
Recommended Movie : August Rush

Started by colis, 10/08/08, 20:53

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August Rush menceritakan seorang anak yang bernama Evan Taylor yang diperankan oleh "Freddie Highmore" di sebuah panti asuhan. Evan adalah pemain musik yang jenius, karena dari keturunan genetik orang tuanya. Dia selalu percaya bahwa kedua orang tuanya masih hidup. Walaupun banyak temannya yang berkata bahwa kedua orang tuanya telah tiada. Akhirnya, suatu hari anak ini kabur dari panti asuhan untuk mencari orang tuanya, dengan bantuan nada dan irama.

Setelah kabur dari panti asuhan, ia pun bertemu dengan seorang lelaki jalanan "Robin Williams" yang membantunya. Setelah pertemuan itu, nama Evan Taylor pun diganti menjadi August Rush. Namun, maksud dari laki-laki itu hanya untuk memanfaatkan bakat yang dimiliki oleh Evan untuk dijadikan pengamen jalanan. Hal ini membuat Evan berontak dan memutuskan kabur dari laki-laki tersebut.

Bakat Evan pun mulai terasah ketika dia di masukan ke dalam sekolah musik, "Juilliard School". Yang paling kocak, di sekolah dia bukannya belajar maupun ngerjain tugas yang diberikan. Melainkan membuat sebuah Rhapsody, yang kemudian akan dikenal dengan nama August Rhapsody. Hal ini pun akhirnya diketahui oleh Professor yang mengajarnya. Dan pada akhirnya, dibuatlah sebuah konser dengan August Rush sebagai composer dengan menampilkan August Rhapsody in C Major sebagai pertunjukan utama dari konser tersebut.

Yang gue suka, film ini diisi oleh alunan musik yang begitu merdu, mulai dari irama dentuman bola basket, permainan piano, duel gitar dengan Jonathan Rhys "Meyers", sampai dengan sebuah grand concert di Park Hall. Telinga kalian akan benar-benar dimanjakan disini. Walaupun secara notabene gw ga begitu suka ama yang namanya drama. Overall, I love this movie. Drama yang benar-benar mengharukan dan menyentuh hati.

Film ini menurut saya bener-bener sangat berbobot. Akting dari masing-masing pemain patut untuk di acungi jempol. Di film ini tidak terlalu banyak dialog, sehingga kebanyakan adegan diekspresikan dari mimik muka dan gerak tubuh. Hebatnya, mereka bisa menggambarkan karakternya dengan baik

Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
Director: Kirsten Sheridan
Cast: Freddie Highmore, Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Terence Howard, Robin Williams
Rating: PG for some thematic elements, mild violence and mild language
By Gregg Tubbs

(UMC.org)—The song "American Pie" asked, "Can music save your mortal soul?" The new romantic drama August Rush rhapsodizes about the mysterious power of music. Does a subtle melody weave its way through nature? Is there a secret rhythm to the universe? Can music be a last refuge in times of trouble or the only way to express absolute joy? More specifically, it asks whether music has the power to draw a family together—over the years and great distance—and unite them even if they don't know they are a family? That's the hope of a young, musically gifted orphan who has never lost his faith that his parents are out there and that he can reach them with his song.

August Rush tells the story of a very special 11-year-old boy, Evan (Freddie Highmore), who is literally tuned into the music of the universe. He hears melody in the wind, the rain and the rustling of leaves. For Evan, music is universal, connecting everyone and everything. Orphaned at birth, Evan also hears something very personal in this universal symphony—his parents calling out to him, and through the music, he calls back to them. Despite teasing from the other boys at the orphanage, Evan believes with all his heart that his parents are out there waiting to find him.

Twelve years earlier, music brought together Lyla (Kerry Russell), a sheltered concert cellist, and Louis (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), a charismatic rocker. Beguiled by a street musician's haunting rendition of "Moondance," the two spend one unforgettable night of romance together before being forcefully separated by Lyla's domineering father (Will Patton) who prevents their promised reunion the next day. The mysterious connection severed, the two heartbroken lovers move on, but for them, the magic of the music is lost. Lyla, pregnant with their child, is forbidden by her father to try to contact Louis. Following an accident that almost claims Lyla's life, her father forges papers to have the baby delivered in the ER and given up immediately for adoption. Lyla believes her baby (Evan) died, and Louis is unaware he ever existed. How can such a family ever be reunited? That's where the power of music, faith and love work their magic.
Years later, Evan escapes from the orphanage to search for his family, and here the story borrows heavily from Dickens' "Oliver Twist." Evan hitchhikes to New York City and is taken in, hungry and cold, by a scruffy street musician called Wizard (Robin Williams). Like Fagin, Wizard runs a "family" of orphan boys who, rather than picking pockets, play music for money on the street. At first Wizard is awestruck by the boy's ability to quickly master any instrument, but gradually sees him as a meal ticket, a highly valuable possession. He gives Evan the fanciful name "August Rush" and begins aggressively promoting him as a musical act to local clubs. But tough choices lay ahead for Evan who feels he has found a home with Wizard and the other boys. Should he leave them to find his real parents? Can he still trust his faith that they are out there, or was he wrong about the music that seemed to connect him to them?

Although August Rush is not a musical in the strict sense, the music becomes a fourth lead character that links all the characters and literally appears in every scene. The film features a clever and eclectic score of original music that is used to great effect to show the emotional connection between the characters. Through the magic of cinema, we hear Louis's rock songs, Lyla's classical pieces and Evan's freeform guitar jams share themes, beautifully blending into one another and effortlessly harmonizing as if they've sprung from one heart.
Bukan Sembarang Pria, Pria Sembarangan....!!!!

thumbs up..

keren banget nih filmnya.. recommended banget..

cara doi main gitar juga cengli bangeeettt..
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

keren paraaakkkkh!

spanjang film gw merinding2 mlulu..huhu

skarang aja pas nulis ini masih mrinding2
No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am

Quote from: bgajulan on 17/09/08, 17:25
keren paraaakkkkh!

spanjang film gw merinding2 mlulu..huhu

skarang aja pas nulis ini masih mrinding2

jadi curiga lo mrinding2 gitu shel.. ::)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn


agree with that, Freddie  Highmore emang berbakat banget, filmnya bagus, soundtracknya keren..

sayang akhirannya ngegantung hihihhi siaaal, gw pengen liat mereka bersatu lagi as a family huhu..

tapi "Moondance" emang canggih banget kalo dimainin pelan kaya gitu yaaaa....

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

curiga apa lo tek?
No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am

filmnya keren bgt
lagunya juga keren
tp sayang endingnya ngegantung

*bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs* *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs* *bgs*

telat nih gue.. pinjem dong dvdnya.. :(
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: nik on 17/09/08, 19:45
filmnya keren bgt
lagunya juga keren
tp sayang endingnya ngegantung

*bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs* *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs* *bgs*

menurut gw endingnya ga ngegantung kok.... ;D ;D ;D

tapi asli emang keren filmnya ;)
againts d f**kin' system 4 da' beat !