
what should we do for the next 3-5 years in the local scene?

Started by bananasplit, 06/02/06, 15:11

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tetep jadi provokator EDM ...
always dance and listening to the music...

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

ngedatenginn paul van dyk & ferry corsten!! ;D
masasi masasi masasi masasi masasi masassiii juoooo ?!

local to international..
drug scene to dance scene..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: sepet on 15/06/06, 15:10
local to international..
drug scene to dance scene..

jangan lupa.. international to local-nya  ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@ian.. bisa aja deh situ ah...hehehe..
yang pasti 3-5 taun kedepan mesti lebih baik dr sekarang... ;)
....lighting can strike....

kompak selalu
educate each other
share what u know ,learning what u dont know
semoga kita bisa menuju "higher level"

hauhauhauahuah....yuk buat negara baru...
di Bali aja, keliatannya cocok banget...

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

gimana kalo.. ada'in rave party yg rutin??
klo di pantai kan agak kejauhan, paling deket ancol.
di lapangan mana gitu...
playground musti sering diadain tuh, setaun 2x.

atauu... ravelex ngadain acara bulanan sendiri??
udah ada blm sih?
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

Quote from: VibeSession on 17/06/06, 20:15
gimana kalo.. ada'in rave party yg rutin??
klo di pantai kan agak kejauhan, paling deket ancol.
di lapangan mana gitu...
playground musti sering diadain tuh, setaun 2x.

atauu... ravelex ngadain acara bulanan sendiri??
udah ada blm sih?

widih,oakenfold kita kost-in di hilton,sasha kita kontrakin rumah di legian sama cariin jodoh cewek-cewk tanamur/double six yg rada rada tan gicu buat zabiela hahahhahahaah

Quotewidih,oakenfold kita kost-in di hilton,sasha kita kontrakin rumah di legian sama cariin jodoh cewek-cewk tanamur/double six yg rada rada tan gicu buat zabiela hahahhahahaah

waaaakakakakakkaka.... ;D
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

- Dance music lebih banyak crowdnya, bukan cuma itu2 aja orangnya..

- Crowd lebih terexpose lagi berbagai genre dance music, so they know what they choice and what they like

- More appreciation on the dance music, kayanya masih banyak crowd yang hanya bisa nikmatin genre tertentu using drugs. No offense, gw juga suka sekali2, but for me the music is what i enjoy the most, not the other way around...

-  Lebih banyak lagi produser2 lokal bikin lagu yang keren2...

- Top world DJ rutin bikin jadwal tour ke Indo...

- Gak pernah ada lagi rave2 yang digerebek...

- Only 100% MDMA 'X' yang beredar....(lho kog jadi kesini..hehehe)

- dsb...dsb...

-hilangkan jaim-jaim (power of equality),maksudnya dj- dj senior superstar biasa aja bergaul dgn yg masih baru-baru dan artis /celebrities party goers bisa di ajak bergaul biasa-biasa dgn kalangan yg biasa-biasa (the power of equality)
-clubscene/ravescene seharusnya membuat people getting closer each other bukan berkompetisi di belakang layar
- up date lagu 2 baru
- share playlist dj chart local
- kolaborasi antar dj & musician
- PLUR (peace,love,unity,respect...biasa anak rave..hehehehhe)
~~~~~just go with the FLOW~~~~~

Quote from: VibeSession on 19/06/06, 23:04
Quotewidih,oakenfold kita kost-in di hilton,sasha kita kontrakin rumah di legian sama cariin jodoh cewek-cewk tanamur/double six yg rada rada tan gicu buat zabiela hahahhahahaah

waaaakakakakakkaka.... ;D
cari cewek yg rada "tan" buat zabiela ?? anggun udah di boyong ke paris ...hahahahah ada denada ...kekekekekk

eee.. gue juga mauu sama sashaa.. tapi gue kurang tan dan eksotis.. hoihiohoihio
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

gampang kok kalo mo tan, jemuran aja diatas genteng

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

@silent rave : tapi tetep ngga eksotis.. masih jauh deh sama anggun.. :(
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

wmc 2007,2008 or 2009 maybe ? :-\
~~~~~just go with the FLOW~~~~~

Quote from: cruelsummer on 01/07/06, 09:34
wmc 2007,2008 or 2009 maybe ? :-\

sama PVD dehhh maen di jakarta....idola gw waktu sd ;)




For more info contac us :
JL.Radio Dalam Raya No:15
samping ace hardware
Phone : 0812-9007679
Email/F.s : earthquakeshop@yahoo.co.id

Quote from: TT Boy on 10/06/06, 15:57
semoga crowd bisaa lebih tereducate... ngerti laguu, lebih appreciate sama dj2x yang maen, gakk kebanyakann nyela crowd lainn, malahan kalo bisa dance safe fun without drugs gituh deh sobb, huehueuhe.... ;D

seep bnget da ahhh

Quote from: ginalfyl on 08/07/06, 17:22
Quote from: TT Boy on 10/06/06, 15:57
semoga crowd bisaa lebih tereducate... ngerti laguu, lebih appreciate sama dj2x yang maen, gakk kebanyakann nyela crowd lainn, malahan kalo bisa dance safe fun without drugs gituh deh sobb, huehueuhe.... ;D

seep bnget da ahhh

siipp..sipp !
~~~~~just go with the FLOW~~~~~

tetap semangat dan bekerja keras :'(
good music + cold beer = "good time"

JAKARTA - BALI makin seru...
LoCal DJ makin canggih...
BATAM, MAKASSAR udah makin seru..
IRIAN JAYA mungkin juga dibina dance scenenya..