
(new album) NINE INCH NAILS : GHOSTS I - IV / HALO 26

Started by dirtynumbangelboy, 07/03/08, 15:42

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07/03/08, 15:42 Last Edit: 07/03/08, 18:23 by dirtynumbangelboy

Nine Inch Nails presents Ghosts I - IV, a brand new 36 track instrumental collection available right now. Almost two hours of new music composed and recorded over an intense ten week period last fall, Ghosts I - IV sprawls Nine Inch Nails across a variety of new terrain.

Trent Reznor explains, "I've been considering and wanting to make this kind of record for years, but by its very nature it wouldn't have made sense until this point. This collection of music is the result of working from a very visual perspective - dressing imagined locations and scenarios with sound and texture; a soundtrack for daydreams. I'm very pleased with the result and the ability to present it directly to you without interference. I hope you enjoy the first four volumes of Ghosts."

More info, from Trent:

This music arrived unexpectedly as the result of an experiment. The rules were as follows: 10 weeks, no clear agenda, no overthinking, everything driven by impulse. Whatever happens during that time gets released as... something.

The team: Atticus Ross, Alan Moulder and myself with some help from Alessandro Cortini, Adrian Belew and Brian Viglione. Rob Sheridan collaborated with Artist in Residence (A+R) to create the accompanying visual and physical aesthetic.

We began improvising and let the music decide the direction. Eyes were closed, hands played instruments and it began. Within a matter of days it became clear we were on to something, and a lot of material began appearing. What we thought could be a five song EP became much more. I invited some friends over to join in and we all enjoyed the process of collaborating on this.

The end result is a wildly varied body of music that we're able to present to the world in ways the confines of a major record label would never have allowed - from a 100% DRM-free, high-quality download, to the most luxurious physical package we've ever created.

More volumes of Ghosts are likely to appear in the future.

- Trent Reznor, March 2, 2008

download ghost I for free here : http://ghosts.nin.com 
click tab listen, terus download.. :)


layer-layer yang dark, ambience gloomy, dengan balutan suara yang kasar..
imho i love the tracks to death, its soooooooooooo NIN !
reznor memang tidak pernah mengecewakan..
walaupun agak sempet lembek di album with teeth, disusul geber abis di album year zero ..
dan skarang track2 di ghosts I membuat gua puas!
cant wait for ghosts II, III, and IV tracks (belom bisa free download)

saya kasih ponten 4/5 deh buat ghosts I, kekekke

kalo ada yang punya direct link download buat track2 ghosts II, III, IV mau dongg

enjoy industrial heads! \m/

wahhh ini lo juaranya dahhhh BAPUREZNOR,.... hehe

08/03/08, 02:13 #3 Last Edit: 08/03/08, 19:56 by Ricco.Sepet
agak2 eksperimental, campuran2 yang aneh, distorsi,elektronik,suara2 ortodox, ambient, piano melankolis..

ghost 1 lebih melankolis dan dingin
ghost 2 lebih upbeat dan instrumen2 klasik
ghost 3 distrorsi n industrial
ghost 4 elektronik n lebih kalem, banyak piano2

masing2 ghost ngewakilin variasi suara dan perasaan yang berbeda, makin didengerin makin penasaran.
Trent Reznor jenius  *bgs*  *bgs*

@dnab: entar gw upload-in,klo udah gw post disini
download disini Ghost I-IV
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

haha ini dia nih diehard fansnya.
BAPUREZNOR *tepuktangan*
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


yep , you can actually listen to all the ghosts series by streaming  ..
overal keren banget kok!
tinggal nunggu direct linknynya II, III, and IV ;D

yang disayangin ini cuman instrumental album ..
i miss reznor's desperate and gloomy vocal, mix with a raw distortion dari sound2nya nin yang mentah
album yang pas dan cocok banget buat cooling down, after too much politic issues shit in year zero album

recommended for you industrial heads, penting kok cing ni album.. the god himself .....

ada yang bakat bikin film/footage kaga?

gokil, dia bikin ghosts film festival, which is para fans dibuka kesempatan untuk membuat film/footage ngegunain track2 yang ada di ghosts I-IV sebagai soundtracks dari film tersebut, durasinya kurang jelas brapa lama, ntar film yang udah jadi tersebut tinggal diupload di official youtube gropus mereka, ntar dipilih sama mereka, below is the announcement hows it will be goin down..

kali aja vj2 handal ada yang minat ...... :P
