
BassJunkie Progressive Corner - June'13

Started by luthfi, 14/06/13, 12:02

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14/06/13, 12:02 Last Edit: 14/06/13, 13:06 by luthfi
Another edition of BassJunkie Progressive Corner, for this month we are serving you something deep with the nicest progressive tune from the underground labels across the globe.



1. Viktor K - Ganymede (Cj Art Dark Magnetosphere Remix)
2. John Freedman - Space for Two (LoQuai Remix)
3. M.A.Z.7 - Aquamarine (Original Mix)
4. Volkan Erman, Franzis-D - Eclipse (LoQuai Remix)
5. Dave Shtorn - Underspace (Monojoke Remix)
6. Lorchee - NGC 3310 (Original Mix)
7. Manu Riga - The Darkness Within (Original Mix)
8. Monojoke - Burning
9. Bitzz & Buzz - Triple Seven (Original Mix)
10. Monojoke - Resonation (Original Mix)
11. Monojoke - Plasticised (Original Mix)

Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ws75ie
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


Loquai n monojoke edition ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-