

Started by erwiengroovy, 16/04/09, 21:59

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mengenai MASTERING mending tanya yang ahli aja jash....

contoh : ANGGER DIMAZ....hehehe...kalo engga,BUNG MARCELL....karna dia juga pake ABLETON....mungkin marcell bisa berbagi tips mastering....

tapi menurut gw,lagu lu sih udah mateng banget kok....seperti gw bilang,lu emang dianugrahi Talenta yang bagus....


Quote from: erwiengroovy on 06/05/09, 14:35
sepakat sob....
digeser geser...
diputer puter sampe ketemu BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!
auwwwwww...... *tepuktangan*
n kepuasannya kek orgasm hehehehehe
aihhh ngomong apaan sih gw... :-\
kok baliknya ke lendir juga hahahaha ;D

di puteerr..di jilaatt...di celuupiiinn..

itu workflow paling mantaaaapp... Gspot dah.. :p hehehe..
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

Quote from: erwiengroovy on 16/04/09, 21:59
guys sharing alur kerja produce kita yuk, kali aja bisa berguna...
sekalian bisa curi2 ilmu... ;)
berhubung masih pemula......
gw biasanya kek gini :

1. Bikin beat patern pake FL
2. Mixing nya juga di FL
3. Pas mixing sekalian nyari karakter sound ama atur2 freq...
4. Rendering to wav (mau bouncing soundcardnya mbrebet :-\)
5. Abis tu dibikin warm pake T-Rack
6. Dithering pake Wavelab.

udah..... (?) bener ga sih?????
klu ada yg kurang mohon kasih masukan :-\

NB :
maaf kalu repost........

cocok nih..

Quote from: DTX on 27/04/09, 10:30
hey y'all! menarik juga workflow2 producer.. gw dulu full FL user,kurang lebih sama kaya erwiengroovy,tp gw switch ke Cubase sekarang... jd workflow lebih kaya:

1. Beatslicing / Sample-slicing using Slicex di FL8, gw render 24/44.100
2. Bikin beat di Cubase, drums gw terdiri dr 9 layer, send FX, compress
3. Bassline terdiri dr 2 layer; Wobbly bass and Sub
4. Pads, biasanya gw Sidechain pake Kick / Snare
5. Create Arpeggio, tweak the portamento
6. Leads, biasanya gw bikin Reese leads
7. Vocals slicing -> Pitch Shift supaya terdengar original :)
8. Effects di setiap transisi Uplifting sweeps,Hits,Explosions,Noises,etc (seringkali gw rekam sendiri pake mulut gw hahahaha,tambahin effects,bounce jadi wav deh!)

i produced a lot of DnB... but sometimes i produced Electro House... and not that often,Dubstep :P


bikin bassline dnb enaknya pakai vst apa nih?..

Quote from: opera_zime on 07/05/09, 00:53
mengenai MASTERING mending tanya yang ahli aja jash....

contoh : ANGGER DIMAZ....hehehe...kalo engga,BUNG MARCELL....karna dia juga pake ABLETON....mungkin marcell bisa berbagi tips mastering....

tapi menurut gw,lagu lu sih udah mateng banget kok....seperti gw bilang,lu emang dianugrahi Talenta yang bagus....

woallaaahh iki opo toh mas hahahhaa

intinya mastering itu adalah sebuah hafalan :P
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Quote from: angger_dimas on 07/05/09, 21:38

woallaaahh iki opo toh mas hahahhaa

intinya mastering itu adalah sebuah hafalan :P

WEK ?!?! tapi serius kok ngger,gw ngomong apa adanya....diantara EDM PRODUCER LOKAL yang gw tau,salah satunya ente ngger,ente punya hasil mastering yang bagus.....salute bener dah...

oh ya,ente produce pake HEADSET / SPEAKER MONITOR bro ?


Angger gila mixing and mastering pake headphone pioneer dulu.. Plus check dikit di speaker Hi Finya yang segede gaban.. HAhahahahah

Agree Ger, Mastering itu hampir bs dibilang hafalan!

Hafalan plus kuping yg tebel.....hehehehehee

Quote from: opera_zime on 07/05/09, 21:49
Quote from: angger_dimas on 07/05/09, 21:38

woallaaahh iki opo toh mas hahahhaa

intinya mastering itu adalah sebuah hafalan :P

WEK ?!?! tapi serius kok ngger,gw ngomong apa adanya....diantara EDM PRODUCER LOKAL yang gw tau,salah satunya ente ngger,ente punya hasil mastering yang bagus.....salute bener dah...

oh ya,ente produce pake HEADSET / SPEAKER MONITOR bro ?
Quote from: mahesautara on 07/05/09, 22:03
Angger gila mixing and mastering pake headphone pioneer dulu.. Plus check dikit di speaker Hi Finya yang segede gaban.. HAhahahahah

Agree Ger, Mastering itu hampir bs dibilang hafalan!


gw mastering,mixing pake headphone, uang gw blm terjangkau buat beli krk, dan kalo gw beli juga belum tentu kepake sama gw. hahahaha


sempakkk, tp speaker gw mantap nyet buat bohongin gw sendiri hahahaa
*Image Removed*

angger tuh juara....!!!!
sepakat gwww....
ayo ngger tipsnya dwuonk hehehehhee....

Ger... kuping lo uda di cek ke dokter blom??

mastering mah asal uda ngerti frequency basic ny uda enak..

mastering is hafalan..

yooo setuju!! ;)
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

20 Hz and below - impossible to detect, remove as it only adds unnecessary energy to the total sound, thereby most probably holding down the overall volume of the track
60 Hz and below - sub bass (feel only)
80(-100) Hz - feel AND hear bass
100-120 Hz - the "club sound system punch" resides here
200 Hz and below - bottom
250 Hz - notch filter here can add thump to a kick drum
150-400 Hz - boxiness
200 Hz-1.5 KHz - punch, fatness, impact
800 Hz-4 KHz - edge, clarity, harshness, defines timbre
4500 Hz - extremly tiring to the ears, add a slight notch here
5-7 KHz - de-essing is done here
4-9 KHz - brightness, presence, definition, sibilance, high frequency distortion
6-15 KHz - air and presence
9-15 KHz - adding will give sparkle, shimmer, bring out details - cutting will smooth out harshness and darken the mix
60Hz with a Q of 1.4 -- Add fullness to kicks.
100Hz with a Q of 1.0 -- Add fullness to snare
200Hz - 250Hz with a Q of 1.4 -- Adds wood to snares
3Khz with a Q of 1.4 -- Adds atack to snare.
5Khz with a Q of 2.8 -- Adds attack to Kicks
7Khz with a Q of 2.8 -- Adds Sharpness to snares and percussion
10Khz with a Q of 1.0 -- Adds brightness to hats and cymbals

not my note but this is what i do ;)
*Image Removed*

Ikutan ngerpek ya ngger hehehehehehhee...
sebagian sih udah sama tapi ada yg blom....
ngerpek ahhhh...hahahaha

Quote from: angger_dimas on 08/05/09, 12:41
20 Hz and below - impossible to detect, remove as it only adds unnecessary energy to the total sound, thereby most probably holding down the overall volume of the track
60 Hz and below - sub bass (feel only)
80(-100) Hz - feel AND hear bass
100-120 Hz - the "club sound system punch" resides here
200 Hz and below - bottom
250 Hz - notch filter here can add thump to a kick drum
150-400 Hz - boxiness
200 Hz-1.5 KHz - punch, fatness, impact
800 Hz-4 KHz - edge, clarity, harshness, defines timbre
4500 Hz - extremly tiring to the ears, add a slight notch here
5-7 KHz - de-essing is done here
4-9 KHz - brightness, presence, definition, sibilance, high frequency distortion
6-15 KHz - air and presence
9-15 KHz - adding will give sparkle, shimmer, bring out details - cutting will smooth out harshness and darken the mix
60Hz with a Q of 1.4 -- Add fullness to kicks.
100Hz with a Q of 1.0 -- Add fullness to snare
200Hz - 250Hz with a Q of 1.4 -- Adds wood to snares
3Khz with a Q of 1.4 -- Adds atack to snare.
5Khz with a Q of 2.8 -- Adds attack to Kicks
7Khz with a Q of 2.8 -- Adds Sharpness to snares and percussion
10Khz with a Q of 1.0 -- Adds brightness to hats and cymbals

not my note but this is what i do ;)

ini dia hapalan yg dicari2.. makasih mas angger!
CoPas (copy paste)Daaaaahh! ;D

jadi intinya mainin frequency & Decible ya kalo mastering tuh..?


yep, betul jash. tp eq info itu lebih ke purpose mixing nya, tetap aja kalo mastering itu andelin kuping
biasanya gw ngepass low nya sampe 70an low nya high di 16khz ke atas gw cut pass jg, biar basian pas mixing ga kedengaran

semoga info itu berguna

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@om angger dimas

ya iya juga siih.. bener ngandelin kuping.. mastering pake feeling memang lebih ampuh! disitulah seninya.. (HALAHHH!!!)

demi tuhan,gw ga ngarti sama sekali tu note.......ga pernah pake begituan sama sekali,sumfah...ana zuzur....



Ya cobain dulu pakai software mastering, biar agak lebih ngerti

cobain deh.. psti beda klo uda maenan frequency kyk gtu..

di jamin produce ny lbih serius. *piss*
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

hahahaha kok pada mukul2 kepala sih...
mendingan belajar bareng hyukkk mari.....

hoeee pc baru gear baru....
mana lamaaaaaaaaa...
buruan uploaddd...


ym lo apa?

add ym baru gw rickyisrangel@yahoo.com

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

ehm...kira-kira bisa diaplikasikan di wavelab 5 kan ??
