
Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: Bhokero on 26/10/06, 22:37

Title: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 26/10/06, 22:37
DJ Romy - Minal aidin and met lebaran, numpang ikutan remix ya,
ini track gue remix bedua sama dey pas kemaren siang, baru selese tadi pagi sampe si dey nginep dirumah gue. terus siang dibangunin anak gue dan nerusin buat balance tadi sore. belom sempet mastering makanya frekwensinya belom lebar soalnya ga punya speaker monitor yg bagus buat mixing...hehehe
btw, ini track electro house secara kita maen electro dan kita bikin base line sendiri tapi tetep ngikutin patern nya punya loe cuman ada beberapa improvisasi di bar2 tertentu. loops nya juga soalnya kan remix jadi mau bikin rada beda, biar kaya robbie rivera ....  ;D hehehehe
kalo sound kurang tebel maklumin masih 90% lah belom final mixing dan mastering soalnya. kalo udah kelar mau kita maenin ya... jadi mohon ijin buat dimaenin.....

track available for download at:
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 26/10/06, 22:39
btw the track in quicktime format (m4a)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 26/10/06, 22:51
Gilingan yeeee lebaran nge remix lagu...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

duh lelet bgt lagi nih DownLoad nya....

Klo ngga sempet gw dengerin di studio lu aja deh mas....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: wd j on 26/10/06, 22:54

Quote from: Bhokero on 26/10/06, 22:37
kaya robbie rivera ....  ;D hehehehe

weits pasti gokilll nich mix annya...mau dong ngopy ...?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 26/10/06, 23:07
hussshhhh maeen ngopy-ngopy aja luw....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: wd j on 26/10/06, 23:23
kenapa sich jim..kan gw kaga ikutan bikin jadi gw ngopi aja...  :D awas ya lo ngopi buat dj lo jim.....!!!!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 26/10/06, 23:57
Siappp...gue DL skrg..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 27/10/06, 00:07
wawwww.... nice remix juuoooooo.... huhuhuhuhuhuh beat nya enak tenen euy...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Good works for bhokero and dey... ngga percuma ngerjain nya ampe begadang....  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: lazydog | rico on 27/10/06, 00:32
gw suka pas rolling break di tengah2nya..
makin beragam nih lagu i-feel-silence
keren keren...
ayu yg dung yg lain..
versi breaks or down tempo maybe ? hehehe
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: wd j on 27/10/06, 00:39
Quote from: ...Jimprut... on 27/10/06, 00:07
wawwww.... nice remix juuoooooo.... huhuhuhuhuhuh beat nya enak tenen euy...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Good works for bhokero and dey... ngga percuma ngerjain nya ampe begadang....  ;D ;D ;D ;D

jadi mau ga buat dj lo ngopi jim..? :)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 27/10/06, 01:03
Udah Dengerin...KErennn JOOOO.....Bagus  gw bilang komposisinya udah pas...tinggal di mastering aja dan Tebel-in lagi... cuman pas break pertama agak2 off beat deh...ntar kalo di maenin agak2 lari mungkin...trus sama pas BAR ke tiga dan ke empat sebelum pecah bagusnya di tambahin sedikit element supaya beda sama intro awalnya....hehehehe.....sok tau yah gw ....siapa tau bisa ngebantu...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 27/10/06, 01:17
Quote from: dj_roy_xspinn on 27/10/06, 01:03
Udah Dengerin...KErennn JOOOO.....Bagus  gw bilang komposisinya udah pas...tinggal di mastering aja dan Tebel-in lagi... cuman pas break pertama agak2 off beat deh...ntar kalo di maenin agak2 lari mungkin...trus sama pas BAR ke tiga dan ke empat sebelum pecah bagusnya di tambahin sedikit element supaya beda sama intro awalnya....hehehehe.....sok tau yah gw ....siapa tau bisa ngebantu...

Thx yah buat kritikannya, truss mengenai offbeat, harusnya gak mungkin lari sih, secara kita bikin pattern udah pake metronome.  Mungkin bukan lari, tapi  agak gak nyambung arransementnya. Tapi itu tergantung selera kita sih, btw thx buat kritikannya. mengenai tambahan elemen2nya yah secara bikinnya baru kmaren siang jadi emang mungkin blm banyak, hanya memang kita konsepnya gak mau banyak2 elemen tambahan. Paling cuma efx aja.. Thx
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Gober on 27/10/06, 01:49
waaah good. so far remix yang paling bagus.
nice work bhokero
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 02:25
@gober, thanx sob... jadi terharu gue, minal aidin ya. kita belom halal bihalal nih. salam buat yg laen.

