
Introducing : MAKERS OF SENSE

Started by endradj, 04/02/09, 14:34

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04/02/09, 14:34 Last Edit: 04/02/09, 14:36 by endradj
Makers of Sense adalah duo dari Chicago, USA.. Dalam beberapa korespondensi terakhir, mereka menunjukkan minat untuk lebih mengenal "scene" EDM Indonesia.. Sebaliknya mereka juga ingin memperkenalkan diri mereka kepada "khalayak" EDM Indonesia.. Jadi menurut saya RVLX adalah tempat yang tepat untuk memulai..
Setelah memohon ijin dan restu kepada Paman Gober yang baik hati, perkenalkan : "Makers of Sense"..


Quote"Were voted the Best Experimental Act of Chicago for 2008 by Chicago Reader & thousands of it's constituency.

The Makers of Sense are Brother El and Cristián Huepe. Together, they fuse energies to create radical bodies of music that combine unusually warm electronica, hip hop, house, trance, dub, live instrumentation and urban elements with new styles yet to be coined. Their union of vibes is best described by Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle which states that the more precisely a position is determined, the less precisely its associated momentum can be known and vice versa. This quantum principle defines an alternative reality, which cannot be restricted by the boundaries of our every-day world. Similarly, the music of the Makers of Sense defines its own alternative reality beyond restrictions of usual positions and momentums of our measurable world. Through the auditory experience, this new environment forces traditional sensibilities to be rearranged inside the listeners mind. The music of the Makers of Sense then becomes a guide for building and exploring new realms outside the everyday world and provides unbounded possibilities."

Kepada teman-teman EO, Sponsor atau sejenis yang berkenan untuk mengenal "Makers of Sense" lebih jauh, dengan hormat saya tunggu PM-nya untuk mendapatkan Official PressKit dari mereka.. Terima kasih..

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For more detailed information visit www.makersofsense.com

PS. Please be sure to forward this message to all of your friends and tell them - hook it up!

Lional "Brother El" Freeman