
True or False? -tiesto-

Started by sonique, 07/05/06, 00:29

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Quote from: Ian on 08/05/06, 18:11
Gw optimis akan makin banyak dj2 top dunia yang tetap ingin datang di Indonesia, dan mudah2an EO2 dan promoter2 lain bisa menyelenggarakan dengan lebih baik.

All people smile in the same language...

Quote from: towardsomega on 07/05/06, 20:51
yeah.. i heard that..
well u know substance is tricky..
once you get the happiness,..
and next u get your trouble...
dont get too much and know yourself is nice..
dont put our life into a game and played by drugs..
we have the power. so control it..
about DJ Mag?
speechless.. d'you know that PVD said that he's not gonna come to Indonesia?
i heard that indoesia is a racism country..
too bad.. it's too complicated..

yiang bener boss....wah apa kita aja ya yang kesana..yaelaahh..makin gila nih negara gua min gilaa..


Kalau di DJ Magazine disebut James Sullivan sebagai promoter Tiesto, terus Benang Merah sebagai apanya ya? Bukannya promoternya Benang Merah terus James Sullivan sebagai Brokernya.

"For five years promoters here have been trying to get him to come over, and as a result there was a lot of jealousy when we secured him, which might explain the rumours on the Internet."  - Ini statement James Sullivan di DJ Magazine, kok berani-beraninya dia bilang Promoter Indonesia kaya gitu ya? Gokil.

Bukannya dia orang bule yang pakai visa turis kesini? Apa dia enggak mikiri kalau ada Promoter Indonesia kecewa denger statement dia kaya gitu terus lapor ke Imigrasi dan dia di deportasi. Hati-hati akh

Hidup Promoter Indonesia!!



Judul artikelnya aja udah serem banget "DJ Tiësto Concert Death"

Wah, yang kayak gini nih nggak fair banget, kenapa mas James Sullivan malah mendeskriditkan Indonesia?
Kan dia sudah mengambil keuntungan finansial dengan jadi brokernya Tiesto ke Indonesia, dan setelah itu malah bikin berita yang menjatuhkan nama Indonesia.
Kayaknya harus ada counter back yang ngejeasin semuanya secara adil, mungkin dari pihak Benang Merah bisa kirim statement ke ravelex.net dan DJ mag.com jelasin semuanya secara fair dan jelasin juga posisi masing masing, Benang Merah, James Sullivan, eo lokal. Kalo ngga ada suaranya berarti menyetujui semua yang di suarakan oleh si mas James. Resiko bawa artis mendunia ya harus siap think globally dong, Public Relation nya harus siap tuh.

pake nyebut sponsor pula...
"This isn't the first time that a clubber had died of an overdose in this country, and club events here are sponsored by major cigarette or alcohol companies, so the authorities don't like to interfere that much."

hah.. capek deh...
yg jelas kita semua musti instropeksi diri deh kayanya.....
....lighting can strike....

Quote from: stormtroopers on 09/05/06, 11:12

Judul artikelnya aja udah serem banget "DJ Tiësto Concert Death"

Wah, yang kayak gini nih nggak fair banget, kenapa mas James Sullivan malah mendeskriditkan Indonesia?
Kan dia sudah mengambil keuntungan finansial dengan jadi brokernya Tiesto ke Indonesia, dan setelah itu malah bikin berita yang menjatuhkan nama Indonesia.
Kayaknya harus ada counter back yang ngejeasin semuanya secara adil, mungkin dari pihak Benang Merah bisa kirim statement ke ravelex.net dan DJ mag.com jelasin semuanya secara fair dan jelasin juga posisi masing masing, Benang Merah, James Sullivan, eo lokal. Kalo ngga ada suaranya berarti menyetujui semua yang di suarakan oleh si mas James. Resiko bawa artis mendunia ya harus siap think globally dong, Public Relation nya harus siap tuh.

pake nyebut sponsor pula...
“This isn’t the first time that a clubber had died of an overdose in this country, and club events here are sponsored by major cigarette or alcohol companies, so the authorities don’t like to interfere that much.”