@dj_roy_xspinn, thank u commentnya. tapi bener kata dey kalo lari ga mungkin soalnya patern midi file udah kita snap to grid dan pake metronome pas bikinnyya. mungkin kurang enak aja kali ya di dengernya pas bagian itu buat loe. btw, kita udah coba nge mix dengan lagu laen dan ga lari kok kalo beat macthing.

@jimprut, thk u jo... lebaran hari kedua soalnya. daripada jadi upik abu gara pembantaian pulang mending cari alesan remix lagu...kekekekek

@lazydog, thx and ur song is good too.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 02:27
@Wd_J, tenang aja kalo mau ngopy tapi musti loe jadiin anthem loe ya, secara loe doyan ma kang robbie...hehehe, boleh kan DJ Romy???
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Gober on 27/10/06, 02:47
minal aidin juga sob. ditunggu freepassnya pas carl cox yaaah hehehe... :P

oh iyah ada tambahan. sebenernya menurut gua sound electronya rada2 out of date jo, gua pribadi udah bosen ama sound2 itu. tapi penilaian ini 100% subjektif, menurut selera gua. secara objektif dilihat dari komposisi lagu gua bilang cukup bagus. apalagi pas ada tambahan baseline di tengah2, bikin lagu lebih hidup. tapi sayangnya melodinya terlalu panjang repeatnya. cukup catchy sih kalo baru pertama dengerin, but in the long run, orang bakal cepet bosen. kritik lain mungkin dari sound quality. masih rada rada cempreng, kurang bulet. kedengeran banget baru dari software sampler.

masih ada beberapa remixer yang mau ikutan juga nih. at least udah ada 2 orang yang ngasih liat demo ke gua. makin seru ajah nih. lumayan kan buat latihan, biar produser sini makin jago jago...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 27/10/06, 03:00

Iya.....udah gw coba mixing gak lari kok..cuman kedengerannnya aja sekilas tadi....
Gw coba tambahin drum rooll di "akhir break pertama dan kedua"...supaya gak kedengeran sepi...sama sedikit mastering....coba dengerinn deh....hehehehe....

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 03:06
@gober, kalo soal suara masih cempreng terang aja sob secara belom mixing dan mastering, gue ga' punya monitor bagus buat mastering. rencananya dey yg mau ngerjain soalnya dia punya headphone mixing beyer dynamics yg bagus di kantornya. kalo udah mastering hopefully bisa bikin soundnya lebih bagus. itu masih gress baru dr reason, belom sempet masuk ke software laen.....hehehe (tau aja loe ya......)

buat element soundnya emang mungkin kedengeran standard soalnya gue ga' punya sound bank and samples yg byk. untung aja andi ayunir sempet ngasih soundbank buat reason gue jadi masih ada yg aneh2. coba deh nanti gue ganti kalo ada yg ok. btw, melodynya itu 2nd baseline gue yg di bikin di layer yg beda jo jadi panjang deh,.......hehehe
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 03:14
@roy, td susah di d/l tp udah bisa deh. gue ga' masukin security numbernya tadi. sorry, gaptek kali gue
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 27/10/06, 03:53
@Bokero & Dey.. This one is good and steady.. its remain me to the fabric things... like a minimal electro i guess..I want to hear your final mixes.. put a bit more soul and dinamic there should be fantastic.. good work!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 27/10/06, 04:02
Every track need a soul and emotion.. need energy in the track.. even deep house have it.. after u have the groove everything going to be easier.. trust me :-)

Yiuuukk ya yiuuukk ha ha..

I Feel Silence - DJ Romy Hypnotica mixes
The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4rdn76
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Heru Iqbal on 27/10/06, 05:47
Hallo Friend Salam Kenal..
Gw udah download dan denger lagu I Feel Silence Versi Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix.
Bagi gw.. hasil begadang elo ini udah cukup bagus.. Serasa gw back ke Tahun 70'an ketika zaman-zaman Discothique rumahan lagi ngeJamur.. Musiknya Dansanya kayak begini. Yang joget pun bajunya lucu-lucu.
Tapi.. ngomong-ngomong sekarangkan udah abad Milenium bo'..  Cari dong Instrument yang ngeJreng gitu dengan hentakan drums yang lebih dinamic.. Pasti lebih Dahsyatt hasilnya. :)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Gober on 27/10/06, 06:01
hehehe.... sob... justru yang sound kayak gini lagi ngetrend. terlalu ngetrend malah, jadinya bosen. namanya electro.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 27/10/06, 08:51
numpang download...tadi gw udah download di warnet, tp di warnet ga ada playernya.. :(
comment menyusul.. ;)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Chris.M on 27/10/06, 09:08
Nice remix, instrumen juga bagus.

