FTP connection has failed!Attempted to connect to ftp.ravelex.net for user ravelexn - kok error yah ? Thx..
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Label / Event Organizing / Re: Daftarkan Label kamu di Ravelex Database sekarang juga...25/09/09, 02:30
FTP connection has failed!Attempted to connect to ftp.ravelex.net for user ravelexn - kok error yah ? Thx..
Cheers, (HoM) #2
Visual Jockey / Re: BUTUH DESIGNER atau VJ25/09/09, 02:15
kalo freelance (work at home) boleh ?
Cheers, (HoM) #3
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ Domisili Medan25/09/09, 02:12
upss baru baca, ada neh dengan VJ House of Motion (Sultan). new comer in town.. more to come, silakan hub sultan@mediaclubbers.com untuk info lebih lanjut,
Cheers, HoM #4
Visual Jockey / Re: DATABASE VJs....(ABSEN VJs!!!!....ABSEN!!!)25/09/09, 02:11
newcomer in the house
nama: House of Motion (Sultan) comp: MediaClubbers.com location: Medan telp: 0811627501/081210217055 YM: mediaclubbers Thx, mohon bimbingannya para suhu dan senior Pages1