
Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 04:04

Title: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 04:04
share commentsnya yah guys, lagi explore sound2 yg agak beda, ini hasil sementaranya, nanti diupdate lagi kalau udh selesai yaa, thanks  :)

http://media.imeem.com/m/vOdrjO4bO5 (http://media.imeem.com/m/vOdrjO4bO5)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: nickvan on 18/03/09, 05:58
sedot dl ya bro ...comment menyusul

could be a nice one ;)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 10:10
gw baru tambahin instrument lagi yaa, playernya udah gw update.. comments yaah, thx before
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Don_Juny on 18/03/09, 10:22
OTW TKP *piss*
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 10:23
yiuukk.. langsung klik playernya aja jun
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: osvaldo1945MF on 18/03/09, 11:00
gokil..sound juara...lu emang udah punya warna sendiri bro.... ;) ;)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 11:02
tunggu versi fullnya ya os, ini masi preview, makanya pendek, hihihihi :P
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Don_Juny on 18/03/09, 11:05
Sounds good......proggy sound, nice one bro.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

keep it up *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 11:07
pastinya jun.. wait for the full version yaa ;)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: bullebali on 18/03/09, 11:21
Kok detik 27 langsung macet  ya ??
jadi cuma denger intro doang..?
apa kompiku yang lemot ???  :-\
tapi udah 15 menit nungguin ga lanjut juga.. :-\
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 11:28
itu koneksi internetnya bro yg lagi berat
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: bullebali on 18/03/09, 11:33
Siap..ntar aja lagi hehehe..
komen nyusul aja deh.. :)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 15:12
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: DJ Deny on 18/03/09, 15:22
Nice  ;)

Ditunggu yang full version nya ya Chris
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: erwiengroovy on 18/03/09, 15:40
wuih soundnya ngeri om chrisss......
ayo lanjutin om semangat.....
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: dj aska on 18/03/09, 15:41
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 15:51
@Om Deny
Siap,, mudah2an kelar dlm waktu dekat om ;)

thanks soobh! Yooi lagi dilanjutin nih sekarang

nanti gw oper ke elo ya bro, belon jadi euy... croooottttttttt
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: erwiengroovy on 18/03/09, 15:56
Wahhhh mau juga dunk om kalu dah finish hehehehehe...
mupeng neh.....

flownya menyeret ke dunia lain om.....lagi galau pastinya hehehehe piss
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 16:08
hahaha.. ketauan dah sisi suram di balik lagu ini :P
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: rome on 18/03/09, 23:43
tidak usah di ragukan lg kl CHRIS M mahhhhhhhh....cap jempol alwaysss *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 18/03/09, 23:44
mampir2 ke rumah rom..! kita bikin track barengan... gw suplai makanan buat lo deh biar betah, euiheuheuhueihe
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Teeyo on 19/03/09, 01:15
asik cris.. sound deep nya dapet bgt.. *bgs*
mau dong yg fullnya :P
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 19/03/09, 02:34

on process broo ;)
eh mana remix part??
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: cristo on 19/03/09, 03:01
gw dah denger..   *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
gokil sob...   *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
explore sound nya keren..  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
nge Deep nya dapet, pumpin juga dapet  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
thema nya dapet juga..  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Proggy deep tapi unsur2 nya future  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
ada mood jerome nya juga  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Nice one dude   *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

i like this track, di tunggu full version nya..
klo boleh part nya juga klo dah jadi
minat remix  :P
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 19/03/09, 03:06

Siaap!! wah thanks banget masukannya bro, nanti gw update yg fullnya yah
Masih harus explore sounds2 lagi, biar nanti jadinya enak ;)

oh boleh dooong, nanti gw oper remix partnya kalo udh siap ya

many thanks broo :)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 19/03/09, 07:19

ini yg lo share via FB jg ya?

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

mantap Chris.. nti bagi full nya ya! :P
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 19/03/09, 08:40

yooii sobh, nanti ya kalo udah kelar lagunya bisa gw share
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: walasok on 20/03/09, 00:01
i truly love it chris..

keep up the good work.. *bgs*
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/03/09, 00:18

Thanks broo, nanti kalo udh selesai versi fullnya gw oper2 ke elo yaa
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: bullebali on 20/03/09, 00:48
Wah sedap banget....
ditunggu link unduhannya :)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: erwiengroovy on 20/03/09, 01:01
juara sobbbb...........................!!!!!
merinding gw dengernya......
deepnya dapet banget............
tapi tenaga nya ga kalah...!!!!!!
lempar ke gw ya om chriss........
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: DJFoo on 20/03/09, 09:33
Waaawwww . . .

Abisss 4:30 itu . . .
Ane suka abisss . . .

Pas chordny berubahh . . .

Gilaaaaa . . .
Ngangkaaatt abissss. . .
Melodyny easy buat didengerin udah gitu kena banget . . .


Support trus buat Om Chris . . .
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/03/09, 12:43
Quote from: erwiengroovy on 20/03/09, 01:01
juara sobbbb...........................!!!!!
merinding gw dengernya......
deepnya dapet banget............
tapi tenaga nya ga kalah...!!!!!!
lempar ke gw ya om chriss........

lempar sendal? wakakakak, siap nanti gw kirim kalo dah jadi ya
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/03/09, 12:45
Quote from: DJFoo on 20/03/09, 09:33
Waaawwww . . .

Abisss 4:30 itu . . .
Ane suka abisss . . .

Pas chordny berubahh . . .

Gilaaaaa . . .
Ngangkaaatt abissss. . .
Melodyny easy buat didengerin udah gitu kena banget . . .


Support trus buat Om Chris . . .

simple but sure ya bro ;)
thanks yaah supportnya..

insyaallah release worldwide :)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/03/09, 17:20
hampir jadiii.. hehehehe
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Rangga_ocean on 20/03/09, 18:01
sadis nih ..
prog nya gahar broo..
ditunggu yang full versionnya ya..
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/03/09, 18:37
fullnya udh ada tuh bro di page 2 ;)
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/03/09, 21:35
biar gampang, full versionnya gw pindahin ke page 1 post pertama yah guys ;)
many thanks udah sempatin denger dan kasih komentarnya

Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: olis on 21/03/09, 11:02
Keren sob..
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 22/03/09, 02:43
thanks sobh
Title: Re: Track preview.. Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Deep mix)..
Post by: Chris.M on 20/06/09, 02:05
latest info,, this track is ready for exclusive release!! wait for more info
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