

Started by bananasplit, 01/04/07, 10:17

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30 Mar 07

I regret to inform you that I have had to pull out of playing the two gigs in Indonesia set to take place this weekend - Jakarta on the 30th March and Bali on the 31st.

We will be looking to reschedule these gigs as soon as possible, and I apologise to all of those who have made plans to come down to see me on either of the dates, further apologies to all those involved in setting things up for me in Indonesia.

Hope to see you soon.


Gw sempet chit chat juga sama Nick Warren .. sama Sven Vath....mereka mengatakan emeng ultra music festival sangat melelahkan dan menghabiskan energy yg tidak sedikit...
jika benar...coxy masih mau men di indo itu berarti masih ada harapan utk nonton sang maestro dehhh :)
your house is my house

huh.. cape deh 
....lighting can strike....

yaaaaaaaaaaa semoga aja tidak gagal untuk yang ketiga kalinya *piss*


liar ... ::)
welcome to my weekend

Believe it or not ???? NOTTTTTTT !!!! *piss*

mas coxy jgn ngemeng doang.. basi mas.. :D
gravity, hypocrisy and perils of being in 3D..

 (?) :-\
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..

lumayan basi sih kalo kata gw... euforianya udah mulai ilang... dan rasa kecewa udah rada bertumpuk secara gagal dua kali aja dulu... lagian masih banyak dj luar lainnya kok... why not sasha digweed?  :P
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Quote from: sonique on 01/04/07, 14:31
lumayan basi sih kalo kata gw... euforianya udah mulai ilang... dan rasa kecewa udah rada bertumpuk secara gagal dua kali aja dulu... lagian masih banyak dj luar lainnya kok... why not sasha digweed?  :P

Satojoeeee....Sasha & Digweed.....
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

menno de jong lebih meleleh kayaknya tuh...

welcome to my weekend

i want to know why you always canceld the show in indonesia ? is it becouse your afraid with islamic movement? Or is there something else??. is it going to be 3rd time???????.........! ;)
link:   www.1945mf.net -->

duh, kenapa ya tu orang?
yaudahlah.. emang mungkin belom rejekinya dia maen di indonesia,
belom rejekinya dia liat anak" rvlx guling"an di desflor.... ;D

do not give up ya! kita cari DJ yang lebih OK lagi.... ;)
yang ga ribet ngurusnya,,,,
ajojingan selalu

Coxy sepeleee!!!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

duuuh, 2 kali gak mau dtg. payah nih beruang madu..

Cape' de...
- freak.culture -

walaupu carl cox nulis itu di websitenya, tapi gue ga yakin dia mau beneran dateng. ga' mau sampe 3 kali deh. pastiin dulu dia nyampe baru kita bayar fee-nya, mau ga tuh managementnya dia gitu!!! mendingan skrg full refund dl deh. cape deh!!!!

Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 01/04/07, 15:31
Coxy sepeleee!!!!!

Yabeeeess..... uda maless gw jdnya, uda lama dtunggu2 ga dateng mulu...  >:(
......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

yup.. jangan sampe kecewa tiga kali... bentuk doang sangar, tapi mentalnya culun....hehe..

mungkin nanti dia bakalan dateng..
kalo udah luluran sampe putih, fitnes sampe kurus, dan manjangin rambut sampe gondrong..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Yaah...dateng ya syukur...ngga juga gapapa...

*dah pasrah :-\

keburu ilfeel sob........

SS tetep semangat yah mendatangkan dj2 dunia yg ciamik......

Quote from: Bhokero on 01/04/07, 18:52
walaupu carl cox nulis itu di websitenya, tapi gue ga yakin dia mau beneran dateng. ga' mau sampe 3 kali deh. pastiin dulu dia nyampe baru kita bayar fee-nya, mau ga tuh managementnya dia gitu!!! mendingan skrg full refund dl deh. cape deh!!!!

better begitu kali yah sob, tapi lebih better lagi klo ss crew cari DJ luar yang lain !!!!!!

cape sama si gendut !!!! seru kali yah klo soulwax or kerri chandler !!!

klo hiphopnya Grand masterflash !!!!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


mending datengin yang laen aja...

setuju tu sama sarannya Ija, Menno de Jong...  ;)