Tapi,, menurut gw yaah,, kok agak2 datar lama2 yah??
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 10:27
@DJ romy,
thx for the advice, we try to put it more soul on the track when mixing and mastering. Tapi gue ma dey sepakat utk ga nambah layer sound lagi kecuali efx. soalnya kita mau bikin track ini simple tapi tetep kedengeran bedanya tiap pergantian 8 bar walopun kecil. biar kaya at night - dave spoon. simple tapi kerasa bedanya. :)
kita nanti up load yg final by the the time it's done. hopefully within this week.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: wd j on 27/10/06, 11:49
@ Bhokero
siap bhokero, pasti akan gw maenin asal emang udah layak aja kualitasnya buat dimaenin di club...jadi cepetan di finalize donk...hue...ok nich yg rada minimal gini instrumennya....buat joged2 lucu, mirip lagu take off nya Robbie Rivera yg Original mixs, minimal instrumen gitu dr awal ampe akhir.... tp yg dibilang Paman Gober ada benernya juga tuch melodinya terlalu panjang repeatnya, mungkin bisa diakalin lagi kali yah, kalo emang ga mau nambahain instrumen lain, mungkin bisa di variasiin di baselinenya gitu or ditambahin effect2 lain...yah kayak robbie rivera bgt lah,palagi kalo dah dimasukin kyk wind effect gitu..aseli robbie bgt tuch .......huehehehhe...(sok tau ya gue)...hihihihhihi.....  ;D

@Dj Romy
Pak Dj nanti boleh yah saya mainin lagunya kalo udah oke nanti......please... hue...yiuukkkk ya yuukkkk juga pak DJ, setuju....huheheheheh  ::)

*U got into d the music, so u can feel the emotion of that music.....aint that rite bhokero...hue...  ::)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 12:12
@wd_J, emang gue udah dengerin lagi rada kepanjangan sound element 2nd bassline. gue mau ganti supaya that tunes yg ditungguin orang. kalo sekarang otak udah fresh secara tidur panjang jadi bisa dapet inspirasi... gue mau change soundnya di setelah 16 bar after build up. tunggu aje ye kalo udah kelar gue up load lagi.
soal efx emang refill gue yg terbatas. kalo ada yg punya refill windbolwing yg panjang buat reason or wav file boleh nih dibagi2.

@heru iqbal, emang soundnya mau dibikin lucu2 sob. menurut gue electro emang lucu2 gitu tp tetep bisa bikin goyang. maybe that's one of the reason I'm spinning this kind of music sob.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: dafkaf on 27/10/06, 13:20

bhokero rocks!!!

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 27/10/06, 17:43
Boleh bgt.. mau maenin remixes Bhokero & Dey, Ferre, Chris M, DJ Ferdy, Lazy Dog,Heru Iqbal , Atau original gue bebas.. one more week to rank this fantastic mixes.. :-)

If the mixes are in the standart sound of EDM and qualify Composition. then u have ur mixes release World Wide..

if its not will come at the Promos CD Compilation of GLOBAL RESOURCES LABEL RELEASE PARTY at MBC & WB in DECEMBER (1945MF,SOUND OF JAKARTA UK,CUBIC UK)

Good Luck guys :-)

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 27/10/06, 19:51
@dafkaf, bisa aja loe bang. hehehehehe.... apa mau gue bikinin versi techno buat loe....hihihihi. doain aja bang, tadi barusan gue malak supplier gue buat mixing di studio mereka biar gratis. lumayan kan ga' perlu keluar uang.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 28/10/06, 13:33
bisssaaaa aja nihh nodong suplier mulu biar gratisss....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D bhokero rocks..  :D :D :D :D ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 29/10/06, 04:28
Fyi event label release nya 9 Dec di MBC & WB jadinya, best 1.2.3 will be listed at th CD promo release of 1945MF , SOUND OF JAKARTA UK , CUBIC UK , trus yg no 1 will spin it the track by him self in betwen time of my set..
yg mixes nya emang patut di release will be release in 1945MF label.. (i will send your mixes to Adrian Champion "Partner gue di S.O.J & Jackie Reverse "Reverse label" to be judgement by them" i think it will be more good if they will decide also which one is best mixes.