Setuju. Ancur banget nih si James Sullivan-nya

baru aja kita nyela2 James Sullivan, eeehhh.. doi jadi the latest member Ravelx. Beneran JV sendiri atau nggak mana tahu...

09/May/2006, 05:51:39 PM
29.570 Posts in 2.413 Topics by 1.570 Members
Latest Member: James Sullivan

Quote from: Ian on 09/05/06, 16:38
baru aja kita nyela2 James Sullivan, eeehhh.. doi jadi the latest member Ravelx. Beneran JV sendiri atau nggak mana tahu...

09/May/2006, 05:51:39 PM
29.570 Posts in 2.413 Topics by 1.570 Members
Latest Member: James Sullivan

Bagus dong.. kalo emang bener dia, mungkin bisa jelasin maksud dari statementnya di DJmag.com


I would like to add my comments surrounding the Tiësto issue.

Firstly I am NOT the promoter of Tiësto and never at any stage did I say that I was .This was only assumed by DJ magazine, my involvement was only to to assist in helping to bring Tiësto to Indonesia.

Secondly DJ mag did call me asking for information surrounding the unfortunate death. At first I did not want to comment out of respect and in keeping with the families request for this information not to be made public. I believe that it is the families right to grieve there loss in private, but after considering this I did comment hoping that this would put an end to the speculation and rumors.

Unfortunately for some reason unknown to me DJmag where only interested in the issue surrounding the death. I asked DJ mag to concentrate there reporting on the positive aspects of the event and also about the great and vibrant scene that Indonesia has. My comments unfortunately were taken out of context, what I did say is that 'this isn't the first time that someone has died, and as long as people take drugs it wont be  the last time', when I said this I was talking globally and not specifically about Indonesia and I was also reflecting on the fact that on average 40 people die each year in the UK alone. I'm also well aware of this situation because a few years ago I lost a very close friend who died in the same way.

If I realized that DJ mag's reporting was going to be so vastly wrong then I wouldn't have said anything and the rumors would have continued. People shouldn't always believe what they read as it is quite common that reporters often twist the truth to sensationalize there articles and attract more readers.

I've put in a lot of hard work in assuring to artists that Indonesia is a safe place to come and perform at times when quite frankly a lot of artists were scared to come to Indonesia. The idea to put Tiësto into Bali was to help boost tourism and to show the world that if such high profile artists can come to bali, i hope this was realised. Even the fact that it made no economical sense for Tiësto to perform in Bali.

Also my comments regarding Jealousy where 100% true, certain companies where very jealous about the tiesto event and made things difficult for this event to be successful. Unfortunately this is the 'politix of dancin'. This kind of thing will only deter artists from wanting to come to indonesia, perhaps certain people should concentrate there frustation and anger at the police, government and tourism departments that didnt support this event and dont support indonesian dance music community, again unfortunately they only saw it as another way to fill there pockets and make extra money.

I also don't understand the comments about deporting me, I thought dance music was supposed to be about building bridges and communities and breaking down barriers of race and colour. I didnt realise that house music recognised borders!

I've supported and dedicated 20years of my life to supporting dance music, but the funny thing is nobody remembers the good things.

I'll continue to support the indonesian music scene as i think personally it's has great potential to be the biggest and best scene in asia. Tiesto also thought that indonesia was amazing and will go back and tell everybody how good it was here. Personally i thought the ancol event was a great success and most people i've spoken to said they really enjoyed it, I know also that there were some problem surrounding the event and i hope that we can learn from mistakes and move foward to make the experience better for everybody.

Regards & respect

James Sullivan

P.s. Perhaps the person who wants to deport me is the same person who made the problems for tiesto's permit in jogja?

eh ini sullivan bneran ga sih...?

H I X   :'(

berduka nih.. smakin terpuruk oh terpuruk..

ngaji aja yu ah rame2..
.::Asoy selalu::.

iya tuh...beneran JV ato oknum yah??
dan knp masalahnya jd makin ruwet gini yah??..duh...makin pusing  ???
underground movements...

eh tunggu tunggu... ini beneran sullivan? sepertinya begitu ya...
ajojingan selalu

kayanya sih ia yah....
....lighting can strike....

