
paling gokel di 2009

Started by BiGdOtz, 26/11/09, 12:09

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guys.. minta opininya dong, buat:

Party paling gokel di 2009 &
anthem paling happening di 2009


paling gokel......menurut eyke klo di sana yah global gathering lah sm mad decent, klo disini sasha kemaren di ocean 27 beach club bali...bedarahhhhh
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


26/11/09, 12:32 #2 Last Edit: 26/11/09, 12:38 by ^rustyman^
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 26/11/09, 12:28
paling gokel......
hahahaha ;D

IMHO mungkin masih embassy playground ya..
mudah2an godskitchen lebih sangar :)
oiyaa.. trance motion juga denger2 manteb.. cuma sayang gw ga bisa dateng :(

anthem paling oke.. hmmm
avb - broken tonight :)

Fallentime (Valentine)
No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am

Track of the year 2009

1. Jan Johnston - Flesh (Thr3shold Remix)
2. Faruk Sabanci & Nurettin Colak - Anatolian Emotions (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
3. Richard Durand - Into Something (Original Mix)
4. Vicky Devine & Claudia Cazacu - Glamour (Tech Trance Mix)
5. Paul Webster - Vibrations (Original Mix)

and many more...

6.   Gaia - Tuvan (Original Mix)
7.   Andy Blueman - Neverland (Original Mix)
8.   Armin van Buuren - Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal Dub Mix)
9.   Claudia Cazacu - Lekker (Original Mix)
10. John O'Callaghan Feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Original Mix)

M.O.R.P.H FREAK!!!! Alex M.O.R.P.H of course...

DANIEL KANDI!!! as always...
"Enourmous Uplift"

siyaaaap thx broooo :)

BiGdOtz ini Irwan Ardian Indika yah???

So far sih menurut gw embassy playground.....

The year's not over yet dude......massive parties still coming until 31st of Dec.....as for now so far sich menurut gue EWAN PEARSON @ Glimpse deh

Quote from: Gibran on 26/11/09, 18:26
The year's not over yet dude......massive parties still coming until 31st of Dec.....as for now so far sich menurut gue EWAN PEARSON @ Glimpse deh

setujuuu! parah bgt itu sih. small venues bring the best out of a dj :)

mudah2 an Trancemotion :P

trance anthem 2009 :

01. Tiësto & Sneaky Sound System - I Will Be Here (Wolfgang Gartner Remix) <--- anthem of the year
02. Lange - Let It Out (Original Mix)
03. Mr. Pit vs Jochen Miller - Melodee (Original Mix)
04. Andy Moor vs Lange - Stadium Four (Original Mix)
05. Gareth Emery - Exposure (Original Mix)
06. Ashley Wallbridge vs Andy Moor feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (Tenishia Remix)
07. Above & Beyond - Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery Remix)
08. Steve Angello - Tivoli (Original Mix)
09. Monogato - Miami Vibe (Omnia Remix)
10. Ilya Soloviev - Universal Universe (Original Mix)

soundrise @ bali summer 2009
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

pastinya yang tiap tahun tour..........

kalo gw sih summer break out

TS nya kang irwan indika neh bener, dah jarang bgt posting neh kang??

Kalo mnrt gw best party redma 2009 soalnya hampir dari seluruh penjuru indonesia berkumpul dan bersatu demi EDM indonesia, dah gt mc final di jkt jg 2i (irwan a dan iwan s) yg ga kalah gokil, hehee.

27/11/09, 09:30 #16 Last Edit: 27/11/09, 18:47 by phetox86
party paling berkesan di 2009 buat gw  :P

- dance republic chapter 2 w/ darren price {underworld} & daniel kandi {anjunabeats/armada} party ini segarra bner2 dibuat peak bgt & sampe closingnya jg blm pada mau beranjak pulang,hahaha... *bgs* *bgs*

(?) dan gw harap GODSKITCHEN in jakarta w/ armin van buuren,glenn morrison,richie hawtin di dec tahun ini bner2 bisa lbh perfect & ajib tuk closing tahun ini,hee.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

*bgs* album package 2009 from : above & beyond pres.oceanlab-sirens of the sea {remixed & no remixed} *bgs* :'( *bgs*
Dark is more deepest...

kalo gua sundaze block party

gue sih house" centil deh :D :D

Kalo lagu seneng bgt sm ANB - ON A GOOD DAY

hold on until you see armin for this year..

track for this year:
1. BELTEK - BELINA. its a must !
2. andy moor - faces
3. andy moor - stadium four
4. Dash Berlin Feat Emma Hewitt - Waiting (First State Remix)
5. Fletch & Desyfer & Sundogs - Primary Key (Original Mix)
6. Gareth emery - exposure
7. leon bolier - lunar diamond
8. magnesia - today
9. Nadia Ali - Love Story [Andy Moor's Vocal Mix] . FENOMENAL !
10. ronski speed - the deep devine
11. ton t.b - headrush

show them what ure made of \m/
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)



ooops salah forum yah. hehehe...
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Quote from: monyet_funky on 26/11/09, 15:18
BiGdOtz ini Irwan Ardian Indika yah???

kayanya iyah dehhh , mencium kegajelasanya dia nih .. hahhahaaaaa ..

Quote from: Gober on 27/11/09, 21:25

ooops salah forum yah. hehehe...
huahahahahahahaaa..... mirip sih.... ;D
Audio Visual D

Quote from: walasok on 27/11/09, 01:43
soundrise @ bali summer 2009

glad to hv u "back" man, even for awhile  ;)

: deejay qtaaa  :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
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Heh gober manggil gober, wkwkwk... Pertama liat gw pikir enoh, hehee...