
Jakarta dj's hv 2 keep updating the music!And Crowd...Peace!

Started by Dj Naro, 25/08/03, 01:06

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What's do u guys think about my subject???We hv to update the music as we r the people who rise above the simple act of playing records to create something magical!!but dont play the same records/anthem every weekend for playing safe...but educate the people with fresh music every time you guys spin...I dont mind,putting an old school or anthem stuff in ur sets but not everytime you play,depends on the occation or the party itself..I'm talking about music that had been anthem for years....we can made anthems so we can make other fresh one anytime...This subject r for All elements in dance scenes includes the crowd...the crowd hv 2 appreciate local dj's that I'm sure that mostly are professional and great...So give them respect&We do respect the crowd that supporting,following and helping out to made the scenes getting better and better by accepting fresh music,appreciate the dj's,rocking on the dance floor!....Hope you guys agree with me but it's up to you...Peace!

Right on... i love the concept... all DJ here should have that kind of thinking. and i really respect any DJ who opens to new style and music, to keep the dance culture in this country upward.

kayaknya sisa sisa semalem nih bos....kekekekkekeke
gas terus..........:)

setuju pak Naro.... tapi ya gimana... orang jakarta sukanya anthem... me my self .. paling males mainin lagu yang dimainin ama dj lain.. dan lumayan sukses kok....mengenai chart, selama nyari plat di jakarta masih susah, kayaknya dj2 masih keep mereka punya lagu.......cheers

Iye bener ...jangan bisanya cuman  bikin back in the days ampe empat kali setahun.. atau bengkel reunion lah.. apa lah... it's time to let go of the past...concentrate and focus on the present..so we can have a better FUTURE... Kita sebagai DJ harus terus meng educate crowd dengan musik musik yang fresh dan belum familiar bagi mereka..kalo enggak.. mereka gak akan pernah ngerti perkembangan dance music di dunia. tar kalo diumpanin lagu2 yang itu2 aja mereka bakalan bosen...kite juge yang suseh...  

PS: Back in the days penting loh.. cuman jangan ampe setahun empat kali gitu dong.. kan bosen juga orang...nyari duit si nyari duit mas... no offense, cuman sekedar kritik yang membangun..

kemarin  naro vs romy di club monaco main lagu house apa aja jo?

i think educating the crowd with new music is always a good idea.soalnya menurut gue...dance music no matter in which way u look at it.its just for fun.as long as u take it too seriously...the excitement disappears with it. Cuman ya....gue rasa the dance music scene udah ga kaya dulu... its very commercialised sekarang, tiap hari pasti ada tons of new music coming in......kita bagai mana selecsi the good music from the trashy ones. hmmm....gua sih udah living overseas for a long time.lama sekali ga mampir ke indo... do u have psy trance or acid techno over there?

yup...lagu baru emang penting! buat variasi and mendidik orang biar gak tergantung cm pecah ama lagu2 anthem  :wink:
Tp juga berarti crowd2 yg dtg musti mulai mendukung dance scene and para DJ, dgn tidak tergantung pd invitation / gilist etc...alias byr msk terutama buat party2 underground, biar DJnya bs dpt some money to buy more...and more... records jg....  :)

lagu baru...? kok dj2 top dunia gag selalu bawain lagu2 baru (kecuali punya mereka sendiri) ?
bukannya dj seharusnya me-remix lagu apa aja jadi "terasa baru" ?
sori kalo salah..

thnx dj naro.. nice topic!

Sikattttttttt joo........ :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

Quote from: "sule"lagu lagu baru emang penting !
he he he ...ngga ngeh lagi ngomongin apa sih DJ Naro??...pake bhs indonesia kek...

siipp deh. dJ narO beuner bangeT,.musiC also can eduCate people spcialy crowd (ciee..ciee..wisE banget yak)

Sudah waktunya dj Indonesia membuat lebih banyak lagu dengan kualitas international.... setuju!!!

I agree with my old budy DJ Naro... And DJ should have a RESPECT by their MUSICALITY not a Major Anthem or Stupid Propaganda, Naro and me always hv own caracter since B1..I bring UK style music he's bring Dutch style.. And we always move on from unrelease track to already release track.
As we are hv really connection with some Dj and remixer at europe.. Me and Naro played some CDR that only Dj have it its not release yet at label..
I believe that Indonesian crowd can accepted new trend if we the DJ are also bring it to the front of them. Hope u all agree with me :-)