Gitu dong mas James. Jadi ada klarifikasi nya...mungkin sebenernya emang si DJmag blow up issue nya beda sama real interviewnya.
tapi kok mas James aja ya? Pihak lainnya mana?

It was fast feedback from mas James, but still we've a doubt you are the real "James Sullivan" ....
but thanks anyway.

beneran ini sih....
udahlah guys,gw rasa kita percuma juga nyela2 james atau siapapun disini... nga akan ada gunanya...
toh itu semua udah tertulis di djmag...
yang penting adalah gimana kita perbaikin image negara kita ini dimata internasional biar dj2 itu pada mau dateng kesini

@james: can u clarified this things to djmag?

thx jv... tapi penjelasan dari benangkusut nyaa mana? diem aja kaya lagi pada nunggu angkot nih...  :-\
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

gw pikir si james ini ada benernya juga.. bisa jadi ada pihak2 tertentu yang bikin ribet pas tiesto disini, karena mungkin ada sponsor rokok lain yang juga sering bikin event dance gini...trus beberapa hal di bikin rumit.
trus usaha si james juga dah bagus bisa bawa tiesto ke bali...walaupun dari segi ekonomis ga gitu gede buat si tiesto..tapi tiesto dah mau bikin tourism di bali jadi rame waktu itu..memang seharusnya pemerintah kita perlu peduli dikit dengan suara kita kali ya..di singapore aja event zouk out didukung sepenuhnya oleh badan pariwisata singapore.
soal ada yang od, kan udah dibilangin dimana2 say no to drugs..

iya tuh bener fer! di screen-nya tiesto kemaren aja ada tulisan SAY NO TO DRUGS pas dia lagi maen... hehehehehe ;D gede gila lagi,, pasti kebaca itu! ;D
ajojingan selalu

iya gw baca tulisan Say No To Drugs, tapi pas gw baca rada ngeblur..... bener gak? hehehe

pasti pas nge blur tulisannya "No" nya ngga ada deh... jd tetep santai... hihihihi

Respect to James Sullivan... Good job bringing Tiesto in Indonesia... Finally :)
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Quote from: dj ferdy on 09/05/06, 22:18
gw pikir si james ini ada benernya juga.. bisa jadi ada pihak2 tertentu yang bikin ribet pas tiesto disini, karena mungkin ada sponsor rokok lain yang juga sering bikin event dance gini...trus beberapa hal di bikin rumit.

anda kok tahu soal ini juga ya. Soalnya nih, gw dapet info juga kan ada rokok lain yang waktu itu mau sponsor juga (produk dari sebuah pabrik rokok yang berlokasi di kota kudus), tapi nggak jadi, dan bikin ribet ijin di Jogja. Itu yang gw tau lho.....

10/05/06, 00:52 #47 Last Edit: 10/05/06, 01:05 by Ian

Thanks a heap for your well thought of, and well meaning, explanation re: DJ Mag's Tiesto's article.
As a person who also has lost someone very dear to me in a very high profile situation, I certainly can understand very well the surviving family's request not to publicize their loss, and indeed, I did not hear anything about it in any Indonesian media.

I also thought that the article was very biased and way too focused on a single death while knowing very well that there are many more drug-related deaths in Europe in rave parties/clubs every month (don't get me wrong, one death is a death too many, but in the case of Ancol, it was out of EO/promoter's control that it happened in the first place). I understand that magazine such as DJ Mag tries to bring out a little controversies surrounding Tiesto's Indonesian tour to sell their magazine, but any experienced raver could easily assume that they were not present in Ancol. Almost everyone who were present in Ancol obviously enjoyed the amazing experience despite little incoveniences here and there (such as in entering venues and in buying drinks). DJ Mag did not even mention Tiesto's impression of his Jakarta's gig, which I thought should have been necessary - hey, after all that's the name of their mag :  DJ Mag !
I know that DJ mag is neither the Financial Times nor the BBC (in terms of balance reporting), but hey, they should have been a lot more fair if only to support development of dance music in unlikely regions in the world.

