
Pioneer Indonesia Luncurkan RMX-1000

Started by Gober, 31/07/12, 17:50

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31/07/12, 17:50 Last Edit: 01/08/12, 18:07 by ^rustyman^

Pada hari sabtu, tanggal 14 Juli 2012, di event Urbanklub Mix Swap Weekend, Kuningan City, Pioneer Indonesia meluncurkan secara resmi alat terbarunya, RMX-1000 & DJM 850 di Indonesia. Event ini dibuka dengan kata sambutan dari Bpk. Dudut yang mewakili Pioneer Indonesia. Dia menjelaskan beberapa fitur terbaru yang tidak ada di alat lain seperti Scene FX, Isolate FX, X-pad dan Release FX.

Alat ini memang ditujukan untuk para DJ yang ingin memainkan efek lebih canggih lagi. Dengan pengoperasian yang mudah, kita bisa membuat efek sendiri. Alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan beat maker, sehingga beat dapat dibuat on the fly. Selain itu  RMX-1000 dapat menambahkan instrumen seperti Clap, Snare, Kick secara Live sehingga DJ bisa menampilkan set versi Remix dengan style nya masing2.

Setelah pembukaan dari Bpk. Dudut, acara ini diteruskan dengan Demo dari Didit & Pucuy untuk memperlihatkan kemampuan RMX-1000 & DJM 850 ini. Selama kurang lebih 30 menit mereka mengolah dan memamerkan beberapa fitur penting.

Selain launching, Pioneer Indonesia juga membuka workshop alat terbaru pioneer yang dilaksanakan sehari setelahnya yaitu hari minggu 15 Juli.  Dalam sesi workshop ini, kita bisa melihat lebih jauh apa saja yang ada di RMX-1000, karena bisa langsung tanya oleh instruktur


Berikut ini press release dari Pioneer Internasional...

Pioneer today launched the Remix Station RMX-1000, an innovative technologically advanced device for enhancing DJ performances with its ability to create and add a variety of new and unique remix effects, as well as rhythmic sampling capabilities.  The RMX-1000 (hyperlink here) incorporates four remixing functions: Isolate FX, Scene FX, X-Pad FX and Release FX for simple musical arrangements with intuitive control, all accessible at the user's fingertips. The device comes with Pioneer's remixbox editor software for customizing almost every function and feature of the unit, while the hardware itself can be used as a USB controller to perform with the included VST/AU RMX-1000 Plug-in.

The compact and portable RMX-1000 allows users free control of musical developments with intuitive operation.  Four sections of the device are arranged with easy-to-control knobs and buttons that control multiple effect parameters. By combining the effects from each section, wider arrangements with greater individuality can be performed with ease.

       Scene FX
In the Scene FX section, users can choose between five Build Up effects and five Break Down effects.  The Build Up effects, consisting of BPF ECHO, ECHO, NOISE, SPIRAL UP and REVERB UP, add sounds, while Break Down effects, consisting of HPF ECHO, LPF ECHO, CRUSH ECHO, SPIRAL DOWN and REVERB DOWN, cut sounds. A large knob increases or decreases the parameter of effects chosen by simply turning the knob.  Two sub-parameters knobs are also available for additional changes to the effects being produced.

       Isolate FX
The Isolate FX section, consisting of three individual knobs, processes the low, mid and high frequency bands of the music passing through.  The section is loaded with three effects in addition to an Isolator, providing rhythm patterns, timbre, etc., letting users freely modify the output for the HI/MID/LOW frequency bands.  In addition to the Isolator, three additional effects in the section are available including CUT/ADD, TRANS/ROLL and GATE/DRIVE.

       X-Pad FX
The device features a touchpad section called the X-PAD FX that enables users to develop and add new sounds not found in the original music. In addition to its four built-in effects, KICK, SNARE, CLAP and HI HAT, other sound effects edited in Pioneer's remixboxTM software can be inserted using an SD card (not included) during DJ play.

       Release FX
The system also includes a Release FX lever that eliminates the current music playing and leaves only the sound effects.  Release FX can also be used to create the opposite effect: When the lever is released, all section effects are eliminated while the original music continues to play.  Three types of Release FX are available including Vinyl Brake, Echo, and Back Spin.

Customization Using Remixbox Software
The included remixbox software allows the user to customize various settings of the RMX-1000 on a computer, changing parameters such as volume output and values for different sections of the device.  The customized settings can then be transferred using an SD card for use with other RMX-1000s.

Virtual Studio Technology/Audio Units Plug-in
Using the included RMX-1000 Plug-in VST/AU1 plug-in software, users can create the same type of music production and effects while DJing on a computer.  In addition, connecting the device to a computer enables it to act as a controller for music production.

Additional Features
・       Excellent sound quality achieved through optimization of the audio circuit design parts layout and circuit board pattern
・       QUANTIZE function enables real-time music analysis and synchronization of effects along with the beat of the music
・       New AUTO BPM function automatically measures and follows the tempo of music
・       Compact design for easy portability and convenience
・       USB-MIDI for use as a MIDI controller
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Baru kemarin di guide langsung sama Mas Dudut & DJ Nine nyobain RMX-1000 di Rumus, seru banget alatnya. Efek yang bisa dihasilkan sangat-sangat bervariasi dan yang paling penting user friendly. Dan persis seperti yang dijelasin diatas, ada beat maker yang bisa memungkinkan kita utk masukin efek ke situasi apapun. Untuk fill in juga sangat membantu. Bisa record juga, cukup dengan tambahan memory card (SD card), dan lain2 yang dijelaskan diatas. Pokoknya very interesting gear :)
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