
Tuli Mengancam Kaum Muda

Started by awanikov, 21/02/08, 11:22

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Menurut penelitian, ketulian menyerang orang makin dini. Penyebabnya adalah gaya hidup modern, seperti mendengarkan musik melalui earphone.

Entakan irama musik menemani perjalanan Linda. sebut saja begitu namanya.  selama penerbangan dari Bangkok menuju Jakarta .
Sejak pesawat lepas landas hingga mendarat di Bandar Udara Soekarno-Hatta, sekitar tiga setengah jam, earphone yang tersambung pada alat pemutar musik mini terus menempel di telinga gadis 18 tahun ini.
Semula Linda merasa asyik dan nikmat bisa mendengarkan musik kesayangannya tanpa peduli orang sekitar. Namun, ketika kupingnya tak lagi disumpal, dia terkejut.
Ternyata kupingnya terus berdengung dan gerebek-gerebek. Berkali-kali Linda menelan ludah, berharap dengungan dan rasa ¨penuh¨ di telinga segera pergi, tapi gagal.
Kupingnya malah makin budek. Hiruk-pikuk kesibukan bandara cuma terdengar sayup-sayup.
Untunglah, perlahan-lahan dengungan itu memudar. Tapi Linda merasa pendengarannya tak setajam sebelumnya. Kondisi ini memaksanya mendatangi klinik telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan (THT). ¨Dia mengalami ketulian sampai 110 desibel,¨ kata Ratna D. Restuti, dokter spesialis THT dari Rumah Sakit Proklamasi, Jakarta Pusat, yang menangani gadis itu.
Angka 110 menunjukkan ukuran intensitas pendengaran atau audiogram. Untuk orang dengan pendengaran normal, audiogramnya terletak antara nol dan 20 desibel.. Di atas angka itu, artinya kondisi telinga sudah tidak beres.
Kebiasaan mendengarkan musik dengan alat yang langsung disumpalkan ke telinga (earphone) yang menjadi tren di kalangan anak muda masa kini membuat prihatin Ratna. Apalagi lingkungan sekarang tak bebas dari kepungan suara bising: rumah dengan suara berbagai peralatan elektronik, jalan raya yang penuh kendaraan bermotor, tempat-tempat hiburan dengan musik keras, dan pabrik yang penuh geraman mesin.
Menurut hasil penelitian Jenny Bashiruddin, yang juga ahli THT, efek bising ini memang luar biasa. ¨Tak ada yang menyadari, misalnya, pusat permainan anak-anak di mal juga sumber bising berbahaya, karena tingkat kebisingannya mencapai 90-95 desibel,¨ kata Jenny, yang melakukan penelitian efek bising di berbagai tempat selama 2007.
Dengan tingkat suara setinggi itu, anak-anak seharusnya hanya boleh tinggal satu-dua jam. Jika lebih lama dari itu, akan terjadi kelelahan koklea (rumah siput), yang berperan penting dalam proses pendengaran. Kelelahan koklea yang terjadi terus-menerus dan tak segera ditangani dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran menetap. Menurut Jenny, makin sering dan lama diserbu kebisingan, makin cepat berkurang masa seseorang mampu mendengar secara normal.
Alhasil, tuli pun makin dini menyerang orang.
Ini rupanya menjadi kecenderungan global. Di Amerika Serikat, melalui penelitian lebih komprehensif, telah disimpulkan bahwa pendengaran sekitar 5,2 juta anak berusia 6-19 tahun terganggu gara-gara terlalu sering terpapar musik keras akibat pemakaian Walkman dan iPod, kebiasaan menikmati televisi ukuran jumbo dengan suara menggelegar, atau pergi ke klub joget dengan musik tekno ajib-ajib.
Para ahli kesehatan di sana memperkirakan anak-anak iPod generation ini bakal lebih awal mengalami presbiakusis (tuli karena usia lanjut), yakni pada usia 40-an tahun. Padahal, secara normal, pengurangan kualitas pendengaran baru terjadi saat menginjak usia 60-70 tahun. Kondisi Indonesia pun tidak jauh berbeda. Apalagi makin banyak saja orang wira-wiri dengan kabel bersumpal ¡¨tertancap¡¨ di telinga.
Bila tidak percaya kedahsyatan dampaknya, lihat saja nasib Linda. Menurut Ratna, gadis muda itu didiagnosis mengalami tuli akibat bising karena telah mendengarkan musik dengan perangkat yang langsung menempel di telinga secara terus-menerus lebih dari tiga jam. Alat seperti ini semakin berakibat buruk karena si pemakai cenderung menggeber volume keras-keras agar telinga mereka tidak terganggu suara berisik di sekitarnya. ¨Seperti jika digunakan di kendaraan, termasuk pesawat dan kereta api,¨ kata Ratna.
Untunglah Linda segera mendapat pertolongan. Dengan terapi hiperbalik¡Xmemberin ya obat-obatan khusus tingkat ketuliannya berkurang, tapi tak sembuh. ¡¨Tuli akibat bising memang cuma bisa dikurangi, tidak bisa pulih seratus persen jadi normal kembali,¡¨ ujar Ratna. Sebab, yang rusak adalah sel rambut pada organ telinga bagian dalam yang berfungsi menangkap rangsangan atau frekuensi suara. Bila bagian ini sudah terganggu dan rusak, tak akan bisa kembali normal.
Menurut Damayanti Soetjipto, ahli THT dari Rumah Sakit MMC, Jakarta Selatan, paparan bising merupakan salah satu penyebab ketulian di Indonesia, yang kasusnya mencapai 0,4 persen dari total jumlah penduduk. Penyebab lainnya adalah congek, serumen (kotoran telinga), obat-obatan, usia lanjut, tuli sejak lahir, dan tuli mendadak. ¨Sebenarnya sebagian bisa dicegah, tapi kesadaran masyarakat soal ini masih rendah,¨ katanya.
Untuk mendongkrak kesadaran masyarakat itu, Komisi Nasional Penanggulangan Gangguan Pendengaran dan Ketulian dibentuk dan diresmikan Sabtu dua pekan lalu di Jakarta . Damayanti, yang menjabat sebagai ketua, menerangkan komisi nasional ini dibentuk atas rekomendasi lembaga regional yang dibentuk Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), Sound Hearing 2030.
Tujuan utamanya mengurangi kasus gangguan pendengaran dan ketulian hingga 50 persen pada 2015, dan 90 persen dalam 15 tahun berikutnya.
Masalahnya, kebisingan belum dianggap sebagai ancaman serius. Bising malah dianggap keren.. Beberapa aktivitas kehidupan modern identik dengan kebisingan. Konser-konser musik digelar dengan sound system makin canggih. Tengok juga sejumlah kafe dan diskotek serta berbagai tempat nongkrong anak muda yang bertebaran di penjuru kota . Juga jalan raya yang makin semrawut dan bising. Itu semua masih ditambah dengan hobi mendengarkan musik dengan earphone. Sepertinya, makin bising makin keren. Tapi, jika sudah tuli, pasti tidak lagi keren.

