
PROFUNDO is just another mixtape by Danish W.

Started by sin.AD, 23/06/09, 07:24

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23/06/09, 07:24 Last Edit: 23/06/09, 07:41 by sin.AD
hey guys...long time no see....here's another mixtape for you...feel free to add comments and critics..

Size / Bitrate / Length: 57,2MB / 128 / 58:00
Genre: Electronics / Techno
BPM: 120


1. Congolai - Tensnake
2. Hold on - Holy Ghost!
3. Rock the joint (reverso 68 remix) - Wild Rumpus & Beardyman
4. Full flight - Kink & Neville Watson
5. Brooklyn club jam (LSB mix) - Runaway
6. Tavira - Tensnake
7. Sonntag - Robert nguik nguikcz
8. Over the ice - The Field
9. Green tea - Nic Fanciulli
10. America - Dusty Kid
11. So this is goodbye - Junior Boys
si bayu...

@7: bukan ini versi seriusnya brot..mohon diunduh..
si bayu...

sedot ah!!

bused dah kmaren versi ga srius aja dah ok,, palagi versi sriusnya yak..huhuhuhuhu

"alon-alon asal klakon, musike alon sing penting on!" co-pilot Dipsky

@priast: kemaren mah asal2an itu...ini agak serius sedikit...hahaha...mohon diunduh dan leave ur comment kl dah denger...thanks..
si bayu...

suit suitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.. coba kita jajal dulu..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@kc: siuuuttt..siuuutttt...kantor situ internetnya kenceng ya sekarang..???hehehe..
si bayu...

@abriel: ih aakid...demostation gimana ceritanya.....

@jim: badan saya memang berat..huhuhu..mohon diunduh & leave comment..
si bayu...

ini future disko ya bay?? gua malah kayak ajojing di ebony..
dengan ini saya memproklamirkan diri kalo kuping gue ngga futuristik tapi old fashioned.. sekian dan terima kasih..

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

ok ralat.. gue suka 30 menit terakhir.. 30 menit pertama rada aneh.. ahahaha aduh maklum ya saya orang awam nih.. hihawihaiwhawihaiw
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@jim: thx a lot jim...SEGO lah the best..!!!
si bayu...

aaauwww ...aaauwwwww sedottt gan.....

@sony y. : gandul..?sedot beneran dong sepik aje lu...
si bayu...

23/06/09, 13:41 #16 Last Edit: 23/06/09, 13:43 by sony y
@ sin. AD : hehehehhee...ini gw sedot.... :P gw  pasang pas dining time di KAMPUS.. hahahhaha...

@semur: dicari messa lu...
si bayu...

@7: makasi ya brot....unduhanmu sangat berarti bagi saya...
si bayu...

ijiiin unduh om.... *piss* *piss* *piss*
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disimak dulu nih bro,...
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