
Good Old Colourfull Days...

Started by AdaGio, 27/01/09, 03:45

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27/01/09, 03:45 Last Edit: 27/01/09, 03:47 by AdaGio
ada yang ngatain gw niih...  >:( ....... not RVLX enough klo belom posting mixtape juga....

yasud.... en berhubung disini pada berlomba mixing the latest tracks.. gw maen classic aja aah...  8)  hehehe


remembering the days when vinyls are precious.. where acid roams the land.. and no stupid request from the crowd..  ;D  ;D  ;D

yuuk mariii........

Huaaahhhhaaahhhaaa.... ;D ;D ;D
Classic asik..

gw donlot ya
ga usah pake koment ya..
malleesssssssssss... :P

no stupid request from the crowd.. <<<< gw suka bngt kata2 mas adagio yg ini  ;D ;D  *piss*
ijin sedot ya...