Suara Mengalir Sampai Jauh
1. Saat suara masuk, tulang-tulang pendengaran bergetar.
2. Suara lalu diteruskan ke koklea (rumah siput), yang terletak di bagian tengah telinga.
3. Pada koklea terdapat sel-sel rambut yang berfungsi menangkap rangsangan atau frekuensi suara.
4. Sel rambut juga berfungsi mengubah energi akustik menjadi rangsang listrik untuk dapat diteruskan ke pusat persepsi pendengaran di otak..

Suara berfrekuensi lebih dari 80 desibel dapat membuat sel-sel rambut mengalami kelelahan. Sel-sel rambut yang sering lelah lama-kelamaan rusak. Kerusakan pada sel rambut menyebabkan terganggunya proses mendengar. Akibatnya, terjadi penurunan fungsi pendengaran. Pada awalnya, penurunan fungsi pendengaran hanya bersifat sementara, tapi bila paparan bising berlangsung terus, kerusakan akan permanen.

Batas Intensitas Kebisingan dan Lama Pemaparan
Ruangan tenang: 30-40 desibel / 80 dB / 16*
Percakapan normal: 65 desibel / 85 dB / 8*
Pengisap debu, televisi: 60-70 desibel / 90 dB / 4*
Walkman/iPod: 96 desibel / 95 dB / 2*
Arena bermain anak di mal: 90-95 desibel / 100 dB / 1*
Diskotek atau klub malam: 100-120 desibel / 105 dB / 1/2*
Orkes simfoni: 110 desibel / 110 dB / 1/4*
Konser musik: rock 110-140 desibel / 115 dB / 1/8*

*Lama pemaparan tiap hari (jam)

just info...
DALTON's Family
Dance Without Moving

heheh yoi... gue pernah main, suara monitornya bikin pengeng kuping banget, selesai main, gue jadi agak2 budek gitu, persis kejadian si Linda. Setelah sehari or dua hari baru berangsur normal...

