
"the Crowds " in INDO

Started by pleki, 07/06/05, 11:19

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r they taking the next level of knowledge in the global dance scene ?
:twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

the dance community crowds are going bigger and bigger for me ,lets share about you guys all wanna tell about the crowds in Indo  :lol:  :lol:

everything seems so cool lately...........:)

Manja, nggak mau evolve, kurang educated, kurang experrimental, ama commercil, to many druger not raver  but if you know how to shake them, they can realy get hype up to have a nice bouncy dancefloor....

they have beeen influenced by good music anyway :)

sudah cukup maju lahhhh....sumpehh lo :P


stujuuuuuu........  8)   :lol:

Lebih lancar lagi kalo ditambah AQUA DINGIN!!! Hahahaha.....

First of all, Crowd di Indonesia udah sangat open terhadap dance music. TAPI, masih harus banyak education inside dance music crowd itself. Banyak crowd disini yang masih terlalu subjective. Mereka suka music karena DJ nya bukan musicnya. Dan masih banyak crowd yang suka request lagu (which is lumayan fatal bagi para DJ, terutama jika mereka memainkan alur dlm set mereka). Intinya, crowdnya udah ok tapi appreciation mereka terhadap musicnya harus lebih ditingkatkan. PEACE

Quote from: "Anonymous"Lebih lancar lagi kalo ditambah AQUA DINGIN!!! Hahahaha.....
tambah vicks inhaler syooobbb, biar tambah uplifting gituhlooo kalo kata DJ DJ mah,,,  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

The music it self is already enough ecstacy.. Please keep that in mind guys.. PLUR


hahahahaha.. uplifting!! iyya deehh iyyaa bang dijee..
iya tuh bener, mereka suka lagunya karena DJ yang maenin.. bbrp taun lalu gue uda suka sama beberapa lagu which is dulu itu masih belom diterima banget bangetan! eh 3 taun kemudian gue denger tu lagu dimaenin DJ terkenal.. and hey! langsung jadi happening..
kalo disebuah club dimaenin lagu aliran baru, dancefloor langsung bubar kalo crowd masih asing dan ga ngerti lagunya apaan..

vibration is a feeling not "a format"

gue rasa, prinsip "dengar musiknya, bukan lihat djnya" blm dianut sama crowd jakarta.

Quote from: "Anonymous"gue rasa, prinsip "dengar musiknya, bukan lihat djnya" blm dianut sama crowd jakarta.

Yoi bener bgt.. di sini masih nge liat djnya.... dan kuat kuatan isu.....
padahal dj tersebut belum tentu asik.. karena crowdnya banyak jadi yg ngak ngerti jadi ikutan suka.. jadi bukan karena lagu dan skill tuh dj.. melainkan " politic of dancing " yg berbicara

support your local DJ

bagi gua, tidak hanya music yang penting, tapi juga ambient yang lebih penting. ambient itu diciptakan oleh the journey of the music played by the dj dan atmosphere created by the crowd. Sabtu malem kemaren aku sama temen2 ke club monaco (apparently a john digweed pre-party). good music, tapi very stuck-up crowd (read : too many b-grade celebrities and their hangers-on) yang hanya menjadi posse. Melihat mereka2 itu sangat merusak mood. Jadi aku dan temen2 hanya spent little time dan langsung cabut ke jockey lounge di Mille's. a No-frill journey. But what a very good journey !

"feel vibration"

crowd ??? what crowd ??? hehehe =p

crowd? crowd? crowd?
hihihi... apa crowd di sini kudu pake e..hacep..kenceng..rame..gemuruh..menggelegar..like a rolling thunder..???? crowded !!!
wihh malah bingung.. kalo kaya gitu, brarti jarang liat totally crowded di sini sih.. dancefloor di sini manis2..rapi..imut2.. not like a rock concert!
btw.. trance in mind aint crowd..?? flying like a smoke..diving like a stone..

hehe.. apakabar ndre?

baek2 heheh disitu apa kabar ??? turun gunung nonton digweed gak ??

turun gunung? hehehe...iya nih abis liat digweed, naik gunung lagi..
flow-nya digweed patut ditiru tuh.. sayang crowd-nya kyk-nya kalah ama yg di wb.. crowd? whats crowd? or crowded?

sayang gw bentar bgt di jkt.. gak sempet call elo ndree..
see ya in next great events :)

gw udah gak di jakarta sekarang man....be back for new year though...see u around man....best of luck =)