
Secret Behind Superstar Live Act

Started by Gober, 09/04/13, 16:45

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Pernah bertanya apa aja yang dipakai sama superstar dj / band dibalik megahnya setup panggung macam Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Skillex Bassnectar atau Flying Lotus. Mengejutkan bahwa peralatan yang dipakai Daft Punk sebenarnya cuma alat alat standart yang bisa kita temuin di toko eceran DJ seperti Ableton Live yang dikontrol dengan midi kontroller Behringer BCR-2000.

Blog The Button&Knobs yang bertanggung jawab memberikan kita detil dari setup panggung para superstar ini. Koleksi lengkap mereka bisa dilihat di website berikut :


Berikut ini tulisan mereka tentang Daft Punk:

The robotic duo known as Daft Punk has long been an innovating force in electronic music; receiving multiple awards and becoming a huge influence on electronic artists and music today. For their Alive 2007 tour, they created a stunning live performance using a variety of devices and controllers. (Top row: Daft Punk's "Super Computers." Bottom row: 2 Behringer BCR2000 Controllers and 2 JazzMutant Touchscreens.)

- Computer: "custom super-computers" – this is how Daft Punk describes it, although they have been seen performing with 4 MacBook Pros in front of them (presumably a main computer and a backup for each person). However, it wouldn't seem too farfetched for a large electronic act to invest in custom hardware and software.
- Software: Ableton Live
- Controllers: 2 Behringer BCR2000 MIDI Controllers, 2 JazzMutant Lemur Touchscreen Controllers
- Other: 4 Minimoog Voyagers

Sumber : http://deejers.wordpress.com/ via Beatportal

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tetep ga ngerti gue diapain aja tuh tombol jadi musikinya banyak dan suaranya bisa kaya begitu. DAFT PUNK...one of the best!
what we want what we believe

Genius behind the mask
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

kalo gw tebak2 ..... mereka running 2 ableton timeclocked, dan abletonnya juga send midi ke 4 minimoog itu bcr buat control mixer or lemur , pastinya mereka mixing in the box .... which is perlu bad ass computer buat process segitu banyak sinyal analog dari moog .....

so yeah make sense kalo mereka build komputer sendiri atau grid computing make 4 mbp buat jadi satu super computer

tebakan doang loh ....

Imagine setting all of those shit up di deck indonesia clubs.
ribet.. Colokan susah.. Space ga ada..setting up n transisinya berantem sama dj lainnya..
n not to mention to worst of it all: UR CROWD DOESNT GIVE A SHIT HOW U PERFORM AT ALL....
Dulu filosofi gw untuk invest gear n settiing up :
more complex n maximize the set...
naah kalo sekarang:
setup is simple n super portable.. Play ur shit n get the fuck out ASAP


Keren .
emang legend daftpunk ini

Of course ribet to the max karena ada 2 dimensi yang di represent buat crowded, Visual & Sound (VJ-ing + DJ-ing). Teamwork 100%