This things i make more serious coz i see u guys is very concern to remixes my track, i would like to thank you all for the attention "its a honour for me to be remixes by u all" so i brought this things to next level

I hope this event like this will be more and make the producer in indonesia can be expression them self as they are..
Respect :-)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 29/10/06, 17:32
Quote from: 1945MF on 29/10/06, 04:28
Fyi event label release nya 9 Dec di MBC & WB jadinya, best 1.2.3 will be listed at th CD promo release of 1945MF , SOUND OF JAKARTA UK , CUBIC UK , trus yg no 1 will spin it the track by him self in betwen time of my set..
yg mixes nya emang patut di release will be release in 1945MF label.. (i will send your mixes to Adrian Champion "Partner gue di S.O.J & Jackie Reverse "Reverse label" to be judgement by them" i think it will be more good if they will decide also which one is best mixes.

This things i make more serious coz i see u guys is very concern to remixes my track, i would like to thank you all for the attention "its a honour for me to be remixes by u all" so i brought this things to next level

I hope this event like this will be more and make the producer in indonesia can be expression them self as they are..
Respect :-)

Siaaapppppp.... Tetap Semangatttt !!!!! Hhehehehe
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 29/10/06, 17:35
Minggu ini kita coba mixing serius.. So mudah2an besok udah bisa kita upload lagi di rvlx.
Plus kita tunggu kritikan2 selanjutnya yaahhh... heheheheee...
Btw blm ada nih yg nge remix versi down beat???

Ayo ayoooooo....
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 29/10/06, 18:09
 Setelah gw perhatiin, kayaknya terobosan yg dibuat oleh pak dj Senior satu kita ini bener2 bagusss... Salah satu mamfaatnya adalah bisa bikin para calon producer2 muda untuk bisa lebih brani membuat komposisi lagu dance.. Buktinya, banyak bgt yg ikut untuk mencoba me remix lg yg dikasih pak dj kita ini. N genrenya juga beragam..
Kalo aja ini terus2an ada ( tentunya dgn remix lagu yg lain ) pasti perkembangan dance music kt jadi lebih cepat majunya.. pluss pasti banyak title2 lagu ciptaan anak bangsa.. ( hehehehehe... resmi amat yah bahasanya )
Tapi bener bgt loh... THx Buat Dj Romy, mudah2an Dj2 senior lainnya bisa ikutan doonggg... Jadi makin seruuukan.....

Tetap Semangat buat temen2 semua...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 29/10/06, 18:18
Siaaaap.. "Be as one in house music" :-)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: [ y u d h i ] on 29/10/06, 23:20
@ bhokero & dey
nice work guys... gila ya tau2 dah selesai aja remixnya.. cepet bener...
btw comment menyusul ya... lg didl ni skr...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 30/10/06, 13:19
dj yudhi.... thx ...
kmaren padahal kita mau ngajak lo ktemuan juga. tapi gw pikir lo blm balik dari surabaya..
So next time kita nge remix versi Trance yahhh
biar lo bisa maenin juga yah...
tp, gw mau kelarin lagu " full the Moon"
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 30/10/06, 15:02
Teman2... ini hasil mixingnya .. Jadi mungkin bisa diberi komentar2 mana yg kurang.. Teruss buat temen2 yang laen, ayooo semangaaattttt... !!!!!
Silahkan Download.....

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: F E R R E on 30/10/06, 15:21
smangat juga buat lo bedua dey...ma bhokero..gw lagi ngedonlot nih maklum siang
rada lemot, komentar menyusul later ya bruoo...
komen pny gw jg dunks...kompetisi sehat nih alah...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 30/10/06, 15:33
@DJ Romy,
finally after mixing gila di studio temen gue sampe pagi lagi, gue ma dey selesei mixing. tapi masih mau revisi dikit before mastering. yg ribet soalnya mixing kita analog. bayangin 24 layer kita patching satu satu.... itu juga udah ada yg digabung2in. bisa gila nih gue bedua dey.

besok pasti di upload yg final mastering. either sm gue ato dey di thread ini.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 30/10/06, 17:14
Thx Ferre.. Ditunggu komennya yah... btw gw download dulu lagu yg lo buat yg udah direvisi. ntar komennya jg menyusul yah...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 30/10/06, 18:38
@Bhoker.. Siappp.. gue tunggu final mixesnya joo..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 30/10/06, 19:18
gue dah denger joo.. mixes down nya oke.. appergios gue suka.. tambahin detail lg oke kyknya.. sweepers,rolls, overall your mixes one of my fav guys..  :-)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 30/10/06, 19:38
@DJ romy,
kalo nambahin sweepers, dll kayaknya utk skrg rada susah deh. secara gue sm dey udah masuk kerja lagi....huhuhu coz holidays is over. tapi kita mau mixing ulang lagi kalo kita ternyata masuk yg 3 besar itu.....
utk sementara yg ini dulu ya pak DJ romy. biar pak DJ decide yang 3 itu... ato kita bisa up load yg 320K kali ya biar detailnya mungkin lebih jelas.
anyway, Thank u so much for the chance to remix ur song. We got great time doing it over this holidays.

