
Tes Kecerdasan... can you read it? hehehe

Started by bimzkee, 28/03/07, 20:58

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WAHHH saya bisa... yesss berhasil juga kmaren ngambil kelas baca KEJAR paket A... hehe

hehehehehe....bisa aja ni bimzkee....

coba bacanya pas lagi hacep....
- freak.culture -

ayooo besok wiken pulang "jalan2" coba tes baca lagi yaah...pengen tau gimana mata & otak gw bekerja nya hehehe  ;D ;D ;D
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

arrh... gue ga mau baca.... ! bawaan pingin gue edit... gemes.. ;D :-\

Wew keren juga tuh penelitian... betul betul...:D

AaaaaaKuu bisa loohh membacanya....  8) 8)
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

hauhaua bisa2 boss...tanpa tersendat...hehe...

setelah gue perhatiin cara nulisnya sama semua yaaa...

rata2 huruf ke 2 ditaruh ke 1 huruf sebelum terakhir...jd asal kebaca tengahnya langsung deh! ;)


if you can read this, you have a strange mind too
Can you read this? Onlu 55 people out of 100 can.

I couldnt believe that i could actually understand what i saw .... the phemonemal power of human mind
according to a research at cambridge university, it doesnt matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter are, the onlu important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind doesnt read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. Amazing huh? yead and I always thought spelling was important if you can read this forward it..

huh akhirnya  :-\.. yah sekalian blajar bahasa inggris nih gw, kalo ga ngerti english ribet juga :)
Live PA itu Rockssss !!!!!

kalo begini pada ngerti ga..
di bawah ini kata sandi gw waktu smp.. gampang kok...

segebegenagarnyaga iginigi gagampagang kogok.. higilagangkagan huguruguf gege degengagan pegeugulagangagan huguruguf vogokagalnyaga
Live PA itu Rockssss !!!!!

aku aja baru baca depannya jg langsung bisa tuh.. ahuahuahuhauhauhau.... ;D ;D

Quote from: Octav S.O.Fex on 05/04/07, 11:46
kalo begini pada ngerti ga..
di bawah ini kata sandi gw waktu smp.. gampang kok...

segebegenagarnyaga iginigi gagampagang kogok.. higilagangkagan huguruguf gege degengagan pegeugulagangagan huguruguf vogokagalnyaga

hauhaaga >>> sebenernya ini gampang kok..hilangkan huruf gede dengan pengulangan huruf vokalnya...

hehe,,,jd inget masa2 smp tahun 96-an..hehe..

gafamafapafang tefernyafatafa...hehehe..!


hihiihihhihi,.,,, alhamdulillaaahhhh otak sapi ga serusak ituu....
;D ;D ;D
ajojingan selalu

......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

hahaha anjret peer juga tuh gw bacanya,.......

gw bisa tp 1 kata yg gw bingung, huehueue......

07/04/07, 16:18 #40 Last Edit: 07/04/07, 16:32 by xesid
Quote from: bimzkee on 28/03/07, 21:28
jdai ahrcie, jlue & kc aldaah mausnia2 pnietr. klao lgia bsaain kria2 pdaa bsia bcaa gak ya?

nymaaph bganet ya gw???

gkiol obs....
absi ugja ndog...
abisnah abca iin uclu ujga...
ignama olka niijda habaas atik di xvlr????

sabi brur.. hahaha..
"What ever people say I am, that's what I'm not"

Kereeen... jenius banget nih yang buat !
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

wah om Bimz cerdas banget !!!

tapi saya bisa walaupun agak ribet !!!

i cna raed tish !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


nggak ada bedanya....bisa kebaca kok...

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

kebaca sih, walaupun harus 1 menit per baris..:D

@ Bimzkee

K256 i64 L8 B472 B22A G25 ???

ngerti ga ? heheheheh

asib acab aguj wg! nupualaw tikides amal olk asahab id kilab2 adap lacnar kag ol aumes?

wah saia bisa om bimzkee!!

ada yg lebih susah?? :P huehue..
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.