

Started by F E R R E, 30/10/06, 06:48

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guys gw mau sharing mixtape..



genre : trance / tech trance
duration : 53 : 56
bitrate 64 kbps  ----->> biar enak donlotnya...
tracklist menyusul
filesize:24 mB
mixed live at grogol

minta komen nya ya ;D ;D

wuhuuu mari mejeng dimari itu bikinnya pake apaan sob ??
ijin nyedot yahh.....
The Music Is The Drugs

silakan brooo...monggo...gw record dikosan bro pake traktor...
udah dengerin??

wehh...apaan nih!! baru lagi nih sob? duh sayang, gw lagi ga ol di tmpt wnet donlod.

gw tar ikut comment jg ya!!
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

download dulu yah fer...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: F  E  R  R  E on 30/10/06, 13:25
silakan brooo...monggo...gw record dikosan bro pake traktor...
udah dengerin??

gokil lu maen kenceng bener.....

wuuhuuuuu  ;)
The Music Is The Drugs

hm.... sesuai title: ... bikin keringetan.
*pdhl gue belon denger.

maksut looooch..... ;D

gw lagi dengerin untuk yang kedua kalinya nih fer..sejauh ini bagus...
loe bikin mix kaya gini dong yg buat i feel silence..kan bagus...
ayo semangat!
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

menurut gw pribadi, produce susah nya kayak 10 x lipatnya ngemix broo...
huehehehee...pendapat pribadi loohh...

30/10/06, 23:05 #10 Last Edit: 30/10/06, 23:09 by F E R R E
@ricco & flawless

eh iya lupa..thx buuuaanget komennya guys!


iya cha ini diburn-in kok hehehe...seeya!

hehehe iya fer...
tracklistnya dong sekalian?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

sobb tracklistnya dah gw post di halaman tracklist skalian...check out ya..heehee thanx!!

ok..tar gw cek..thx :)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

bo'... minta mixtape CD nya ajua deh yeee,,, hehehehe,, senasib kyk donlotan Ical, ditinggal tidur malah sutup d tengah jalan!!!! hehehehehe,,,, boleh ta???
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

wets ya buoleeh mas dim...oke gw catet ya...jana satu,dimsum satu..hehe
klo misalnya ktemu, tagih aja gw haha...

hehehe...gw ada tuh...mau gw burnin aja?
upload-in yg kualitas 192 apa 320 dong fer..biar enak klo jadi cd
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

ya udah 192, gw tunggu ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

eh ferre,,, ga jd deng CD nya,, udh di donlot,,, sip sip,,, dr awal udh lgs dihajar yaa,,, buseeeddd,,, make it flowy donk... hehehehe,,, overall nice buat didenger pas peak time,,,

keep up the good work,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

thanx for the comment broo..iya nih kmaren emg tu nggak bagus flownya...makanya gajadi dibuat demo dipost disini aja...hehehe ntar deh gw bikin yg lebih flowy ...

Quote from: F  E  R  R  E on 31/10/06, 06:27
wets ya buoleeh mas dim...oke gw catet ya...jana satu,dimsum satu..hehe
klo misalnya ktemu, tagih aja gw haha...

siap" nagih.. tgl 17 dateng ini orgnya dims

btw yg gue dpt bukan yg sweat my trance ni kykna
melodic doesn't sweat man.. it melts. ;D

helluva thanks!

sob, kira2 bisa nggak gue donlod lewat soulseek..

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

Quote from: Silent_Rave on 02/11/06, 09:38
sob, kira2 bisa nggak gue donlod lewat soulseek..
gw ada klo mau ambil..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-