PS: Buat yg laen final mixes kita bisa di d/l di:

DJ Romy - I feel silence (Bhokero&Dey Phsco Nerve Mix) @ http://www.sendspace.com/file/v7g3xs
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: F E R R E on 30/10/06, 19:44
bner banget ...
mixdownnya oke bgt...very catchy di kuping!
bersih bgt!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 30/10/06, 21:35
Thx ya fer,brarti gak percuma gw sm bhoker begadang td pagi. Mana jam 9 mesti ngantor lg. pr bgt td. Ngantuk berat. Hehehe.. Gw udh dgr sekilas rmx yg lo buat. Ok! Tp masih sedikit agak monoton ya. Mesti lbh bervariasi lg n harmonis.. Plus tambahin elemen2 yg kecil.. Segitu dulu x ya. Semangat!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 30/10/06, 21:39
versi baru yah mas? gw download dulu yah..komen nyusul..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Gober on 31/10/06, 02:01
wow, baru dengerin. keren. much much better. lebih penuh dan hidup. gua paling suka pas setelah break. makin lama makin padet musiknya. good work. semoga terpilih...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 31/10/06, 05:13
@Dey.. nahhh itulah joo.. kadang2 kita sampe pegeel bgt punggung ha ha.. but ur work is good! soulnya dapet.. yiuuuukk
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: lazydog | rico on 31/10/06, 11:28
haha.. pegel punggung, udah 5 jam trus di renggangkan .. kreeteeeekk kretekkk.. nikmatnya hahaha..
duh banyak banget yg versi baru, pengen donlot.. udah tgl 1 nov blom yah heheh?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 31/10/06, 13:00
yoiii bgt... pak DJ, soalnya kmaren kt mixing pake radar 24. gw baru sekali mixing pake radar 24, biasanya pake pro tools.. N gw baru tau juga ternyata radar 24 itu gak bisa import data sekaligus kayak pro tools. mesti di ambil satu satu baru di re amp.. cuma pr bgt! bayangin mesti samain gridnya lagi satu2 dulu lagi. udah nungguin re ampnya 7:25'' dikali 24 track..
Sayang bgt tuh system radar gak flexible.. systemnya masih terlalu analog.. Jadi inget waktu rekaman pake pita 2 inch... hehehehe.. Tapi kualitas suaranya okeh.. Setara sama Pro Tools HD kalo gw dengerin...
Tapi lumayan jadi pengalaman seru tuh...
Btw pak dj ntar gw upload file yang 320 kbps nya deh biar lebih berasa detail soundnya yah.. Kmaren terakhir cuma 192 kbps soalnya..
Okee... dehhhhh...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 31/10/06, 13:10
Radar ?? Sounds good tapi ya gitu joo ribet.. dulu gue ditawarin sm Melodia beli radar.. mahal yee.. Joo kl bisa di rework lg detailnya biar lebih live lg.. K. Yiuuukk..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 31/10/06, 13:52
Cuman gw blom sempet waktu buat revisi dulu nih.. Soalnya gw sama bhoker udah mulai masuk kantor lagi. hehehehe... Tapi paling weekend kalo mau revisi... TRuss emang bener bgt tuh Radar lumayan agak ribet.. Sayang bgt buat Multi Track sekelas itu tapi untuk persoalan import data dari luar agak2 ribet.. Padahal data udah standar audio wav 24/48.. trus dia gak bisa baca audio cd. mesti ditransfer ke floppy disk khusus radar dulu baru bisa di import datanya.
Pokoknya pr bgt deh.. Mana system remotenya gak ada mouse nya pula.. Mereka bener2 nyamain system kerja pita analog.. jadi buat geser n motong2 file pake knob suffle model puter gt.. gileeee benerrrr....hehehehe...
Cuman kalo masalah stabilitasnya sih OK... Selama gw mixing n dll gak pernah ada troubble apa2.. Cukup lancaaar..
Tapi mendingan Pro Tools lahh.. hehehe...
Otreee deh pakk, ntar gw coba rework lg buat detailnya.. thx yaaa... Yiiiuuuuuuuuuukkkkk...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 31/10/06, 13:57
Oh yaaa pakk...
Btw gw kmaren coba telpn n blm nyambung gt..
Jadi kemaren gw sama David demajors yg mau ngobrol ditelpn. Kita mau nawarin system alternatif distribution digital baru. Kebetulan gw sama David kerja disini.. Yang pernah gw kasih tau dulu waktu di Dimsum Kemang.. ( inget Gak? ). Jadi mau nawarin ke lo buat jualin lagu2 yang udah di release buat dimasukin ke Db Store.. Untuk lebih jelasnya, nanti kt telpn kapan pak DJ ada waktu.. Okeeehhh...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: RoniJoni on 31/10/06, 14:01
duh siapa ya yang kepilih,...????
jadi penasaran..!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 31/10/06, 14:05
Pro Tools beneerrr.. HD 3 trus pk DigiDesign Icon.. wenaaakk juooo..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 31/10/06, 14:15
Yoiii... gak ada matinya kalo Pro Tools mah.. Muanteb!!! Semuanteebb harganya jugaaaa.. hahahahaha...
Emang harga gak pernah bo'ong.. hehehehe...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 31/10/06, 15:53
Nah ini gw kasih link lagi buat D/L yg udah final mixing.. filenya 320 kbps.. Lebih tebel dari yg kmaren tentunya


Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 31/10/06, 16:02
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 01/11/06, 01:21
@Bhokero & Dey
You guys are rocks... Ribed amat dey kayanya proyek ngeremix lagu yg 1 ini... hehehehehehe
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 01/11/06, 02:02
kalo ga ribet berarti ga' nge-remix dong jim. yg paling ribet kalo lagu udah kelar tuh yah mixing and mastering. hehehehe.... mungkin bikin patern lagunya lebih enjoy dibandingin mixing, bisa juga krn kita mixing analog sih secara musti re-amp tiap layer ke mixer 24 track satu2...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 01/11/06, 02:56
iyeehhh dehh mbokkk...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 01/11/06, 10:02
Tapi justru kenikmatan bikin musik itu ada di part mixing n mastering...
Kepuasaaaaaannnnyaa itu lohhh... hehehehehehe...
jim, c u ntar malem yah...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: tenshi on 01/11/06, 18:09
keren sob...kick nya itu loh....muantab dengernya
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 01/11/06, 18:36
thx... tenshii... Lo juga soundnya tebel bro.. itu lo re amp lagi yah?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: tenshi on 01/11/06, 18:40
belum di-final sih.....mungkin pas kebetulan plugin-nya cocok huhhuhuh
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 02/11/06, 16:55
Guys, Ini gw post lagu yang udah gw mastering yah...
silahkan menikmati... smoga hasilnya lumayan buat mijitin kuping...

Silahkan D/L :


kalo emang masih ada kekurangan yahhh harap maklum.. !!! hehehehehe..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: tenshi on 02/11/06, 17:45
sipp....download duluan yaa
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: tenshi on 02/11/06, 17:48
judulnya jadi to the moon sekarng?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 02/11/06, 17:56
Waahh,.. salah ya jo!!!
waduuuh... jangan2 salah upload gw...
To the moon itu lagu gw yg gw buat. tapi trance gt. n blm kelar..
kok bisa salah yahh
maap!! biar gw cek dulu yah..
btw thx buat tenshi udah ngingetin...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 02/11/06, 18:07
hehehe...salah yah?kebanyakan proyek sih.. :P
tp gw download gpp kan pak?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 02/11/06, 18:15

kalo emang lagunya salah tolong kasih tau gw yahh.. gw mau cek linknya cuman gw lagi ngedownload yg laen. makanya bisa lama.
mungkin lo duluan yang bisa denger..
kalo emang bener lagu i feel silence brarti cuman judulnya aja yg salah. Tapi kalo lagunya beda n agak2 trance gt, brarti gw emang salah upload..
thx sob!!!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 02/11/06, 18:18
Dj Dey lagi mau kasih bocoran lagu2nya nih..... hehehehehe
emang salah kok dey, ini lagu loe sendiri..... bukan lagu remixan kita.... tapi keren kok jo!! nerawang2 gitu trancenya....
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 02/11/06, 18:20
Co, hehehehe... tadi gw uploadnya sambil kerja dikantor.. jadi emang agak2 ribet.. hehehehe...
yaaahh sok atuuh di d/l. cuman lg to the moon gw bener2 masih mentah sob..
masih gak enak buat didenger kayaknya... huhuhuhuuu..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 02/11/06, 18:31
hehehe...gpp lah buat koleksi...tp kata bhokero keren..nerawang2 gitu...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 02/11/06, 18:39
Gw posting lagu " to the moon" aja di luar topik ini yah biar gak rancuu...
kalo gitu sekalian kasih sarannya aja deh. hehehehehe
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 03/11/06, 00:16
Wah lagu baru Dey? Gue lg di S'pore jd ngak bisa dengerin detail soalnya cuma bawa powerbook G4 gue.. ngak bw headphone.. ntar gue dengerin Sabtu pas di Jakarta.. Seneng gue elu productive bgt joo.. Send me more ur track ya.. yiuuukk..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Heru Iqbal on 03/11/06, 06:28

