General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: DimsumonDLine on 20/10/08, 14:56
anyone keen on this one??? 8)
"The German godfathers of electronica - ... helped birth dance, techno and the building blocks of hip hop..." -Independent.ie.com
Approximately 40 years ago, in the cold, clean recesses of one Kling Klang studio laboratory located in Düsseldorf, Germany, a collective that called itself Kraftwerk began churning out from an assortment of electronic equipment and their own secret inventions what they termed "machine music", the likes of which had never been heard before. Cold, precise, minimal, repetitive and almost wholly electronically-processed, this new brand of stiff was released on an unsuspecting public in the 70s, and pop music was never the same again...
Beginning as a duo in Germany's late 60s experimental music scene and evolving into a notoriously reclusive synth-pop quartet in the mid 70s, Kraftwerk is today both an institution and an enigma. The group that once expressed an intention to "make music that sounded like Germany" has had its distinctive sound – drum machine beats, synths, vocodered vocals – copied and sampled by musicians such as David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, New Order, Art of Noise and Afrika Bambaataa across genres from techno and new wave to rock and hip-hop.
Strikingly antiseptic and yet strangely compelling, Kraftwerk's spare melodies, precise programming and curiously facile lyrics ("Radioactivity is in the air for you and me") reveal a deadpan humour and an appreciation of the absurd. Experienced live, a Kraftwerk show is a perfectly synchronised visual spectacle with four besuited guys (and their robot doubles) standing quite still behind consoles onstage, against a backdrop of perfectly synchronized visual projection, lights, robotics and pure theatre.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXD6Gtinvbc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXD6Gtinvbc)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68C-r9kSLNE&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68C-r9kSLNE&feature=related)
3 Dec 2008
Wed, 08:00PM
Approx 120 mins
Esplanade Theatre
TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$148, S$118, S$88
VIP Box - S$148
check out : http://www.esplanade.com
once in a life time liat The Legend of Electronic Music Man & Machine nih...... yuuukkk!!!!
*bgs* *bgs* 8) ;)
Dengan amat berat hati harus pass dulu buat yg satu ini :(
naik haji elektronika, brangkutsss nih mudah2an
Menabungnya sudah di mulai dari kemarin hari nih.. heuheuhehue.. Bareng apa mas anggur?
Titip kaos ya bros..
Metallica juga mau dateng tuh sekitar Januari/February 2009
Kampret bgt nih pemerintah Indonesia! Kenapa hal2 berbudaya tinggi kaya gini ga disupport sih? *sht*
waduh kenapa ngak ke indo yah ??
halo javamusik indo kapan datangin mereka ??
@ niang
menabung sudah dimulai brot....duhhh penting banget ini sihhh, mbahh nya musik kling klang sejagat raya ;D
tenang brod, kl ada pasti gw bawain ;) doain mudah2 jadi brangkutss nih...udah excited begini dr sekarang
@ crossfader
kalo kraftwerk band emo' mungkin sudah didatengin javamusik dr kemaren2 ;D
Gokil.. the cikal bakal...
24 Nov Manic Street Preachers, 3 Des Kraftwerk, January/February 2009 Metallica..kenapa kaga ada yg nyangkut dimari ye? :-\
kemarin si indro subono (jawir musikindong) uda pitching manics
katanya udah dapet tanggal 2 des, tapi harganya gak negotiable banget tu..
jadi tetep gagal..
(nara sumber: salah satu editor majalah ibukota)
Quote from: anggarez on 22/10/08, 14:45
@ crossfader
kalo kraftwerk band emo' mungkin sudah didatengin javamusik dr kemaren2 ;D
jiakakakakakakaka...jd di ayah mau nonton nih, gw juga blom pernah liat mereka live nih..met seru2an deh..
Brangkuuuuttsss! brod angga bareng kita?
live nya emang bikin penasaran banget brad
weitss brot kulski bareng dong kita
coba manic stret preacher manggung disini, wahhh gokil juga.....tgl 9 dec aja brad, angel n airwaves heheheh
Selamat menunaikan ibadah elektronika ;D semoga mabrur.. hehehe
Quote from: anggarez on 24/10/08, 10:54
tgl 9 dec aja brad, angel n airwaves
Kurang emo gue brod :(
Kurang pas gitu gue utk jadi bang indra travis
rambut belum bisa dipolem brad
Quote from: olis on 24/10/08, 11:08
Selamat menunaikan ibadah elektronika ;D semoga mabrur.. hehehe
amin.... ;D ;D ;D
Malam ini ya :( :(
Selamat menunaikan ibadah elektronika deh buat yg berangkat huhu
gagal ndra huhu :( :(
Lah?? lo bukannya mau berangkat cing?? Kok ga jadi bok?
keren gilaaa!!!
Udah mabrur dong ya hehehe
udah mabrur nih brad, haji elektronik ;D ;D....sebenernya juga para vj harusnya naik haji juga tuh...inspirational both in music or visual graphic!! best show of the year ever!! ;)