin aja, gosipnya sih msh lama, maret gt,,, tp katanya sihhhh,,,,

yah liat punk rock sekali2 lah,,, life style the rich and famous, anthem, chronicle life and death,,,, hohohohoho ;)
Title: Re: Good Charlote Secret Concert???
Post by: walasok on 05/01/07, 12:57
damn.. gw skip berat..

gw tadi bacanya Charlote Church secret concert..


wah Good Charlote ke Indonesia..

Muse juga..

ayo ayo siapa lagi yang mo nyusul?

Title: Re: Good Charlote Secret Concert???
Post by: sonique on 05/01/07, 13:13
ga suka musik begituan...
gayanya heboh banget tato sana sini, cuman lagunya kok kaya gitu?
gua lebih suka band rock jaman dulu... METAL!!!
Title: Re: Good Charlote Secret Concert???
Post by: jana on 05/01/07, 13:32
gue cukup muse saja. :P
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