So, please do not get discouraged by any of these setbacks, and please bring in some more World's top DJs to Indonesia for years to come.
(my personal request : Oakenfold, Hawtin, PvD, Tenaglia   :)

Lastly, I share your conviction that Indonesia could become host to the best and biggest electronic dance music events/communities in Asia !



Kok pada terkontaminasi gitu ye? Enggak fair kalau kita mensetujui bahwa ada sebuah produk rokok yang tidak dapat deal mensponsori Tiesto terus bikin ulah sampai-sampai ijin di Jogyakarta enggak keluar. Pertanyaan gue kena tuh produk rokok, enggak bikin ribet sekalian show di Bali dan Jakarta??? Buat gue ijin Jogya enggak keluar karena tidak professionalan Benang Merah.

Bener deh temen-temen coba cek sama teman-teman kita yang selalu bkin ijin di Jogyakarta buat acara-acara rave party, apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di sana waktu Tiesto. Jadi kita enggak masuk perangkap dengan menyalahkan dan membenarkan hal-hal yang enggak benar.

Terus kenapa James Sullivan membuat statement seperti yang ada di DJ Magazine yang dia bantah akhirnya. Karena hanya untuk meluruskan dan membenarkan diri sendiri. Mana ada sih "penjahat" ngaku kalau enggak dipukulin dulu. Gw jujur ngerasa sedih ngelihat kita-kita selalu dikasih informasi yang salah, senang dapat informasi berbahasa Inggris terus selesai masalahnya. Jangan teman-teman, please kita double check statementnya. Ngomong-ngomong Journalist DJ Magazine yang nulis soal Tiesto itu denger-denger bakal datang ke Jakarta ngeliput Embassy Playground, nah kesempatan buat kita mendouble check soal statement James Suliivan dan artikel DJ Magazine.

Terus teman-teman kaya seneng banget ada broker bule yang beli DJ International terus di jual ke promoter sini sih??? Banyak kok promoter Indonesia yang hebat negoisasinya dan bisa dapat harga yang relatif bagus. Ingat teman-teman keberhasilan James Sullivan mendapatkan Tiesto karena dia menawarkan Tiesto main di Candi Prambanan yang notabene jadi monumen nasional. Dan dia enggak pernah ngerti kalau enggak bakal ada ijin buat rave party lagi di sana. Mengenai Bali emang selalu gitu dealnya, DJ main di sana terus dapat holiday di sana, jadi enggak usah heran kalau banyak DJ mau main free atau dibayar murah untuk main di Bali. Iya itu karena dikasih holiday

Terus buat Ian, udah ada kok promoter sini yang bakal ambil Paul Oakenfold, Richie Hawtin, Paul van Dyk, Danny Tenaglia tanpa melewati broker James Sullivan   

Kesimpulannya adalah jangan mudah percaya sama-sama statement orang luar yang enggak ngerti karakter. situasi dan kondisi dance music di Indonesia. Mereka dengan gampang bis meninggalkan borok dan dia tinggal balik ke negaranya. Selesai masalah. Nah kita yang tinggal di Indonesia yang bakal kena getahnya.

Buat event Tiesto, emang kudunya Benang Merah musti kasih klarifikasi. Apalagi gue denger-denger dari orang dalam bahwa James Sullivan udad dikeluarin dari Benang Merah

Love Indonesia

aduh...udah deh daripada ribut, mendingan mikirin gimana caranya dj2 luar mo dateng en ngerasa nyaman spinning di indo...
emang sih broker2 luar mungkin nggak begitu paham kondisi en karakter indo sebaik kita yang di indo sendiri, tapi gue rasa dj2 luar mungkin lebih comfy en confident kalo yang melakukan pendekatan orang yang mereka rasa sama2 dari "luar"....tapi ini bukannya gue mendukung 100% broker2 luar, yang mau gue tekankan cuman sejauh mana usaha promotor2 indo membikin image yang bagus dimata dj2 luar
thnx, just a thought

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...