Pak Romy.. Ini final remix dari saya untuk Europe Dance Versionnya.
Saya sudah coba perbaiki masalah break ditengah lagu ini sesuai dengan petunjuk bapak, tetapi karena irama lagu ini maunya ngebut terus, mungkin break yang dimaksud seperti dalam house track jadi kurang terasa. Jadi.. sekali lagi maaf lho pak Romy.  :)
Akhirnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih banyak atas kesempatan dan waktu yang diberikan. Mudah-mudahan dengan adanya event-event seperti ini akan semakin membuat EDM Indonesia menjadi Tuan rumah di negerinya sendiri.

Songs : I Feel Silence (Europe Dance Version)
Original by : DJ Romy - 1945MF
Remixed by : Heru Iqbal
Tap Speed : 130 Bpm
Duration : 07mnt 45sec
File Size :10.65MB
Bit Rate :  192 Kbps
Create Date : 03-Nov-2006
Download : http://www.sendspace.com/file/x21a69

Buat rekan-rekan producer lainnya, Ayo dong.. Maju Terus Pantang Mundur  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 03/11/06, 10:29
iya nih pak Dj, sebenernya sih lagu "full The Moon" blm pengen ditaro disini karena emang blm kelar joo..
Cuman gara2 kmaren gw salah upload, eh malah lagu yg ini yg masuk. Padahal maksudnya mau Upload lagu "i Feel Silence" yg baru gw mastering. hehehehe...
Untung diingetin sama Tenshi n Bhokero kalo salah lagu katanya. Hhehehehe..
Ya udah deh, karena terlanjur udah ada yg d/l yah dilanjutkan sajalah.. :)
Wah, trima kasih berat pak kalo masih mau kasih masukan buat gw..
Semua kritikannya sangat membantu sekali...
OK, have fun di Singapura yah..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 03/11/06, 14:16

Ini hasil Master " I Feel Silence " ( Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix ) yang bener.. :)
Silahkan mendengarkan..
Dan ditunggu komentarnya n kritikan selanjutnya yah...


Silahkan D/L :

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 04/11/06, 00:27
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 05/11/06, 12:32
Gue dah denger.. soundsnya bagus.. lebar & tebel. tp somethings missing gitu ya.. dari pertama tracknya jadi ada yg missing detail gitu joo.. to be honest track elu yg killing time much better.. giu joo..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 05/11/06, 21:18
@DJ R, emang setelah hasil mixing dan mastering gue juga ngerasa ada yang missing. kayaknya ada sound yg ketutup sama baseline deh. emang mixing dan mastering tuh ribet banget secara kuping ga' biasa denger NS10. banyak ketipunya... hehehe. kita coba benerin deh mixes downnya...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 06/11/06, 10:28
Bener bgt DJ R, kalo gw ngerasa sound yang mirip bassline tapi yang tinggi itu terlalu hi ga eq nya jadi agak kedengeran tipis.. TRus juga kayaknya snarenya jadi ketebelan yah..
Anjriiiittt.. susah bgt mastering lagu kayak gini... hehehehehe
ada yg tau gak kalo mastering untuk lagu2 kayak gini itu,sama gak spec alat2nya sama mastering lagu konvensional?

waaahh.. PR nihh..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 06/11/06, 11:51
Itu lah art of making track.. welcome to the club..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 06/11/06, 12:40
Sangaaaarrrr !!!!
cuman jd penasaran aja gw. Pengen tau gimana cara yg tepat buat mastering lagu2 kayak gini..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: esge on 06/11/06, 13:19
Bhokero, mix yg lo bikin yg gw DL di page 1, inget/ setipe sama moonbotica campur electrixx (kalau tau ), which is... GOOD. jadi pgn ikutan.... masih bisa ga yah... ga bisa jg gpp lah hehe... i wonder bisa dptin acapella nya ga yah?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 06/11/06, 21:21
kaya gini maksudnya? http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=4335.0

File 1:
File Name: loops I feel silence.wav
Description: I feel silence detail
File Size: 4 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/an34mk

File 2:
Name: Bassline Dub-01.wav
Size: 1MB

The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6lf2yj

File 3:
Name: Bassline Dub.wav
Size: 954KB

The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xunmu3

File 4:
File Name: Accapellas I feel silence.wav
File Size: 5 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/506gc0

