
Wanted New-DJs for Jakarta Movement'05

Started by JakartaMovement'05, 19/07/05, 02:53

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We are on the hunt for awesome new DJs. 12 DJs of all genres will be selected to play special 30 minute sets. Please submit your cd demo & photo while performing to NEPATHYA - Jl Petogokan I No.5 - contact person ADE RINAL. Submit your demo and photo inside an envelope, write DEMO JAKMOVE'05 in the top left corner. Deadline is 5pm - Saturday July 23rd 2005.

Your Friends at Jakarta Movement'05

how long is the demo durations?30 minutes or 1hr?

Up to you, but it would be nice if it's a full cd. Thanks very much

and do you need dj profile included in the envelope? yhx

is the "
while-performing" photo really necessary ? can i just give u my usual self-portrait ?

buat di main room ? maca iya cihh

Hi all...

Here are the requirements and additional info for the JM05 Nu DJ area :
*Send a cd of your demo (which means up to about 74 or 80 minutes, less if you want)
*We encourage all kinds of dance music genres
*You will be chosen on the basis of mixing skill, music programming, originality and that certain charisma in the mix : )
*Send a picture of yourself... even better if you are on the decks, it will get us more excited while listening to ur cd. Nude photos while djing are heavily encouraged! :P
*Send all of above together in an envelope to
NEPATHYA - Jl Petogogan I No.5 - contact person ADE RINAL
Please put your phone number & email address in the envelope so we can contact you

*if selected, you will be playing in the NU DJ area in JM05! (a small booth near the cafe area)
*12 djs will be selected, and will play 30 minutes sets each. NU DJ time is from 4pm to 10pm
*Each selected dj will get 2 (two) tickets to JM05

This activity is to give a chance to many budding djs an outlet to express themselves, and a chance to play in Jakarta Movement 05.

BTW deadline to submit is Saturday the 23rd of July 6pm...

is there any confirmation when i were selected in this audition?

You will be contacted by the one and only Ade Rinal :)

well from i what i've heard the selected NU dj's who play there don't get paid...and use a small booth and they spin from 4-10pm and come on...nobody'll come that early you'll need the crowd and audience to know how the NU dj's are performing, and how can you say that you guys will help expressing the NU dj's to get recognition....get real man !!!
my suggestion: if you wan't to be called and respected as a "pro organizer"
1. pay the artist !!! no such thing as free here
2. prep for a nice stage not a small booth
3. let them spin at the earliest 8pm onward
4. give the NU dj's at least a merchandise to appreciate their time on creating a demo cd


Quote from: "xpander"well from i what i've heard the selected NU dj's who play there don't get paid...and use a small booth and they spin from 4-10pm and come on...nobody'll come that early you'll need the crowd and audience to know how the NU dj's are performing, and how can you say that you guys will help expressing the NU dj's to get recognition....get real man !!!
my suggestion: if you wan't to be called and respected as a "pro organizer"
1. pay the artist !!! no such thing as free here
2. prep for a nice stage not a small booth
3. let them spin at the earliest 8pm onward
4. give the NU dj's at least a merchandise to appreciate their time on creating a demo cd


kualitas dan integritas punya nilai
ada yang mau gratis?


so who are those nu dj's that will play at jakmov?bocoran donk sob...............

Katnya seh one of them DJ Glend (Substance/one of the Semifinalist Heineken 2005)

one of the selected dj's are

sonny/global sonic(heineken)... cancel, no payment!
donny/arikanami(heineken)...cancel, no payment!
roy/x-spin...cancel, no payment!!

good luck for the rest of the NU dj's that'll play with no fee!!! and no appreciation !!! eat that s**t...

if music is all about money for you mr.expander then maybe this is a time for you to reflect on yourself....

Dj nu breed kayak loe ini yg ngga tau respect.....

