
Minimal Music, the style of 2007???

Started by Gober, 11/09/06, 02:53

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Quote from: dark bark on 21/09/06, 08:06
seru nih topik....

kedua jenisnya dibagi berdasarkan sound2 yg dipake dari track2 mereka.
yang minimal pertama persamaanya sama yg kedua sama2 menggunakan minimal sound seperti suara2 synth2nya.tapi untuk pemilihan suara instrument2nya seperti kick, snare, hi-hat jenis yg pertama lebih memakai suara2 seperti intrument2 yg dipake house music. nah kalo yg kedua menggunakan instrument dari suara yg bukan dari sample suara instrument beneran.

Kayaknya sih iya mas DB, emang tipis bgt bedanya antara minimal techno n micro/minimal house.. kalo dari pengamatan gw sih sound2 drum nya micro house cenderung analog, as in sampled from real drum sound. Trus, kalo gak salah lagi ni ya, micro house komposisi beat dan groove2nya cenderung ada influence dub. Tapi gak tau ini sih.. cuma pengamatan org awam.. heuheuh...
Anarchy. Now

@dark bark
hjauhauahuahauh...makanya kalo gitz jangan posting dulu belibet loe ngerangkai kata2nya....kalo yang ngebaca juga gits mungkin bisa nyambung, kalo nggak gits nggak bakal nyambung sob

kalo gue boleh bilang Dj bukannya nggak mau nge educate crowd, tapi mungkin mereka udah "nyaman" dengan genre2nya masing2 yang udah punya crowd setia dan nggak ingin berexperiment lebih lanjut yang memungkinkan mereka kehilangan crowd mereka (seperti elo bilang, crowd indo susah nerima sesuatu yang baru)
jadi cara lain untuk mengeducate crowd yah dari pihak2 lain selaen Dj sendiri...dan lagi2 gue bilang disini mungkin dari radio atau apapun itu yang bisa nge reach crowd en nge educate mereka

kalo menurut gue minimal tuh yang menggunakan instrument suara dari sample2 sound synth dsb, seperti kata Dark bark


which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

belom pernah tau....
kalo dikasih denger mah.......mungkin bisa dicerna........"ooo....ini teh minimal house.. "
ada contoh ?
orang2 umum....dah pada tau belom ?
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

yang gw pratiin. di minimal ada bbrp macem gaya juga (spt di house),
gaya missionari, 69, doggy.. ooops salah...

- minimal-ambient (more glitches, fx kresek2, dll dll, noises, less beat)
- minimal-techno (beat tratur, kombinasi fx2 yang senada, ga berat sebelah, tapi cenderung statis, u ko lah tekno)
- minimal-house (lebih berwarna dari tekno, dan beatnya aga lebih besar/ berat, tapi ga sampe kenceng (masih dibawah deep haus)

btw, ada yg lagi (atau sudah) produce lagu2 minimal? udah punya label?
klo blom punya, mau bikin bareng ga? tapi.. netlabel (see my prev post).
PM ya...

Quote from: Discomfort on 21/09/06, 11:31
Quote from: dark bark on 21/09/06, 08:06
seru nih topik....

kedua jenisnya dibagi berdasarkan sound2 yg dipake dari track2 mereka.
yang minimal pertama persamaanya sama yg kedua sama2 menggunakan minimal sound seperti suara2 synth2nya.tapi untuk pemilihan suara instrument2nya seperti kick, snare, hi-hat jenis yg pertama lebih memakai suara2 seperti intrument2 yg dipake house music. nah kalo yg kedua menggunakan instrument dari suara yg bukan dari sample suara instrument beneran.

