
what is "original mix"?

Started by danzig, 04/05/12, 12:55

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04/05/12, 12:55 Last Edit: 04/05/12, 16:11 by danzig
ngutip dari forum lain:

seems the stupidity that originally beatport invented is now worldwide accepted. "original", "original mix" and similar bullshit is now all over the place. especially "original mix" bothers me endless. if it's the original track how can it be a mix then? mixed from what? samples? notes? or should it be more like a proof of quality, like "genuine leather"? "that's not a shitty chinese remix, that's the ORIGINAL MIX yea bitch!"

beatport was putting in this generic tag automatically on everything that was not a remix, god knows why, and now everyone thinks that must be a part of the trackname and adds it if it makes sense or not. even on a 1 track release without remixes of it...
the only scenario where it makes a bit of a sense for me is on releases with remixes so if the original is marked as (original) i do understand but putting (original mix) on a release without remix(es) doesn't make sense for me at all.

so true..

Quote from: danzig on 04/05/12, 12:55
ngutip dari forum lain:


kena lagi ;D


masuk akal sih..
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

menurut gw sih ga masalah mau ditulis original mix ato enggak, cuma klo gw searching di itunes ato dimana gt kata "Original Mix" adalah salah satu yang membedakan musik EDM dengan musik yg lain. imho *peace *maaf sotoy
"Enourmous Uplift"