
Laidback Luke : Trend 2012 = House + Dubstep

Started by Gober, 19/12/11, 21:03

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Musik paling dibicarakan tahun ini terus menuai debat, dalam sebuah interview, Laidback Luke mengatakan bahwa menggabungkan House dan Dubstep akan menjadi trend tahun depan. Jadi bagi yang ga suka dengan bisingnya musik Dubstep mungkin harus bawa earplug ke club.

Dia mengatakan kalau tahun depan, dia dan beberapa rekan DJ lain akan menuju ke arah itu. "I know from more fellow DJs they are blending dubstep into house music now." katanya.

Dia melanjutkan, "One of the bigger things that seems to be happening now is the definite crossover of dubstep into house music. Swedish House Mafia vs Knife Party's 'Antidote' is a good example for this."

From Skrillex to Korn, Dubstep mungkin sedang dalam puncak popularitas, atau bisa dibilang semakin meningkat tingkat komersialnya. Tapi apakah musik ini akan semakin besar tahun depan? Atau malah akan jadi sampah?

Sumber: Mixmag
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Ravelex.net - Administrator
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kata2 SAMPAH kayaknya ga ada di mixmag yah??

gw dari kemaren nahan banget mau koment ttg dubstep disini..

gw post article ini aja deh >> http://liquido.dk/index.php/12-secret-selector-selections/54-who-killed-dubstep

For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Or gw mungkin sm anak2 disini yang akan berusaha supaya ga jadi SAMPAH!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


hehehe... kata kata sampah emang ga ada di mixmag, gua cuma nambahin. as we know, every music when it gets very popular gets saturated dan banyak yg nyampah, mau itu trance sampai house. no hard feeling...
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
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haha..siap paman..justru itu gw mungkin akan berusaha biar ini ga jadi sampah ye ga? dengan datengnya Goth Trad kemaren disini udah  4 kali Indonesia khususnya Jakarta di datengin sm top djs dubstep..tapi yah lagi2 yang dateng anak2 doang. Orang2 yang taunya dubstep itu skrillex ga dateng.

Trend 2012 = Dubstep + House ?? WILL SMITH deh..klo gw sih back to the proper dubstep tunes aja lah..
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Will Smith bro... Teruskan perjuangannya... :D
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
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EHmm, msh awam d dubstep, ga terlalu suka skrillex jg, lbh suka ntn live performnya modestep..  :)
tp kl house music? it's not a trend, but a way of life..  :)  *piss*
irronically idealism needs more money

siapa sih laidback luke? kalau kata anak 90an "DJ Cabo'"

Mungkin dia mau bikin Dubstep 3.0
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

Laidback Luke seems to be having a lot of fun... Never seen him this excited..

Laidback Luke ke kota aja sana maennya.. lebih cocok jadi DJ kota..

Wuih jd Step House donk....jogetnye kejang-kejang step gitu kali ye  ;D ;D ;D

peace ah....

Anyways trend buat gw dari dulu cuma 1 sih : MY HEART....*asedap

  *piss* *piss* *piss*
Play your heart out loud !!!

echa maksud lo?
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

well dubstep its not only midrange wobble thing .... like dnb is not only about amen breaks .... just  a matter who fall to path the darkside   ....... everyone fasten your seatbelt for 2012 its gonna be quick , hard and bloody !! 

#it used to be so cool to be the dark side ... not on 2012 though

goyang  sangar" centil  ;D
contact: 0821 1084 2657
pin: 256AE612

For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


kayaknya seru yah kalau laidback luke dan skrillex dalam satu panggung dan main di jakarta...

For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo
