

Started by @khd@, 22/10/07, 00:12

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wajib,kudu,mesti nonton nih...menabunggggggggg

akhirnya idolaku datang juga *tepuktangan*...mas PVD jangan ampe cancel yaaaa :-*.....saya mengharapkan agar BNN, FPI, FBR, Polri n badan2 lain yg biasanya memberi rintangan "sedikit" supaya mendukung PVD ketika jadi main di sini.... ;)

embassy playground awal taun 2008 bo... ;D ;D

iya jangan di ancol doongg.. di hanggar gitu OK looh!!
atau di tempat yang sangat underground lebih OKE lagi, dengan dekorasi seadanya
pake semen" beton gedung atau rijing" lampu... wooww....

eh jangan deh... di outdoor aja, mau liat FIRE WORKS !! *tepuktangan*

pokoknya dijabanin deh.. terseraaahhh gimana...
ga ada cerita deh tuh bnn kek, fpi kek apa kek ngerusak PVD !

this could be another memorable night nih...
ajojingan selalu

T E O P E . . . .
.:up all night sleep all day:.

Kalo dibikin di gunung mas tmp teawalk di puncak pass kyknya seru tuh dingin2 gt jadi pada gerak semua crowdnya, hahaha...
Tp tserah d dimana aj gw jabanin asalkan jgn lewat dr pulau jawa n bali aj... Cihuyy ga sabar neh...

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 28/10/07, 20:44
Kalo dibikin di gunung mas tmp teawalk di puncak pass kyknya seru tuh dingin2 gt jadi pada gerak semua crowdnya, hahaha...

asal abis itu ngga ujan.. becek bangettt.. trus akhirnya rave party sambil duduk di korsi liatin PVD.. *piss*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

hahahaahahahaaha..... ga seru dong ach duduk di kursi ;D
kan kita harus jogedan di barisan paling depan.....
ajojingan selalu

ngemeng ngemeng maen di mana sehhh ...
Lets go faster and stay Cool !

Yuukk tinggal dinanti ajahh dehh kedatangan nya... hehehehehe
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

PVD ga bisa main di kota lain selain Jakarta, soalnya after it langsung main ke China.. padahal seru tuh kalo main di jogja or bali.. but he can't.....

ini emailnya :

hello akhda,

no it will be the only indonesia gig - the other ones will be china

all the best,
groovyL@nd [ Tommy + @khd@ + ican*agoesdjam ]
Email: akhda@thegroovyland.com


Email : akhda@clubbersmedia.com

YM : djakhda | BB PIN : 2529B470

Quote from: @khd@ on 30/10/07, 16:17

hello akhda,

no it will be the only indonesia gig - the other ones will be china

all the best,

loooh... kok akhda? bukannya @khd@? hehehe... ;D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Kalo a doank rambutnya pendek tp kalo @ gini berarti gondrong , hahaha tae ah dibahas!!

Iya jg yah jadi becek, tp bukannya february emg musim ujan yah? Tp buat PVD mah mo salju sekalipun hadir, hehehe.

@ toms : halah bisaaa banget jakarta ujan ;D ;D

lama banget yak gw nungguin pvd dateng,
gile udah counting down the days ni gw kalo kata sunfreakz :-\
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


wah,, ga sabar neh. dah bisa mulai ngitung hari blom?
Let there be disco, on earth as in space

ladies and gentleman..!! fasten ur seatbelt .. and...........wait until next year  :-\

nabung dulu...  :P :P

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 30/10/07, 18:45
Kalo a doank rambutnya pendek tp kalo @ gini berarti gondrong , hahaha tae ah dibahas!!

Iya jg yah jadi becek, tp bukannya february emg musim ujan yah? Tp buat PVD mah mo salju sekalipun hadir, hehehe.
yup.. mudah2an lancar..
& jakarta ga banjir.....

yang pasti gw berdoa biar pvd bener2 dtg ke jkt..
....lighting can strike....

wuah mantap bgt d nih,lsg excited bgt gw gt bc pvd mo ke jkt.GREAT!!!!

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 30/10/07, 18:45

Iya jg yah jadi becek, tp bukannya february emg musim ujan yah? Tp buat PVD mah mo salju sekalipun hadir, hehehe.
gilingan pada pede banget si
emangnya dia pasti main di rave? hihihi :P

02/11/07, 04:57 #95 Last Edit: 02/11/07, 04:59 by bLacK daMAN!
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 24/10/07, 23:19
for me, no matter the place, no matter the price, no matter the event,, as long as PvD,,,, yak yuk!
yak,yuk as long diIndonesia ya'sobb..he :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

Suuuaaaadiiiiisssss........!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*

Quote from: @khd@ on 22/10/07, 00:12
i just received an email from uncle PVD.. n Finally !!!


so just sit back..relax... he's coming to town

mudah-mudahan jadi cing !!! *bgs*

PVD..Seruw seru.. Katanya venue nya indoor yaa? Support bwat yg datengin deh
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

klo pun indor yg paling cucok cuma di K7 secara itu club gede bgt n dipastikan akan muat utk nampung kita semua...

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
All people smile in the same language...