
Aditya I.P. - The House is Grey

Started by danzig, 13/05/12, 14:11

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13/05/12, 14:11 Last Edit: 13/05/12, 15:34 by danzig
special for house lovers nih ;D

haruomi hosono - heliotherapy
recondite - robur
kassem mosse - untitled
october - string theory
och - whalesong
kerri chandler - get up
italojohnson - untitled
arttu - attic house (snuff crew remix)
willie burns - waste your time
ny stomp - the ny house trak
kaspar - so right (gerd's old school remix)
terrence parker - untitled
candy j - somethings they never change (the razz mix) [sori suaranya rada ancur, abisnya ga nemu versi hq-nya :'(]
soundstream - good soul
quenum - my furious thing
dj assassin - a face in the crowd (intellidread mix)
cheap and deep - deep in the feeling (re-version)
photek - glamourama
bdi - decoded messages of life & love
pol_on - used to say
mike - oi van voi
glenn underground - jaz love #2
alex smith - here with me (feat. diviniti)


that aint house!

lol jk bro, ini salah satu mixtape yg gw tunggu2
boleh minta download link?

Gw belum denger..tapi diliat dari playlistnya nice selection.. besok gw streaming dikantor :)

@david: lo sembarangan aja nih ngedit artwork orang..wkwkwkwk
I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

wkwkw thx linknya bro 60 menit pertama keren bgt.. sukur ada tracklistnya ahahaha.. track candy j kayanya very bad rip bgt suaranya naik turun..

@nandi baru belajar mspaint gw wkwkw