denger2 sih bisa di asuransiin kuping kita.. dari skrg kali yee.. mulai beli polis asuransi buat kuping..
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

hihihi... kaya di pelem it's all gone dong ntarnya..jadi budeg :-\ :-\ :-\

bener jg sih... apalagi yg suka pake headphone tuh,,kan lgsg ke gendang telinga suaranya

pete tong kayaknya ga tuli gara2 suara deh...dia kebanyakan ngisep coccaine yang efek akhirnya menjadikan dia tuli...hati2 yg sering mengkonsumsi ini...

makannya sekarang gw sedia ear plug, ngebantu banget..apalagi pas lagi maen... aman.. ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Rajin2 korek kuping aja biar jadi bersih isi kupingnya  ;D ;D

banyak makan makanan yang bergizi kayaknya juga bisa membantu deeeh  ;) ;)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

asuransi kuping ama asuransi jiwa emang terpisah bim?

21/02/08, 16:45 #7 Last Edit: 21/02/08, 17:12 by DJ Deny
Sasha yg gw denger dulu telinganya di asuransi setelah dia mengalami gangguan telinga thn 2001 or 2002 (lupa tahun pastinya)

Ada bebrapa tips biar telinga ga terlalu tersiksa:

- pakai ear plug
- jarak aman berdiri di floor dengan main speaker minimal 5 mtr
- buat dj bisa latihan menggunakan monitor dengan suara kecil sewaktu di dj booth(mostly gw liat dj2 luar jg set the  monitor's volume dgn volume sedang)

21/02/08, 16:51 #8 Last Edit: 21/02/08, 16:59 by Babeel
setuju sama om denny, pake ear plug. kalo ga salah, ear plug itu bisa didapatkan di ace hardware. tp mahal bo. dan cuma sekali pake. atau, kalo pusing sama suara, tapi masih mau enjoy di dalem, telinganya di sumbat sama tissue aja. it works. tp jgn dalem2, ntar susah ngeluarinnya. yg penting sedikit membungkam suara. kadang ada dj yg muter knob low sampe pol bgt, atau treble-nya ditwaek terlalu tajam. karena protes ga bisa/ga enak, ya ud, lindungin kuping sendiri aja.

@deny: jarak dari speaker depan dengan kita 5 meter? wah.. ga ravelex banget deh.. huhuhuu
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: Babeel on 21/02/08, 16:51
setuju sama om denny, pake ear plug. kalo ga salah, ear plug itu bisa didapatkan di ace hardware. tp mahal bo. dan cuma sekali pake.

ear plug bisa dibeli di toko2 olah raga terutama yg jual peralatan renang, kaya speedo/ arena. gw beli yg model busa 10.500(aslinya 21.000,diskon 50%), yang karet+tempat+spare 1 (25.000), klo di ace hardware temen gw pernah beli +-50rb ada 3 set.semua bisa dibersihin,apalagi yg akret tinggal dibilas, rasanya sih cukup murah dibandingkan daripada resiko kerusakan pendengaran... ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

makanya jgn sering2,,,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

21/02/08, 18:08 #13 Last Edit: 21/02/08, 18:12 by DJ Deny
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 21/02/08, 17:56
Quote from: Babeel on 21/02/08, 16:51
setuju sama om denny, pake ear plug. kalo ga salah, ear plug itu bisa didapatkan di ace hardware. tp mahal bo. dan cuma sekali pake.

ear plug bisa dibeli di toko2 olah raga terutama yg jual peralatan renang, kaya speedo/ arena. gw beli yg model busa 10.500(aslinya 21.000,diskon 50%), yang karet+tempat+spare 1 (25.000), klo di ace hardware temen gw pernah beli +-50rb ada 3 set.semua bisa dibersihin,apalagi yg akret tinggal dibilas, rasanya sih cukup murah dibandingkan daripada resiko kerusakan pendengaran... ;)


Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 21/02/08, 17:59
makanya jgn sering2,,,,,,

Kalo pinjem bahasanya Michael:

kurang kurangin lo.. ;D

Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 21/02/08, 15:45
asuransi kuping ama asuransi jiwa emang terpisah bim?

kayaknya bisa nambah premi buat perlindungan plus di kuping deh kalo ga salah
gue juga taunya dr miko... dia asuransiin kupingnya tuh
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

wah main CS pake headset mesti dikurangin neh.....

wah bahaya juga yah,ade2 gw kalo dengerin musik dr hp pake hansfreenya pasti kenceng2 ampe orang yg ada di sekitarnya bisa ikut dengerin.

That way guys ware your earplugs when clubing to prevent Tinnitus ........
untuk lebih jelasnya

(Ringing and Other Ear Noise)

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise that seems to originate in the ear or head. In many cases it is not a serious problem, but rather a nuisance that eventually resolves.

