
Tenshi - Fairy Tale (Radio Edit)

Started by tenshi, 31/01/07, 10:20

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31/01/07, 10:20 Last Edit: 10/02/07, 23:01 by tenshi
Hi Guys,
minta comment dunk untuk remixan dari lagu ..... ? ;D

Tenshi - Fairy Tale (Radio Edit)
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

berapa besar filenya om?? maklum net daku pake system QUOTAA :(


kalo ga salah sktr 6 mega sobb..


cool.. nice work sobb.. ;)

cuma gw ngerasa di bagian tengah2 sedikit kelamaan ya.. (?)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

31/01/07, 21:48 #3 Last Edit: 10/02/07, 23:02 by tenshi
5.8 mb doank koq

justru yang ditengah itulah inti dari lagu iini.... ;D

Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

mmm kaya lagu anime.. ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

sadis juga musiknya!!! pake software apaan bro?

Gila jg lo ed! euheuheuheue

I love the PAD & Strings.... Sedih bgt pad nya... rasa nya kaya ke hilangan seseorg gitu

keep rocking!

Gila knapa din?  ;D

Guys, sory linknya dead...and ini hasil yang udah Final + adding more layers (sounding techy)

Title : Fairy Tale (Radio Edit)
Length : 04:37
Size : 4.23 MB
Quality : 128 Kbps

Links :    http://www.sendspace.com/file/t9v312

Enjoy  *piss*
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

wah.... kayanya musti di warnet niy.
tenshi.....producing bareng gw dong, mr din sibuk mulu si.

uhauahu ayuuuuu produce bareng......PM gue aja jelly
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

nice track, hehehhe....tp kok intronya hampir 1/2 dr lagunya ya ?
apa karena radio edit ?
keren bro....karakternya elo bgt !


iya sob, kan radio edit

kalo extendednya lengthnya 10.22 menit ;D
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

oke punya bro..

saran apa ya, hampir nggak sih .. gue cukup mengerti stylenya.

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thank u bang hogi buat waktunya utk ngedengerin
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

techy (banget!*).. progressive.. trancey...
ada massive pad, boleh di dukung sama faster bpm, bro...
sama kick yg lebih hentak.
tuk radio edit intro di buang aja.

*inget lagu2 SVD. klo boleh saran... bikin aga beda... ntah maenin tranpose, atau beatnya di puter balik.

rekues buat gw remix dong! PM klo tertarik ya...

for me ini better dari remix i feel silence...
romy aja suka i feel silence elo apalagi ini...
Live PA itu Rockssss !!!!!

weeiss.. you makin panteng aja sobb..
Tenshi kapan nih mau bikin solo album sendiri..??
Atau usul gimana kalo kita bikin aja album compilasi bareng-bareng yuk..!! Yang lain pada mau enggak nih..??
Mumpung sekarang lagi musimnya lagu electronic dance lho.. Lihat aja tuh Melly Goeslaw dengan lagu 'Lets Dance Together'..  Meledak abiss kan kasetnya..
Sekarang kalau kita masuk, mungkin cukong-cukong di Sony atau EMI pada mau deh.. kan yang penting kan 'Cuan'..
iya enggak Koh..  ;)

28/02/07, 22:49 #19 Last Edit: 28/02/07, 23:01 by tenshi
Gue masih beginner banget mas heru. Lagunya saja masih pada berantakan...mungkin in the next 2-3 years. kalo ilmunya sudah meningkat baru Pede ;D

and thanks guys udah spent the time for listening & gimme some comment. Really appreciated !  :-*
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

om Tenshi

keren banget lho mix nya!

om Tenshi inspirasi ku!! hehueuhe..

Visit : @djrangel

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