
DJ Echa - Pasundan (Original Mix)

Started by echaaaa, 25/02/08, 04:15

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26/02/08, 02:50 #25 Last Edit: 26/02/08, 03:07 by Rafe
Nice  *bgs*  *bgs* bubuy bulan

26/02/08, 04:18 #26 Last Edit: 26/02/08, 04:28 by dj punct
@ rafe

yup 100% untuk luu sooob the inspiration comes from bubuy bulan,coz thats the song my mom used to sang to me when i was a kid...........,and that song means a lot to me hehehehehe..........

big respect


colongan aaah hehehehe

DJ Echa - Me And My Piano


a different side of me.......lebih ke ambient trippy gitu heheheheehhe...


coba ada intruments seruling khas pasundan..., wah pasti top banget
- freak.culture -

27/02/08, 01:38 #29 Last Edit: 27/02/08, 01:53 by PsChoTheRaPHy
sed dah... ada yg baru lagi... lo bikin lagu dibantuin ama jin ya sob,,produktif bgt  ;D ;D ;D *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
gw bikin satu aja ga kelar2  :-\ :-\

me n my piano enyaq...cocok bwt nangte klo abis mabok parah

@ psychoterapy

cocok buat ujan2an waaaan heheheheheheh,jadi kangen nasi goreng di pvj gw waaan (makan mulu otak gw yaah)


klo gitu ayo kita ujan2an lagee...pake kaos singlet, celana kolor ama sendal jepit cukup,, trus ngebut di jembatan pasupati  *bgs* *bgs*

pdhl deket rmh gw ada tmpt nasi goreng maknyuss..klo ga nasi goreng bikinan si ugi enyak jg ko'
(malah ngobrolin makanan... ;D ;D)


 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*SUPPORT LOCAL PRODUCER
green all day...

makin banyak yang remix yaaah ???????hihihihi check out DVJ Sunshine remix.......wicked one........


asik euy rapidshare..

Visit : @djrangel

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