
Seberapa pentingkah pendidikan formal untuk seorang DJ?

Started by mybyun, 21/04/09, 17:50

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Kul --- S1 ----- Ker -----mlmnya nge DJ
bisa aja yang awalnya nge dj jadi side jobs malah terbalik jadi utama...tergantung DJ nya sendiri mau ngembangin diri sendiri atau stuck di tempat...capek deh..:-)

Selama masih waktu dan kesempatan, trus mencari Ilmu.
Gak harus pendidikan formal, yg non formal pun bnyk.
Menambah ilmu demi masa depan yg lebih gemilang

Duh kaga bimbingan skripsi udah 2 minggu :-\
minggu besok bimbingan ga ya :-\ :-\

Intinya, dasar dari semuanya adalah knowledge ... Apapun bentuknya ...
Syndromatic (7 SQUARES / MPXX ASIA)
I Respect The Person & I Respect The Music
Twitter: @Syndromatic @seven7squares @MPXXAsia

 *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Setuju n penting bgd...

Education always no.1..
pkok nya kl dah lulus aja udah nyaman..
(walau gu msi smbl ngejalanin) but tep semngt lah..

:) :) :) bsa ngejalanin 2" nya knpa gak..  multi talent  ;) ;)

penting lah... DJ kan harus pinter juga..  :)

skill+ Taste+ knowledge+ manner= Great DJ


Pentiiiiinnnngggggg......biar ga vamping sama brochistnya
Hahahahahahaha...... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Kaboooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. *piss* *piss* *piss*

Quote from: ^rustyman^ on 10/05/09, 20:36
Duh kaga bimbingan skripsi udah 2 minggu :-\
minggu besok bimbingan ga ya :-\ :-\

;D hmm...jgn tlalu diforsir bro,ntar2an aja.hee....(devils mlez mode:on)  *piss*
Dark is more deepest...

Thread yang bagus banget nih...
Menurut gua pendidikan formal itu penting sekali, bahkan harus...

Karena kalo gua rasa... Mem-posisikan pekerjaan Dj untuk penghasilan utama kita untuk di indonesia itu sama sekali belum bisa menjamin kita bisa hidup yang layak... Mungkin beda cerita kalo lu dateng dari keluarga yang mendapat berkah berlimpah, so you wouldnt have to work for the rest of your life... But, still there is nothing certain in life beside dying... So, Gua rasa kita tetap harus punya pekerjaan / karir yang lebih menjamin pendapatan yang stabil untuk hidup... That's why kita sangat butuh pendidikan formal...

Banyak yang bilang 'gua bakal nge DJ' sampe sampe tua...' ...Silahkan...
The best thing about DJ'ing it self, is because its a hobby as well... jadi namanya hobby mah ngga akan ada habisnya ... sampe diri kita sendiri yang bosen ... atau menemukan hobby baru ...

Here's my point... 'jangan jadikan hobby lu jadi mata pencaharian lu...' ...kenapa...?
Karena menurut gua... "To become a good DJ, you should never do it for the money..." And when your not doing it  for the money, then the only reason your still doing... is because you love it... And when you love to DJ,  In the end you'll find a passion for it... and having a passion for DJ is a bliss...

Am I talking too much... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

Quote from: brutu on 10/06/09, 16:45

Karena menurut gua... "To become a good DJ, you should never do it for the money..." And when your not doing it  for the money, then the only reason your still doing... is because you love it... And when you love to DJ,  In the end you'll find a passion for it... and having a passion for DJ is a bliss...

amen to that!

off topic... tapi gw baru aja selesai sidang and dinyatakan lulus dari kampus uph tercinta.... yay!!!!!

took me 'quite some time' but i made it...

klo mnrut gw,

smwa balik lagi k dj2 ny masing2. orientasi ny k duit apa cmn k hobby, gw spendapat bgt sm bro brutu soal ini, jgn jadiin hoby lo jadi sumber penghasilan. Without education your life will be empty dan yg pastinya bkl ketingglan bgt dr org2 yg bljr, cara pikir dan smwa2 nya..

buat gw pribadi, pendidikan itu no .1 dan dj itu sbgai hobby gw,, syukur klo d bayr klo g d byr juga yg pnting nyalurin hoby gw aj. bnyak kok dj2 yang punya gelar

ni ad cntoh yg gw Quote dr outlar.com ttg profile armin van buuren

"Armin was born on December 25th 1976 in Leiden, Holland. As long as he remembers he's been fascinated by music. This has a lot to do with his father who listened to lots of different music styles. Besides his love for music, Armin slowly started to gain more interest in technology and computers. At the age of 14 he bought his first sampler, confiscated his father's synthesizer and started to make music. During puberty he cycled to school with his headphones almost glued to his ears, listening to music from Jean Michel Jarre and Ben Liebrand's minimixes.
Having a great deal of respect for Ben Liebrand, he sent him a demo that was received enthusiastically. As a result, Ben taught Armin a lot about producing and mixing the following year. Armin's passion for mixing progressed. He started working as a DJ in a local club called Nexus, finished high school in 1995 and went on to university to study law. Meanwhile he moved his studio equipment from his bedroom to a 'real' studio. The first tracks he produced in his new studio were, amongst others, hits like "Touch Me" and "Communication". Lots of tracks followed, all with a different feel to it. Armin doesn't like to be limited to a particular style by labelling his music. A phrase he often uses is: 'don't be prisoner of your own style'. Armin likes to describe his musical style as euphoric, uplifting, melodic and energetic. Due to the fact that Armin is very ambitious he's been doing a lot of things at the same time: studying, producing and being a DJ. He truly believes that the only way to be able to do so is by enjoying what you do. Armin wants to fulfil his dream, which is 'doing what he loves most and have as much fun as possible doing it".

yg gw bold itu statement klo armin juga kuliah law smpe skrg, dan yg terkhir gw paling suka tuh..hehe

just my 2cent

Quote from: teguhwulung on 21/04/09, 20:04
Quote from: DJFoo on 21/04/09, 19:12

Lagian g mungkin juga kan kita mau DJ trus2an mpe tua. . .
Haha . . .

KLO GW bakalan ampe tua bwat jd DeeJay
what ever you say..


huahauahaua gokil ah...
"Enourmous Uplift"