Udah bagus bisa ada kesempatan main di jak mov, masih minta bayaran lagi....aduh bo
itukan loe ikut semacam kompetisi, ataw pencarian bakat.....mana ada yg di bayar....loe pikir kemaren ikut haineken pd di bayar???
loe pikir dunia nyata ataw club2x udah mau langsung bayar elo kalo belom tau who the hell are you.....ngga ada cerita2 loe dateng " hei nama gw dj X baru main 6 bulan gw main disini bayarlah 2 jt"

dj di bayar kalo di minta/ book main oleh promotor, bukan submit your mix trough some talent search.......namanya juga talent search....nongol dulu  tunasnya baru di pupuk

loe pikir dj top sekarang mau yg lokal ataw international pada awal karirnya langsung di bayar......even gw pernah baca kalo sasha aja pertama kali main cuma di bayar pake beer.....

ini merupakan pelajaran juga buat dj2x muda bahwa karir/ fee kalian tuh di mulai dari 0......barter nama loe di flyer etc....selamat datang kerasnya dunia.....
tanya aja to ama supesta dj winky dapet berapa dia pertama bikin party di parkit Masih untung sekarang udah segini maju scenenya, jadi ada promotor yg mau bikin kompetisi untuk cari dj......jaman gw harus buat party sendiri supaya namanya bisa di kenal orang

so harusnya prove your self siapa elo, bisa bawa crowd nggak loe untuk bikin untung club/rave , prove skill loe as a dj, your mixing your programing,  crowd reading,your marketing.....loe pikir nge dj cuma nyamain pitch doang ama geser crossvader dg kumpulan lagu anthem 2x inspirasi loe doang yg udah di mainin orang lain trus minta duit.....

pay the artist.....dude... loe baru calon artis, dan ini lewat arena cari bakat.....ngga ada bayar...bisa masuk aja sukur
trus langsung minta main hour......ngga ada cerita gt.....dj baru plonco dulu main di depan.......mau tau kenapa, karena cenderung dj baru terlalu semangat dan ego masih tinggi....jadi nggak mau baca crowd.....hajar terus yg kenjeng........main awal adalah pendidikan loe pada untuk bersabar dan baca crowd depan loe maunya apa...bukan cuma pasang anthem2x inspirasi loe yg udah di mainin orang

buat panita jak mov.....nggak perlu lah pasang dj sombong macam gini...

Quote from: "Anonymous"if music is all about money for you mr.expander then maybe this is a time for you to reflect on yourself....

hey it's not just about money...you gotta look at the scale of the event. if its a home session...well playing for free is ok, but this what they call massive event, and there's nothing in the world if an organizer/promoter throw a big party without a budget for dj. think about it before u said someone to reflect on them self. saying something is easier than been through an experience as a dj in indonesia...djing is about music and music is an artistry worth paying...get it???? mr.????

mr dj also...kalo cerita heineken laen cerita sob...itu international scale event...there's pride, prestige and honor udh gitu dapet tanda appreciation berupa dj bag and lo udh bikin cd demo paling gak percuma deh...kalo ngomong dj gak dibayar emang udh nasib dj di indonesia awal2 nya gitu...udh rahasia umum pak jadi wejangan lo udh pada paham semua deh kayanya

cuma di jakmove dengan big sponsor gitu masa gak bisa ngeluarin even a small fee...yah lo bisa komentar mungkin karena lo blm ngerasain elo fight untuk rights elo sebagai dj...
yg lu bilang sasha dapet beer masi mending dapet something...kalo yg ngasi beer paul oakenfold ??? gue juga mau. and yg lo bilang model2 dj baru asal maen kenceng pasang anthem sembarangan...yah itu lah visi elo mengenai dj baru...open your mind little wide kenapa lo nilai mereka seperti itu...apa mereka semua begitu??? apakah elo tau pengertian dj2 baru yg di ojlok2 alias di abuse club untuk maen tanpa booking degan profit sharing yg kecil...kurang baek apa mereka bantuin nambah revenue club.

semua kembali ke masing2 dj nya deh...wajar mereka mau komentar kenapa gak dibayar...NU dj yg laen yg dipilih di jakmove juga sependapat dgn gue...so no more question about it.

