Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: cristo on 16/03/09, 02:24
http://media.imeem.com/m/3J821ar26o (http://media.imeem.com/m/3J821ar26o)
hi guys :D
it's our new remix
will be release soon
please leave your comment here ;)
you've got my support bro! one of the hottest track you've ever remixed
nice remix mates.. this one crazy local proggy shyte.. keep em coming! :)
one of my favourite local producers!! keep it up guys... you do us proud!
@ Chris. M : Thx mate :) masih harus blajar lg :P
@ Dnab : thx om bapur.. btw thx ya udh mau comment :D
@ Oki Koro : bisa aja lu bro, kapan nih mau produce bareng ditunggu sob
this one was perfect for me
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
ga perlu diragukan lagi....
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
next good producer .... cristo & teeyo
Anjrooott . . .
Kereeennn . . .
Btw ane butuh saran dong . . .
Ane bikin trance juga . . .
Tapi lebih dominan ke vokalny . . .
Ini threadny . . .
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=22358.msg452968#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=22358.msg452968#new)
Mohon masukanny dari para master2 sekalian . . .
wooo keren bro lagunya...makin canggih aja ;D ;D
@cristo & teeyo:
great job on the remix guys!!!! *bgs*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
manteb neh lagu album nya udah keluar blom bro ?
bole tau label yang keluarin lagu ini
dah dgr lho....bikin merinding bgt... *tepuktangan*
gokil kok....n uplifting. *bgs* *bgs*
@ Chris M : thx cris, this is the first remix from us :D
@ DNAB : we keep learn n learn pur, many thx anyway.. its mean alot to us ;)
@ Ronald : tengkyuu nal :)
@ Ditox : main ksini dong bro :)
@ Dimitri : thx dim, im waiting for ur nu tracks *bgs*
@ Kapoor: sedang dalam proses bro, labelnya Soundscape, beli ya klo udah release *piss* ;)
@ Fiona : thx fionce 8)
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D mantabbbb
keren sob...... jenius lo emang berdua hahaahahaha
thn depan gw doain msk katagori producer of the year.. aminnnn suksess sob *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Gokillll..keren2..anda memang berbakat...gmn ni project lagu kita?...heheuhee
sadizzz... *bgs*..
@ Dj_aska : xie2 brother in crime, tar gw kirim kok tenang ajeee
@ Ramakio : thx ya ram dah comment dan doa in
@ Osvaldo : ya di trusin om gmn hubungan lewat email kita koh? lagu lu yg sama ernes gw remix koh klo boleh :p
@ Joey_30 : THX brother
emang sadis lo ya b 2...
ga ad matinya
emang gw bner2 hrs bnyak blajar sm lo nih!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
klo kata Armin : "this is the tune Of the week" ...sound nya future bgt *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
keep it up brother ;)
Soulnya Dapet banget nih track..
alurnya jadi...
jadi curiga nih..waktu produs pada ngapain ya.... ;D ;D
asli *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
@ dwi : wah klo ngajarin sih kita blm sanggup, sama2 masi blajar kok.. kita share ilmu aja :)
@ nickvan : amin klo bneran bgitu :P
@ Bullebali : ngapain ya? hehehehehehe.. gk apa2 in kok om.. cuman di temenin kopi & rokok ;D
gokiillll....... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
full support deh pokoknya... *bgs* *bgs*
mantapp abeezzz *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Full Support Cristo & Teeyo *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@ Oki Koro : tengkyuu brother, sukses ya digital six nya :D
@ Dj foo : siap broo
@ Ramakio : thx ram, aminnn .. i wish ;)
@ Osvaldo : jadi dong os, kpan balik sini lg (?) lgs digarap aja :)
@ Joey_30 : thx joey, tracknya rhino jg gokil :)
@ Dwi : yuuu mariii
@ Nickvan : Tune of the week.. xie2 nickvan.. ;) :-*
@ Bullebali : cigarette + a cup of coffee :P
@ Shabyn : thx aryaa
@ Vageel : danke mate
kereeennn! mau tidur jd ga jd :P
dtunggu albumnya!