To download the files, simply click on the download links.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 07/11/06, 02:08
@esge, kita2 lagi ngeremix lagunya DJ romy nih. kalo mirip moonbotica gue ga tau tapi rico udah ngasih d/l linknya kan. good luck... this remix is in competition format....hhehehe
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 07/11/06, 04:49
Thanks Sepet.. u r Truly nice dude...
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 07/11/06, 06:02
hehehe..hanya coba membantu aja kok pak :)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 11/11/06, 10:52
Ini Hasil revisi terakhir Masternyaaa...
Mudah2an hasilnya lumayan. heheheheh.. Susah jo mastering lagu kayak gini... hehehehehehe...

silahkan d/l

Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: wangchung on 11/11/06, 12:51
Quote from: Dey on 11/11/06, 10:52
Ini Hasil revisi terakhir Masternyaaa...
Mudah2an hasilnya lumayan. heheheheh.. Susah jo mastering lagu kayak gini... hehehehehehe...

silahkan d/l


ciamik juga  :P
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 11/11/06, 13:15
Ok..lg DL nih Dey.
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 11/11/06, 17:46
ok dey..gw dl dulu yah.. :)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 11/11/06, 19:58
@dey, thank u sob for covering this. gue lagi pack banget sm kerjaan. jadi loe musti re-mastered sendirian. gue yg gantian jagain kandang deh sekarang secara seminggu ke depan loe yg pack.

@DJ R, this is a final mix by us. been a pleasure to do this. kapan2 bikin kaya gini lagi seru lho.... honestly, the thing you did in encouraging more people to be a producer is second to none.... ga pernah gue liat DJ/producer lokal laen yg bikin breakthru gini....   
great job bro....!!!!!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Dey on 13/11/06, 16:35
Yuup Ker, sama2lah, namanya juga kerja bareng. Mesti saling supportlah.. Ini baru sempet gw buka lagi buat liat perkembangan terakhir.. hehehehe. Yoi juga nih ker, gw minggu ini pack bgt. untung aja di area blitz itu hot spot, jadi masih bisa colongan bentar. hehehe...

Thx juga buat temen2 yang udah ngasih kritikan buat kita.. bener2 ngebantu bgt loh!! Mudah2an ada lagi yang bikin kayak Pak Dj R ini, biar kita bisa utak utik lagi.. :) Thk Pak....  Great Job!!!
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 13/11/06, 18:06
eh..eh gwe dah denger nih final rmix nyaa.. gokiieeel eeuuyy.. congrats yah atas kerja keras nya... heheheheh  :-* :-*
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: bulgur on 06/10/07, 11:47
Quote from: 1945MF on 27/10/06, 03:53
@Bokero & Dey.. This one is good and steady.. its remain me to the fabric things... like a minimal electro i guess..I want to hear your final mixes.. put a bit more soul and dinamic there should be fantastic.. good work!

keep up the good work cingko :)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: ~awan~ on 29/12/07, 12:45
Nice remix. Gokil juooooooooooo..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: djdhemitz on 13/01/08, 04:31
links dead :(
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: seno on 13/01/08, 11:00
bisa di upload ulang gak file nya ?
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: LiLoo on 26/10/08, 14:33
Gw telayt sedotnya niiihhhh,,,linknya udah expired....
ada yg punya link lain ga ? pLiss upload dong,,,hehehhe
fuLly suoort from makassar..
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: 1945MF on 26/10/08, 19:11
Quote from: 1945MF on 27/10/06, 03:53 (Dude its tahun 2006... it such good time...)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 26/10/08, 19:43
Quote from: LiLoo on 26/10/08, 14:33
Gw telayt sedotnya niiihhhh,,,linknya udah expired....
ada yg punya link lain ga ? pLiss upload dong,,,hehehhe
fuLly suoort from makassar..
http://www.indowebster.com/DJ_Romy_I_Feel_Silence_Bhokero_Dey_Psycho_Remix.html (http://www.indowebster.com/DJ_Romy_I_Feel_Silence_Bhokero_Dey_Psycho_Remix.html)
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: Bhokero on 01/11/08, 13:37
wah tahun 2006... awal2 gue kenal DAW nih... hehehe....  nice memory....
Thanks to DJ Romy yg bikin gue jadi mau producing lagu....
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: vandals on 09/12/08, 06:41
mas bhokero&dey.. sip..kren  remixnya.. *tepuktangan* *piss*
Title: Re: DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (Bhokero & Dey Phsyco Nerve Mix)
Post by: tirta on 19/01/09, 02:23
kok ky kebesaran di hi freq nya ya ? .... but overall great *bgs*
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