if you consider urself to be too worthy to play at such event with no "appreciation" as u said, then why bother apply? im sure they r just givin this opportunity as a chance for the nu dj's who doesnt have a crowd, who need publicity, who need to try their luck in a big event to play at jakmove.

i got your point mr expander, money is a way of appreciation. But sometimes to reach higher place, we need to bow down a little :)

peace bro.

yes i absolutely agree with you, all i'm saying is just criticizing the eo with a big sponsor like that, no hard feelings to anybody that involve in this topic...coz we're in the right place to talk about all of this...thats why this forum is all about...

peace all....

secara obyektif seharusnya tidak perlu terlalu di perdebatkan tentang pemikiran kalian yg berbeda hanya demi "pride" murahan...........yg penting kita harus enjoy dan feel vibration dr musik itu sendiri,bila tidak terjadi kecocokan deal dlm suatu event itu hal yg biasa.....
memang sudah waktunya juga kayaknya kita menggelar semacam INDONESIAN DJ CONFERENCE, untuk skala yg minimal budget bisa kita buat di jakarta saja dulu

always support your local dj

Dear expander....maaf2 aja kalo perkataanya terlalu keras....hhehe
gw cuma memperlihatkan kenyataan yg ada...that all

1. tau dari mana jumlah yg di dapet promotor tuh besar.....tidak sebesar yg anda bayangkan...malah tdk sebesar yg di harep.....abisnya jg buat sound  etc

2. "saying something is easier than been through an experience as a dj in indonesia".....Well....i can say that because i  already experince all as a dj in indonesia.....for very hard and long 9 years

3.djing is about music and music is an artistry worth paying......well a i agree about that also ( apalagi udah punya tanggungan)....but i also belive that music its about SOUL.....

4. dj baru asal maen kenceng pasang anthem sembarangan...yah itu lah visi elo mengenai dj baru...open your mind little wide......
Selama hampir 3 tahun belakangan ini hampir tiap weekend gw selalu jalan ke party baik dri anak oldskool atw nu breed, you can't throw me every kind of gerne in dance music ...mau house/trance/prog/tekno/rnb hh/ dnb/ etc sampe yg gw ngga suka selaipun.....gw selalu berharap dan mencari siapa sih yg bakal jd the next big thing , selain dj2x bangkot  ( udh bosen kalee) ama 2nd generetaion.....well dari semua nu breed djs, hanya 10% yg bakal naik dan survive...the rest.....i'm sorry i think will not survive ( i hope not) dgn cara main seperti itu... maunya instant aja i wish its not like that but why always jd seperti itu....and thats not a vision.....thats fact yg gw rasain and jg banyak di rasain org2x lain ( at least what they saying to me).....hanya yg punya originalitas yg bisa.....copycat will be copycat.
what i'm trying to say is.....just be your self and try to learn

4.yah lo bisa komentar mungkin karena lo blm ngerasain elo fight untuk rights elo sebagai dj.....apakah elo tau pengertian dj2 baru yg di ojlok2 alias di abuse club untuk maen tanpa booking degan profit sharing yg kecil...kurang baek apa mereka bantuin nambah revenue club.

Like i said before......Been there, done that, and still fighting....

jadinya gw setuju banget tuh dg   "But sometimes to reach higher place, we need to bow down a little"  dan gw tambahin "because if you walk to high you will tripp of by a hard stone that you coudn't see"......sering2 aja lihat bawah sapa tau nemu 20  ribuan.... :)

ROY (xspinn) tetep maen di jakmove...
Xspinn totaly supported him..
We respect ya'll..

benky......ketemu lagi nih kita.......
inget gw ga ?

djs and set times are subject to changes without prior notice.

16.00 - 16.30   FLEX
16.30 - 17.00   CHRISZ
17.00 - 17.30   YENDA
17.30 - 18.00   ZUL
18.00 - 18.30   ROY
18.30 - 19.00   DARTO
19.00 - 19.30   TENSHI
19.30 - 20.00   ASKING 80
20.00 - 20.30   RENDRA
20.30 - 21.00   SONNY
21.00 - 21.30   JELLY
21.30 - 22.00   GLEND

We support y'll... :wink: