
Chris.M featuring Dikaa. Present 1428 Original mix.

Started by Chris.M, 23/10/07, 02:03

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sadessshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...mauuuuuuuuuuuu

@Dj Deny

Kemarin jam 12 udah keburu masuk ke club si, padahal lagu kellima gw mainin track yg ini om
Nanti gw siapin cdnya yaah, besok gw bawa ke kantor yaa, sekaalian mau tanya soundnya udah pas atau masih ada yg harus diperbaikin

you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

wahh lagu baru lagi... 1428 apa nih artinya? lebaran? *piss*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

yoi... lebaran,sob... kan dibikinnya di malem takbiran ;D

wew ga sempet dengernya.......... tp keren jg sob konsepnya 1428 hehehe

wew... dah keluar ajaa//// hehehehhehehehhe

Ini udah pake nuendo ya chris????

Pasti keren nih !!!!

Di tunggu loh linknya?
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

wah penasaran..

di tunggu link nya Om Chris M.
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

sedot yah mas!!!! pasti seru nih trance lucu2 gitu
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


baru dengerin nih chris.. keren2.. mulai masuk ke menit 3 ih mulai diangkat nih... ;D gw suka yg kaya gini *bgs*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-