
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: guest on 08/03/05, 11:46

Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: guest on 08/03/05, 11:46
kapan nih dj oki ??? :shock:
Title: RE: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 24/03/05, 19:25
it's going to be around the end of april or beginning of  May 2005 . The date and the venue wil be announced soon.
WE accept demo cd fom everyone who never been play out before or new comer and all the youngster djs FOR SPINNING ON THE NEXT BASS RUSH PARTY. THE TIME LIMIT IS ON THE 10TH OF APRIL 2005.

TELP: (021) 728-01434
Title: RE: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: guest on 26/03/05, 10:07
bused dah...sadis
Title: RE: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 29/03/05, 14:18
kontek persen nya dong boss !
Title: RE: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Mau ikut donk! on 29/03/05, 16:36
kasih ke sapa nech? hihihi mau test2
Title: RE: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: DJ BANDUNG on 30/03/05, 01:08
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 31/03/05, 15:28
kirm aja ke alamat di atas and ask for koko or miranti
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 31/03/05, 16:33
to : koko / minarti, ada alamat email ga ?
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 01/04/05, 09:35
boleh ikutan dwonk jadi kru.... :wink:  :)
Title: info and email
Post by: bassrush crew on 04/04/05, 18:54
for any question about BASS RUSH

email: bassrush@djoki.com.

Thank you for the reply
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: Anonymous on 08/04/05, 11:40
gimana neh....... ky dah banyak yg ngirim ye.......
tp blum ada kabar juga ne........h
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: Anonymous on 18/04/05, 13:16
KAPAN SOB ? KANGEN neh...... !
oki sibuk di bali ya ?
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: Anonymous on 18/04/05, 13:45
wah udah terlambat
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: Anonymous on 18/04/05, 17:00
maksud lohhhh terlambat ?
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: Anonymous on 19/04/05, 00:02
itu tu, masukin demo..sapa tau bisa ikud maen...
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: guest on 11/07/05, 14:17
lets get it on dude !
Title: RE: info and email
Post by: guest on 17/07/05, 18:50
dj oki whats up
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: guest on 14/09/05, 21:20
happy birthday bos,sory kelupaan ,,
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 14/09/05, 21:54
oki...oki... nirmalanya manaa..??  :lol:
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 14/09/05, 23:10
Oki Doski..
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: guest on 20/09/05, 20:27
kapan nih undang derrick carter atau deny tenaglia ?
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: clubbers on 28/09/05, 14:18
main di club dong ?bikin big event yg "happening"
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: guest on 02/10/05, 20:06
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: guest on 07/10/05, 14:01
special k is in da house
Title: RE: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 26/10/05, 15:27
Quote from: "Anonymous"it's going to be around the end of april or beginning of  May 2005 . The date and the venue wil be announced soon.
WE accept demo cd fom everyone who never been play out before or new comer and all the youngster djs FOR SPINNING ON THE NEXT BASS RUSH PARTY. THE TIME LIMIT IS ON THE 10TH OF APRIL 2005.

TELP: (021) 728-01434

nu breed nya BASS RUSH pada kemana cing ?
jarang nongol kaleeeee
Title: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: Anonymous on 27/10/05, 04:23
nu breed bassrush ?
nubreed yg kemarin nongol di bassrush 06 sih jelly sob.
Title: Re: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: pecel_lele on 11/10/06, 15:42
Quote from: bassrush crew on 04/04/05, 18:54
for any question about BASS RUSH

email: bassrush@djoki.com.

Thank you for the reply

website nya nggak di upgrade sob ?
Title: Re: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: letitia on 19/10/06, 07:20
whats up dj dos q ...hihihihi
Title: Re: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: lesli on 14/12/06, 19:14
Quote from: guest on 20/09/05, 20:27
kapan nih undang derrick carter atau deny tenaglia ?
morillo juga ok
Title: Re: waiting for "BASS RUSH" party
Post by: ableh on 05/01/07, 15:22
iya nih...
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