

Started by David Tjin, 16/07/12, 00:37

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16/07/12, 00:37 Last Edit: 16/07/12, 00:47 by David Tjin
sup! here's some new mixing!

enjoy peeps! feedback is more than welcome  ;)


Pemilihan tracks dan flow dapet bgt, My fav tracks 1 - 3. SDJ DAVID (sumut dj) iprililiw
what we want what we believe

Quote from: David Tjin on 16/07/12, 00:37
sup! here's some new mixing!

enjoy peeps! feedback is more than welcome  ;)
tracklist nya diumpetin ni yeee, cakep nih ;D

haha thx udh dengerin guys..

gak diumpetin kok pur cuman pas bikin lg sedikit mabok dan udah malem bgt jd males tulis2 hahahaa

18/07/12, 01:07 #5 Last Edit: 18/07/12, 01:10 by nandi
New York and detroit old school influence combined with some nu school twist..next time should add extra acid flavor for maximum pleasure..School em' boy!! Yeaaahhh..
I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

Quote from: nandi on 18/07/12, 01:07
New York and detroit old school influence combined with some nu school twist..next time should add extra acid flavor for maximum pleasure..School em' boy!! Yeaaahhh..

glad you like it!! dengerin mixtape2 jagoan house kiriman lo akhirnya mulai kepengaruh gw hahaha

vid,gue buseeet ini mixtapeee gahaaaar bro... *tepuktangan*

track ke 4 gue suka banget ituu,hahaha...gooookkksss brooo..