Kayaknya sih iya mas DB, emang tipis bgt bedanya antara minimal techno n micro/minimal house.. kalo dari pengamatan gw sih sound2 drum nya micro house cenderung analog, as in sampled from real drum sound. Trus, kalo gak salah lagi ni ya, micro house komposisi beat dan groove2nya cenderung ada influence dub. Tapi gak tau ini sih.. cuma pengamatan org awam.. heuheuh...
@silentrave . Abis enak sich :D :D :D
setuju dengan discomfort.
menurut gw kedua2nya sih memang dibilang minimal. tapi menurut gw jenis yg pertama lebih bisa disebut tech house dan yg kedua baru minimal techno.
tech house lebih ke bass line dan minimal tech lebih ke experimental effect. (sekali lagi in my opinion loh)

kalo "the knife - we share our mother health ( trentemoller mix )"
itu masuknya minimal apa yah ??  ::)
The Music Is The Drugs

Quote from: fLawLeSS on 26/09/06, 18:58
kalo "the knife - we share our mother health ( trentemoller mix )"
itu masuknya minimal apa yah ??  ::)

the knife keren sob..

gw setuju, ini topik menarik bgt!gw pribadi lg suka bgt sama jenis2 musik 'minimal' [kadang2 emang rada ga jelas sih deskripsi minimal tuh gimana], mungkin klo menurut gw sih tetep aja musik ini akarnya dari house dicampur progressive dicampur electro dicampur downer drugs hehehe jadilah minimal heheh,
gw skrg lg di aust dan gw seneng bgt ada temen2 yg berani buat mencoba maenin jenis musik ini disana, bukan apa2 tp menurut gw indonesia harus bisa lebih berkembang dari skrg, bukan hanya dj2nya aja tp crowdnya jg harus lebih terbuka sama jenis2 musik yg baru, bukan cuma ngikutin yg lagi rame doang...no offense ini menurut gw aja
back to topic, gw setuju bgt klo ada prediksi minimal music bakal jd trend taun 07, barengan sama house/electro house dan electroclash...
gutlak deh buat temen2 di indonesia  :D

"Home Not House"

off the topic...gw barusan baca ttg reaksi Trentemoller soal album barunya dia yg dianggep orang2 bergenre minimal:

"Some people have said that my music is minimal but I've never seen it as minimal. With my dance tracks I've always tried to add layers and small details making the track develop and that is not quite what I think of minimal as being, " he complained.

"I'm also getting bored of minimal but I've always been a bit bored of it," he added, "I think that the minimal scene needs a fresh kick."  as i found at http://www.skrufff.com/

gimana nih menurut temen2?emang minimal scene tuh boring ato engga??

@underwaterplanet...ajakin gw maen2 dong klo gw lg disana hehehe...

"Home Not House"

QuotePosted by: BluePills

emang minimal scene tuh boring ato engga??

IMHO, Semua genre musik juga kalo didengerin terus2an pasti jadi membosankan. Tapi menurut seorang Susan Sontag (Seorang penulis essay, novelist,film maker & aktifis asal Amerika)

"The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes."

Bagus ada yang bosen, artinya masih bakal ada inovasi-inovasi baru lagi ke depannya..  ;D
Anarchy. Now

Quote from: fLawLeSS on 26/09/06, 18:58

kalo "the knife - we share our mother health ( trentemoller mix )"
itu masuknya minimal apa yah ??  ::)

setuju!! lagunya keren..

state of | MIND | your own | MUSIC | is | MY LIFE | in a state of mind

Quote from: BluePills on 01/10/06, 17:21
off the topic...gw barusan baca ttg reaksi Trentemoller soal album barunya dia yg dianggep orang2 bergenre minimal:

@underwaterplanet...ajakin gw maen2 dong klo gw lg disana hehehe...

pulang aja dulu sob .. pesta bisa diadakan ..
dont forget to bring - up to date  - minimal tunes in your record bag ..  ;D

- k -
+ MAX  the  MIN -


Quote from: dafkaf on 02/10/06, 00:17
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 26/09/06, 18:58

kalo "the knife - we share our mother health ( trentemoller mix )"
itu masuknya minimal apa yah ??  ::)

setuju!! lagunya keren..

keren yak pas bagian naeknya.....
bikin punggung ketarik  ;D
The Music Is The Drugs

emang jenis musiknya kyk gmn sich??? kyknya blm pernah denger tuch....

Gokil.. banyak bgt yang udah share knowledge mereka ttg minimal.. seneng deh gw.. gw sendiri banyak belajar ttg minimal dari topik ini.. It's good to know that ravelex has alot of music lovers as members.. Love u guys...

klo bbrp tahun belakangan ini minimal mungkin lebih dekat ke 'ecletic'...
coba dengerin solo album erlend oye ato royksopp album pertama..
ato cd album phonique dan cd justus kohncke.. coba dengerin rilisan kompakt jerman u/ real minimal.. :)
genre ini emang agak aneh.. tapi soundnya keren banget.. bisa jadi karena electro sudah bisa diterima.. secara minimal electro tech house agak 'deket'.. ya gak sih.. :P CMIIW

di toko plat outland records di amsterdam genre minimal sudah ada rak-nya sendiri.. :)

minimalnya jerman keren2... hehehe, pionir minimal tuh siapa si? atau dari mana?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

07/12/06, 18:13 #67 Last Edit: 08/12/06, 05:47 by Ian
imo, the term "Intelligent Dance Music" (IDM) is pretty stupid (no pun intended).
First off, How can music be 'intelligent' ?  Well Ok, I do know that the term may have been partly invented in referenced to Warp Records' Intelligent Series in the 90s. Even Aphex Twin himself refused to call the types of music he made 'intelligent'. I also personally don't like the term as it sounds elitist.
Second, most IDM is hardly danceable if not at all. If my memory still serves me well ( god knows what kind of damage those substances have done to my grey cells :) ), in another thread about lounge music, Gober excluded Buddha Bar music from what count as EDM because you don't really dance to Buddha Bar music, hence by definition Buddha Bar is not EDM. Putting the same logic to use,  the word "dance" for IDM is almost meaningless if not a misnomer.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all IDM indiscriminately ( hate is too strong a word, 'dislike immensely'..maybe :) ), but sometimes a lot of random glitchy, whoopy, noize sound just can be a bit too much.

imho,  minimal/micro house and minimal techno is NOT IDM, as they have 4/4 beats/ kick drum in them.  So please, do NOT lump them together as sub-genre of brain aneurysm-inducing IDM. I personally like many minimal house/techno songs, but my favourite has to be those produced by Richard Villalobos, as they have really booming basslines and some pretty sequence of clicks and pops. Oh, and Villalobos' music are highly danceable compared to other minimal house tracks ( hey, I Love dancing ! ;) )

everybody loves dancing...indeed..

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

Quote from: Ian on 07/12/06, 18:13
imo, the term "Intelligent Dance Music" (IDM) is pretty stupid (no pun intended).
First off, How can music be 'intelligent' ?  Well Ok, I do know that the term may have been partly invented in referenced to Warp Records' Intelligent Series in the 90s. Even Aphex Twin himself refused to call the types of music he made 'intelligent'. I also personally don't like the term as it sounds elitist.
Second, most IDM is hardly danceable if not at all. If my memory still serves me well ( god knows what kind of damage those substances have done to my grey cells :) ), in another thread about lounge music, Gober excluded Buddha Bar music from what count as EDM because you don't really dance to Buddha Bar music, hence by definition Buddha Bar is not EDM. Putting the same logic to use,  the word "dance" for IDM is almost meaningless if not a misnomer.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all IDM indiscriminately ( hate is too strong a word, 'dislike immensely'..maybe :) ), but sometimes a lot of random glitchy, whoopy, noize sound just can be a bit too much.

imho,  minimal/micro house and minimal techno is NOT IDM, as they have 4/4 beats/ kick drum in them.  So please, do NOT lump them together as sub-genre of brain aneurysm-inducing IDM. I personally like many minimal house/techno songs, but my favourite has to be those produced by Richard Villalobos, as they have really booming basslines and some pretty sequence of clicks and pops. Oh, and Villalobos' music are highly danceable compared to other minimal house tracks ( hey, I Love dancing ! ;) )

strong argument man... :) :)

Quote from: Ian on 07/12/06, 18:13
.. but sometimes a lot of random glitchy, whoopy, noize sound just can be a bit too much.

.. and bumblebee sounds!....  enough. enough. already.
green is the new black. pink is the new yellow. to-mah-to, to-may-to.

have mercy. :P

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 07/12/06, 12:27
pionir minimal tuh siapa si?
richie hawtin ( dulu aka plastikman) & Ricardo Villalobos

ow..thx thx... ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

nice comment oom ian!  ;)

btw dulu les bahasa inggrisnya dimana sihh? jago amatann... hihihi...  :P
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

sokill om Ian.. salute!! IQ nya pasti tinggi.. hehhehe