It is not a single disease, but a symptom of an underlying condition. Nearly 36 million Americans suffer from this disorder. In almost all cases, only the patient can hear the noise.

What causes tinnitus?

Tinnitus can arise in any of the four sections of the ear: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, and the brain. Some tinnitus or head noise is normal. If one goes into a sound proof booth and normal outside noise is diminished, one becomes aware of these normal sounds. We are usually not aware of these normal body sounds, because outside noise masks them. Anything, such as wax or a foreign body in the external ear, that blocks these background sounds will cause us to be more aware of our own head sounds. Fluid, infection, or disease of the middle ear bones or ear drum (tympanic membrane) can also cause tinnitus.

One of the most common causes of tinnitus is damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Advancing age is generally accompanied by a certain amount of hearing nerve impairment, and consequently tinnitus. Today, loud noise exposure is a very common cause of tinnitus, and it often damages hearing as well. Unfortunately, many people are unconcerned about the harmful effects of excessively loud noise, firearms, and high intensity music. Some medications (for example, aspirin) and other diseases of the inner ear (Meniere's syndrome) can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus can in very rare situations be a symptom of such serious problems as an aneurysm or a brain tumor (acoustic tumor).

How is tinnitus evaluated?

A medical history, physical examination, and a series of special tests can help determine precisely where the tinnitus is originating. It is helpful for the doctor to know if the tinnitus is constant, intermittent or pulsating (synchronous with the heart beat), or is it associated with hearing loss or loss of balance (vertigo). All patients with persisting unexplained tinnitus need a hearing test (audiogram). Patterns of hearing loss may lead the doctor to the diagnosis.

Other tests, such as the auditory brain stem response (ABR), a computerized test of the hearing nerves and brain pathways, computer tomography scan (CT scan) or, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan) may be needed to rule out a tumor occurring on the hearing or balance nerve. These tumors are rare, but they can cause tinnitus.

What is the treatment of tinnitus?

After a careful evaluation, your doctor may find an identifiable cause and be able to treat or make recommendations to treat the tinnitus. Once you have had a thorough evaluation, an essential part of treatment is your own understanding of the tinnitus (what has caused it, and your options for treatment).

In many cases, there is no specific treatment for tinnitus. It may simply go away on its own, or it may be a permanent disability that the patient will have to "live with." Some otolaryngologists have recommended niacin to treat tinnitus. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that niacin helps reduce tinnitus, and it may cause problems with skin flushing.

Can tinnitus be prevented?

Do not place objects in your ear such as cotton swabs (Q-tips) to clean your ear. This can cause a wax impaction against your eardrum which can cause tinnitus. Take blood pressure medicines and other prescribed medications as they are ordered by your doctor.

According to the American Tinnitus Association there are several things you can do to protect yourself from excessive noise related tinnitus:

    * Protect your hearing at work. Your work place should follow Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Wear ear plugs or earmuffs and follow hearing conservation guidelines set by your employer.

    * When around any noise that bothers your ears (a concert, sporting event, hunting) wear hearing protection or reduce noise levels.

    * Even everyday noises, such as blow drying your hair or using a lawnmower, can require protection. Keep ear plugs or earmuffs handy for these activities.

another story :

Tinnitus Sucks - wear your damn earplugs!


"Tinnitus is that terrible ringing in the ears that often follows exposure to loud noise. You might have noticed this after a club or concert where you were a player or a listener. The show is over, but there's a ringing in your ears. For some people, the problem is only temporary. It's frustrating but has no lasting effect. There can be more significant problems, however. It can become permanent. And that's serious business."


I have compiled this page because I am a regular clubber and in May '00 I noticed a distinct high pitched ringing in my ears which could be heard during the day and worst at night when I was trying to sleep.

After a bit of research I realised I had TINNITUS which I found out was permanent and had no cure but could be managed. Luckily I seem to have caught the condition in time and it has lessened to a mild hum which is still audible but not the high pitched screech it used to be.

I was also amazed at the number of people in Ireland who suffer from it, including DJ's. I have included some mails they sent me in reply to a query is sent to the ie-dance discussion group from various DJ's and clubbers who suffer from the problem.

I have also compiled links to various websites and discussion groups on the web, and briefly described my story because the annoying thing is that Tinnitus is common amongst clubbers but is preventative!

My Story:

The problem started when I went to a concert (rather than a club) in late 99 and the band hit a particularly dodgy note and the feedback caused ringing in my ears the next day. I have been to bands before that thrived on feedback (My Bloddy Valentine to name one) and have suffered ringing in my ears before but this time rather than talking a break I went back to my new routine of clubbing that weekend and every weekend after that.

The reason the guitar feedback started it for me was explained as follows:

"Tinnitus is most likely to be caused by mid range frequencys... such an over amped guitar, rather than in a club where there is generally a lot of bass and high end but the mid range is more likely to be cut down."

Many DJ's suffer from it from exposure to poor monitors in clubs.

"Monitors and in particular shitty little soundsystems being pushed to the limit to overcompensate for the lack of bass are the main culprits." - Alan Simms DJ Shine Belfast

Over time the hum in my ears increased slowly but didn't affect me too much. I did notice that the music in clubs seemed to be affecting me more and more and I began noticing how loud the music was.

Then in May 00 I went clubbing as usual. The club was small and seemed very loud and the next day the hum had increased an octave to a very noticable screech which I could hear during the day and especially at night, often making it difficult to fall back asleep.

I then began investigating the problem and wished I had done so earlier as I had slowly begun noticing a problem months ago but did nothing till it became annoying, which may have been to late.

I am now slightly paranoid about my hearing but I'd rather be that than have it get any worse.

I now wear ear plugs when I go clubbing.

There are two main types:

Foam/Wax Earplugs:
Available over the counter.
The problem with these is that they totally block out the sound in the club which can ruin the night.
Musician Earplugs:
These are earplugs which reduce the noise level without a major loss in clarity. They are molded to each person's ear and are therefore more expensive.
I got a pair of foam earplugs. The first night I went to a club with them in I couldn't hear a thing as they blocked out the sound completely. I tried cutting them in half and using tissues (tissues alone are NOT recommeded by the sites listed). I am currently looking into Musician Sound Attenuating Earplugs.

ia nihh gw udah mulai rada budek.

21/02/08, 21:44 #20 Last Edit: 21/02/08, 21:57 by Jerome
So wear your earplugs :

1. For emergency bisa beli earplugs di acehardware yg foam or karet bisanya warna kuning - orange .... MURAH cuma Rp 5000 sampai Rp. 10.000, cari di bagian work saftey ( helm, sarung tangan gasmask etc)
kalo gw lebih suka yg foam karena lebih enak di pake dan  ikut ngebentuk lobang kuping . nggak recomended yg buat bernang karena di desain spy air nggk masuk.

2. Beli Earplug buat High Fidelity or ER 20, BEST BUY .....Di desain buat high noise enviroment kyk konser, clubbing, pub, etc
harga sekitar 150 - 200 ribu, nggak rugi deh dari pada budeg, cocok buat clubber, DJ, VJ, Bartender, security or semua orang yg kerja atw sering ada di club / konser / pameran show.....naik motor / bajaj hehehe

3. Beli Musician Earplug......mahal sekitar 2 juta, dan harus ke dokter THT dulu bikin mold kuping, tapi emang
di desain buat musisician dan dj ( bisa pake headphone krna earplug nggk nongol) dan filternya bisa diganti sesuai kebutuhan.....if you a dj / producer / musician and have the budget this is the one.....

spy lebih jelas follow this link :

Oh ya pake earplug kyk yg di atas masih akan tetap bisa denger music dengan jelas di club malah lebih bersih kedengaranya, suara mid high yg mengganggu akan hilang, bisa ngobrol dan cenderung ngobrollebih pelan dan  nya nggak teriak2x di club....Paling2x kalo di jakarta awalnya di cela2 or di ketawain  temen2 loe ......ngapain sih loe clubing pake earplug nggak suka musiknya ya ?? or ...ih di club kok malah dengerin i pod sih..... hah ????????.........hehehehe

penting bgt tuh thanks for the info mas jerome.

Quote from: DJ Deny on 21/02/08, 18:08

Kalo pinjem bahasanya Michael:

kurang kurangin lo.. ;D

itu trick nya si mike aja biar dia bisa dapet lebih den ...

welcome to my weekend

oh, yg ky gitu. gw pernah sih, tp biasanya siang2. dan dadakan aja. bukan karena suara frekuensi tinggi. pokoknya tiba2 ngiiiiing aja, cuma ga terlalu keras, kaya telinga gw bisa menangkap gelombang radio. biasanya kl lg ada temen gw, gw nanya ke dia kl dia denger jg atau nggak. dan biasanya sih nggak, cuma gw doang yg denger. ga kebayang deh, ada suara itu dalam waktu lama, dan melengking. mumpung blom kenapa2, mesti dijaga tuh

duh udah mulai ati2 deh dr skrg,
pngn nyba make ear plug, tp pas lagi maen itu yg g w bngung, klo d pakein ear plug ap amasih bs monitoring lagu??gmn yah caranya,

(?) (?) (?)