
Guys , This is 5 track promo's & unrelease track for The Ravelex team.. enjoy

Started by 1945MF, 15/10/06, 20:43

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Wahh..enak2 om..IMHO

Shades of Rhythm - Deep inside - DJ Romy Renegate master mixes
ada kata2 sedikit yah? "music, music,music sound" gitu?Naik turunnya enak..

DJ Romy - Sleeping Beauty - DJ Romy original mixes
ini yg gw paling suka, uhhh...rasanya emang kedenger kalau "original mix"

DJ Romy - I's a good times - DJ Romy remote mixes
Speed up banget rasanya,enak kali yah dengerin di mobil..klo vclip pake kereta ;D

DJ Romy - Better Man - Sound of Jakarta driving mixes
Bisa sambil nyanyi nih..hehehe, rasanya terdengar paling santai,tp ga tau deh klo entar dimainin live..

DJ Romy - Advice for the yound at hearts - Tears for fears is so good mixes
mungkin maksudnya "Advice for the young at hearts"? uhh tears for fears, enak..wavy wavy...
"Advice for the young at heart
Soon we will be older
When we gonna make it work ?"

*Two Thumbs Up*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: 1945MF on 16/10/06, 15:05
Nasi uduk Tatarrrr.. ha ha

niat ngambil download-an sepet diajak keliling cari nasi uduk akhirnya tetep aja mie goreng ,... hehehehe
tb music 2008

Ha ha.. eh elu teteup hrs keep the "VOLTUS" joo... Yiuuukk Tatar.. tar.. tar..

makasih om.. lagi donload neh.. haheuaehu.. ntar deh direview yakk... :D kamsia....

@ 1945mf : lagunya yahud2 bang... kalo aq paling suka yg shades of rhythm ama better man... btw kalo bole diupload-in yg remix-annya bang romy yg new order-regrets...  :D

Quote from: 1945MF on 17/10/06, 00:33
Ha ha.. eh elu teteup hrs keep the "VOLTUS" joo... Yiuuukk Tatar.. tar.. tar..

gw jadi penasaran sama voltus ini..hmm, numpang denger dong om kapan2..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: TarJana ??? on 16/10/06, 20:24
Quote from: 1945MF on 16/10/06, 15:05
Nasi uduk Tatarrrr.. ha ha

niat ngambil download-an sepet diajak keliling cari nasi uduk akhirnya tetep aja mie goreng ,... hehehehe

cuman lagu voltus yang bisa buat gw hacep mikirin azab kubur dikutuk jadi pocong,... hahahaha
sumpah pocong on the dj booth,... tuing tuing tuing....
tb music 2008

cali,... dah pernah ngedengerin voltus ,... keren gila,...
tapi tatar dasar pelit gak ngasih cd-nya,..

Tatar ngak pelit kok.. dia hanya terlibat urusan yg cukup rumit..ha ha ha...

rumit banget ya om,... gombrang,...
saking rumitnya musti diberesein secara adat kali yach,....
hehehehe,.... yuuuuuukkkkkk ala 1945 mf,....
tb music 2008

hahahha...soal itu...dijaga sampe kapan tuh?
om, kira2 kapan track itu dilepas ke luar..? ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

gak akan pernah dikeluarin kayanya sepet,... soalnya langsung dari source-nya dan gak ada di website manapun,... hehehehe,..
dan gw punya ..... seneng banget !!!

thenkyu 1945 mf .....
tb music 2008

weheheh..ya udah gpp, numpang denger aja deh kapan2... :)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Baru baca ni forumnya.. N langsung DL yg better man...
Cool...Keren... sekitar 128-130 Bpm bukan??
Mas Romy ini kalo gw bilang genre nya electro tech.. bener ga??
Menurut gw, Electronya bukan electro house tapi lebih pumping dgn sound2 techno.. jadi electro tech kali ya??
Skrang lagi download 4 lagu yg laen..curious...  ;)
Live PA itu Rockssss !!!!!

Electro Tech beneeerr.. good hearing jempol buat elu..

I've listened to all of these songs...
Gw suka yg Shades of rythym...

Shades of rhtym itu komplit.. ada electro, house, sdikit elemen tribal.. siiip lah..
ga bosenin lagunya.. tengah2 sepi.. diisi staccato suara organ synth itu lho yg ga kuat, gokil...

Bikin pake synth apa aja mas? JP 8000? Nord Lead? ato sdikit Mikro Korg mas, hahaha?   ;D
tapi penasaran yg staccato organ synth itu pake apa mas??

Live PA itu Rockssss !!!!!

Organ itu sample dari lagu jaman B1.. gue bikin jadi lagu baru.. gue ambil soundnya karena unik organnya.. yg lainnya 100% gue yg buat.. eh mau nge remix lagu gue ngak?

@tatar.. gue mesti bongkar tuh plat2 di luar studio haha.. kalo elu liat tumpukan2 nya pasti males nyarinya..
@cali.. chatiry on the road ikut ngak? gue bw CD track2 gue lagi kok..

Quote from: 1945MF on 19/10/06, 05:59
@tatar.. gue mesti bongkar tuh plat2 di luar studio haha.. kalo elu liat tumpukan2 nya pasti males nyarinya..
@cali.. chatiry on the road ikut ngak? gue bw CD track2 gue lagi kok..

gpp om kalo mau nyuruh nyari sendiri mah ??? ntar dicari dech !!!,... kayanya dah gak kpake lagi yach om ???  bisa dunk ???
tb music 2008

nice music..btw tar pas charity dibagiin lagi kan om....hehehe ;D ;D

oya gw mau tuh om bantuin tartar ngebongkar tumpukan platnya...huehehehe ;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

heuheheh...bagi2 kado lebaran...
klo ikut ngebongkar tumpukan plat takut ada yang ilang.. :(
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-