

Started by Discomfort, 08/03/07, 02:43

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sobs.. iseng nih..


masi rough, blum di master, ribet, dan gw gak tau genrenya paan..  ;D

test2 aja lah..  *piss*

ditunggu feedbacknya ya?

Anarchy. Now

eh salah naro link.. yg bener ini.. heheheh http://www.sendspace.com/file/4opht3
Anarchy. Now

ciyeee niang...musisi....
si bayu...

ada apa Dijeeey?
Anarchy. Now

ngga ada apa-apa mas.....ciyee produser...
si bayu...

iki piye toh? udh donlod blum lo? comment dong! ciya ciye ciya ciye..
Anarchy. Now

o iye..donlod dulu deh...hahahaahah
si bayu...

banget! Koncian itu mah.. hahahahahha
Anarchy. Now

pertama dgr vox nya lsg "ngeh". :D keren mang. lanjut...

genre? itu progressive... anggap aja electronic progressive.

hihi.. thx sob.. trus? kurangnya apa?
Anarchy. Now

Downloading now
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

Niang, kurangnya kecepatan download gue ... emailin gue dong..



udah dikirim tuw.. special delivery, ditunggu commentsnya yaks..
Anarchy. Now

yakin nih cuma iseng aja....?
Keren sob apalagi percusinya.....ditunggu finalnya
jgn lupa breakdownnya + Peak
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

Iya tuh, ujungnya masih blum tau mo gw apain.. mo gw tambah live instrument gitu si ama vocal.. thx Tenshi!
Anarchy. Now

tb music 2008

eh? Maksudnya?
Anarchy. Now

kalo cara lo ngaransemen spt ity, ga ada yg kurang.
klo di tangan gw urutannya mungkin bisa beda.
tiap orang beda2 lah.

its good overall.

dah ga ada lagi file nya yaa?
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

ooh udah mati ya? Kalo mau bisa donlod di mp gw di http://discomfort.multiply.com ntar gw upload lg di sendspace de
Anarchy. Now

gw nunggu yang di sendspace aja deh sobb.. ;)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

masukin gudangupload.com aja boss... donlotnya cepet buat orang indo..:)

wa bole tu, gw coba deh
Anarchy. Now


Sesuai rekomendasi, ini link downloadnya bwt yg mau.. for those who does, thx for downloading n comment plz!
Anarchy. Now