
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Started by lazydog | rico, 30/05/08, 12:29

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sekedar share guys..

The Problem:
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

For everybody in the club scene; DJs, Club Employees, Musicians, and Club Patrons, your hearing needs to be protected. Every night in the club, your precious hearing is in danger.

Once your hearing is damaged, it cannot be repaired.  No matter how poor your hearing already is or how loudly your ears ring, it will only get worse unless you protect what you have.

Hearing Loss

There are three different types of hearing loss:

    1. Conductive: Conductive hearing loss occurs in the outer and middle ear.
    2. Sensorineural: Sensorineural hearing loss occurs in the inner ear. The most common causes are one or more episodes of prolonged exposure to loud noise, damage due to certain medications, or simply the process of aging.
    3. Mixed: Mixed hearing loss is a combination of a conductive and a sensorineural hearing loss.

    (from Hear USA Hearing Loss Information Database)

Sensorineural hearing loss is a very real risk for music enthusiasts, regardless of the genre of music or the type of venue in which it is heard: what matters are the duration and intensity of exposure. The longer you are exposed to loud noise, and/or the louder the noise to which you are exposed, the worse will be the damage to your hearing.

If you've ever spent even one night at the club or at a concert, you probably heard a ringing or roaring sound in your ears when you tried to go to sleep that night. Though the temporary ringing in your ears will usually fade and disappear after a day or two, the damage to your hearing is permanent and cumulative. Over repeated exposures, the temporary ringing will become louder and more permanent, and any reduction in hearing acuity will accumulate, until you are totally deaf and able to hear only the ringing or roaring generated internally in your ears.

The noise in your ears is called Tinnitus -- a condition many well known DJs and musicians already have.


    TINNITUS (ti-NIGHT-us or TIN-i-tus): the perception of sound in the ears or head where no external source is present. Both pronunciations are correct; the American Tinnitus Association uses ti-NIGHT-us. The word comes from Latin and means "to tinkle or to ring like a bell."
    In almost all cases, tinnitus is a subjective noise, meaning that only the person who has tinnitus can hear it. Someone with tinnitus often describes it as "ringing in the ears," but people report hearing all kinds of sounds: crickets, whooshing, pulsing, ocean waves, buzzing, even music.
    Many people will experience it temporarily or intermittently. Most people...experience this "ringing in the ears" 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
    (from The American Tinnitus Association)

Tinnitus is the pervasive problem in the club and DJ scene. Once Tinnitus has developed, there is no cure, and the best treatment solutions available simply mask the permanent ringing, roaring, whining, or hissing in your ears. Imagine that your every quiet moment of silence is suddenly filled with a frustrating background noise only you can hear: without proper hearing protection, this could happen to you.
"What if I Already Have Tinnitus?!"

If you already suffer from tinnitus, you may be able to get relief by using an active noise masking solution. Active noise masking of tinnitus works by adding a sound to your environment that is less annoying than the sound you generate internally, and that reduces the sensitivity of your hearing, or "turns down" the volume of your internal tinnitus noises

The Solution:
Hearing Protection Devices and White Noise Generators

The good news is that you don't have to sacrifice sound quality to stay safe.

There are a variety of hearing protection options available that can protect your hearing without distorting music and speech, so you can listen clearly and safely wherever you go.

lanjutan ke http://earplugstore.com/satellite.htm?gad=CPT29LkBEgj2MKZwV4VMzhilqbr_AyDc450M
ntar di kira ngiklan gw..

intinya, supaya kita masi bisa dengerin tangisan pertama cucu kita hihihi...


thx sob info-nya ...
bbrp kali sempet ngalamin kuping berdengung...
mungkin radiasi suara dengan DB tinggi [klama'an pasang headphone]

nice post !!

ada yg pake ear-plug ga..
bole tau namanya apa n beli dmana...
dan nyaman gaa...

gw cuman punya earplug untuk tidur dapat dari MAS airlines  :-\ *piss* ;D

gw hampir selalu pake earplug kalo gig atopun skedar mampir,
emang sih, banyak yang liat aneh, tapi sampe ketemu aja 10 tahun lagi sob...hehehe

tiap mau ngobrol copot satu, plus kata2 pembuka dari gw berupa " HAA???"

gw beli di ace hardware, 22 ribu, isi 6 pasang 2 warna, sama dapet neck strap juga

yup.. same ear-plug here..
merek krisbow kan..
yg gw pengen tau, aman2nya manusia mendengar berapa desibel. or freq..
and ni earplug bisa blocking suara ampe berapa desibel yah..
hehe.. maklum ga ada user-manual nya ni benda hehe..

gw mulai consider pake ni benda.. my last gig.. damn, what a weird experience
ga enak banget kuping gw.. emang soundnya overload banget, soalnya sound utama parah, suara bergema, its very LOUDDDD, tapi bergema.. di HALL gedung serba guna gitu.... jadi speaker monitor suaranya terpaaksa gw gedein biar bs denger detail musicnya..
lagi mixing bagus2, tiba2 kuping sebelah kiri gw ga enak banget pendengaran kaya speaker pecah.. pokoknya ga enak dehh.. susah menjelaskannya, kaya kuping jadi basah gt, and gw reflek kecilin speaker monitor and and jongkok sambil pencet2in kuping gw.. its hurt...
hiii.. moga2 ga knapa2 ni kuping hehe..