gokil sob lagu nya gw demen ;D
prediksi gw lagu nya Uplifting Trance ternyata setelah di denger 2x 3x minimal trance :D
jarang 2x orang buat lagu minimal trance , salute ;)
bener nga yah minimal trance :-[ tanya langsung sama yg buad de
Soundscape White sama Soundscape Recording , <- ini sama atau beda orang bro *piss*
ngeri deh kalo Soundscape ngeluarin album
Keren! Brilliant Prog Trance ;)
@ beyb : om adith bisa aja nih :P album masih lama lah... btw thx ya bro
@ Kapoor : sebener nya niatan kita bikin prog trance bro, emang ada sedikit unsur minimal di dalem nya.. jadi sub genre nya tergantung org yg ndegerin mau nya di bilang apa, yg jelas masih tetep trance ;)
@ Mr. Din : Xie xie brother lee.. ;D ;D
Quote from: cristo on 17/03/09, 02:55
@ Bullebali : ngapain ya? hehehehehehe.. gk apa2 in kok om.. cuman di temenin kopi & rokok ;D
musikku keras ...kopi ku kental ...rokok ku GUDANG GARAM FILTER ;D ;D
wah, remixannya cristo ya? salutttt, tp kok basslinenya ga begitu kedengeran ya? ketutup sama pluck nya(apa deh) hehehe
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
@ angger : ia bass nya agak nge sub gtu ya jadi gk kluar.. nanti full mastering nya lebih kluar deh kek nya..
thx for comment bro :)
Quote from: angger_dimas on 19/03/09, 17:13
wah, remixannya cristo ya? salutttt, tp kok basslinenya ga begitu kedengeran ya? ketutup sama pluck nya(apa deh) hehehe
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
itu sengaja sob, bass kita buat lebih ngeSUB, base on progy sound.. ;)
karena kita udah test di krk :)
Quote from: nickvan on 19/03/09, 17:06
Quote from: cristo on 17/03/09, 02:55
@ Bullebali : ngapain ya? hehehehehehe.. gk apa2 in kok om.. cuman di temenin kopi & rokok ;D
musikku keras ...kopi ku kental ...rokok ku GUDANG GARAM FILTER
ember klo gk GG Filter gk jadi tuh lagu, yg lain cepet abis.. klo GG filter awet bro ;D ;D
so uplifting..n mahal..
mantap ..
nice remix guys ..
ditunggu remix2 selanjutnya..
@ Rangga : raster thx bro :p
@ Berry : tengkyuu ber.. :D, aprreciated so much ;)
@ Rangga : siappp rangga, doain yah bro ;)
Saya suka.......
Beat-nya ngegebuk euy..........
Cang cing dah.....
T O P B G T ! ! ! !
cristo....teeyo...remixannya mantabbbb *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
makin kerenn aj kaliannn...tante suka dengernya! ;D
TOB dah....
@ Om Sendok : Xie xie ko sen ^:)^
@ Dev_16bit : makasih tante, kapan nongkrong nih..
And now featured on Holy Project March Ed.
speechless *bgs* *bgs*
emg MAX NRG jaminan mutu *tepuktangan*
@ Olis : ;)
@ Tommy : Makasih ya bro.. :D
udah spechless gw kalo mereka udah produce ato remix.... bener2 keren ,,,, ciri khas nya ada di setiap lagu nya *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Benar - Benar quality...!!! *bgs* *bgs*
papa proud of you all ;D ;D
@ mentha : pujian nya terlalu berat bao.. btw thx for your attention
@ Adrian : thx bro.. kapan mau maen2 di tunggu in gk nongol2
@ babai : loh bukannya mama? :P
ikut menikmati lagu nya soobb...!!
*bgs* super ajibbb jooooooooo...!!
pollll abisss.. mantab anjrit keren *bgs*
canggih bro,...manteb bgt dueh....support *piss*
Great tune!! I wish u the best of luck w ur productions!!! Great artist
@ ihateband : thx dude.. :)
@ Mario 78 : thank you om mario :P
@ Monic@ : thx for your support
Not bad! Good kick and shakers sounds nice, but I think the bass sounds a bit anonymous. Maybe you should add a mid bass in the same pattern? I think the breakdown sounds a bit false, since the lower bars in the pad is not following the same chord progression as the bass. But the melody is not bad, but not something I would remember for a very long time. So that's something you can think about for next track.
Anyways, not bad at all! Good job.
Lars Nyheim of The Blizzard
^ waw
keren brow *bgs*
Hi lars,
Thanks so much for support indonesia EDM's
I'll be waiting you... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Wawww ad The Blizzard . . .
@ Lars Nyheim of The Blizzard : Thank you very much for comment my remix :) i'll try the best for next remix.. cheers
@ Lars : thx for advice mate, we'll keep this lesson fr the next track ;)
euphoric sekali...guyz, ditunggu karya selanjutnya. i love u Lars.. (?)
thanks bing, ditunggu nu vsti nya bro..
manteb nih lagunyaa....kualitas luar negri hehehe...support deh buat cristo & teeyo! jiayou!!
thx e-bump, i like ur remix too *bgs*