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Messages - f_madness

Disk Jockey / Justice Unplugged
12/01/09, 20:07

Their jean jackets look cool though.
And is just me or there something… wrong about dude on the right? (I’m just sayin’…)
@dj gills

seandainya ada satu sekolah dj yang menolak untuk bergabung di PDJSI ini (dgn alasan yg, menurut saya, bodoh sekali) bagaimana?
akan dipaksa atau PDJSI akan menerapkan program 'oh-ya-udah-sob-cukup-tau-aja' ?

mohon pencerahannya :)
Quote from: Oki Koro on 03/12/08, 17:29

yo, oki!! gimme that jazzy joint, the one with the horn.
sumthin' that jazzy for the kids, they like that kinda thing, you know what i mean?
Quote from: gojade on 28/11/08, 20:01
Derrick indeed is a great DJ and a true legend, too bad he's handled by the most unprofessional booking agent we have encountered in the some odd years of our experience in booking artists. As a result, the gig has been confirmed, cancelled, then the price would be jacked-up, reconfirmed, re-cancelled, and re jack-upped for one too many times. (Yes f_madness, you can say all these to your agent friend...)

We have though, secured a DJ, that is also a legend of his own, from a different part of the world, a balearic master from Ibiza, that will be a perfect companion for our sunday afternoon poolside session.

More info to follow  ;)

he's NOT my friend and go tell 'em all that crappy stuff yourself, mate.

cheers! ;)

Quote from: diskohoney on 28/11/08, 17:30
Quote from: f_madness on 26/11/08, 17:37
Derrick's agent phoned me last night and he said that Derrick won't come to Jakarta due to internal issues.

too bad, eh??
better scratch Derrick off of your list, mate!
better luck next time..

yaah... Derrick is not coming?!!!???  *jlk*

wipe that tears off from your face, son..

that guy is the SHIT!!
saw him on sneak's bday party @mezzanine and its totally AWESOME!!

pergi membunuh a.k.a GOKIIIIILLLLL!!!
Quote from: yakousei on 25/11/08, 18:19
ok" Thx Guys,
Tar Dah Gw Cek"...
@ Mr. okikoro N DJ Gills : Bisa Kirim Ke Email gw Ga Session,Gear Dsb.? Thx

log on to their website, son.

trinity -> www.trinitydjs.com
digital 6 -> www.digitalsix.net
Derrick's agent phoned me last night and he said that Derrick won't come to Jakarta due to internal issues.

too bad, eh??
better scratch Derrick off of your list, mate!
better luck next time..

Quote from: Mashed Potato on 22/11/08, 01:01


JADE08 Official Closing Party (House/Soulful/Deep)
DERRICK CARTER - Chicago House Legend
Ade Ferdian
Johannes Taufan

DC serius dateng nih? 
kok kemaren ada omongan kalo dia cancel ya?
(?) (?)

hmm...gerilya cari info dulu ah...  ;)
wohoooo!!! congrats bos! semoga sukses!

tp kok di sanur? any spesific reason?
kuta kan juga oke tuh buat buka sekolah dj
oki koro?? buset...bakal "brantakan" nih lantai dansa..:D
Main Talk / Re: ETIKA "MINTA LAGU"
14/11/08, 19:56
Quote from: deefoundation on 14/11/08, 13:32
Hmmmm....klo bisa sih ngk usah minta. kasihan si DJ yg udh begadang n capek2 nyari or beli lagu ("kalo"  ;D). kita jg harus jaga etika n attitude jg sih.  *piss*

agreeeeee! :D

hr sabtu gw baca postingan ini, eeeh lha kok minggunya kejadian
ga tanggung2 pula...smua yg disebutin disini gw alamin


ya allaaaaaahhh, dosa apa hambamu ini :( :(
Quote from: DJ SASTRA on 06/05/08, 18:39
nego ga sob???

nego alus aka jgn jauh2 dr 1,1 :D
wuidih om kemal...jgn tracklist-nya jgn galak2 ah..

Sob, gw mau jual headphones gw nih. alasan dijual karena udah dapet yg barunya. gw lepas1,1jt aja deh.
condition 90%, box ga ada tapi msh ada pouch-nya (kantong penyimpanan)
plug adaptor juga msh ada. pokoknya msh komplit dah, cuma ga ada box ajah :D :D
klo minat telpon gw aja di 021-9200-9711

ini spesifikasi lengkapnya plus foto

technics rpdj1210
# Drive Unit 41mm
# Impedance 32 Ohm
# Sensitivity 106dB/mW
# Max Input 1500mW
# Frequency Response 5Hz - 30kHz
# Cord Length 3m
# Weight w/o Cord 230g
# Miniplug Yes
# Plug Adaptor (6.3mm) Yes
# Magnet Type Neodymium
# Plug Type Gold

Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 20/03/08, 15:38
pdji.. penting ye?

Quote from: bullebali on 21/03/08, 02:51
Ya ga penting-penting amat..

Penting doong..

IMHO, DJ sama aja kayak pekerja, cuma beda jam kerja aja..

Misalkan, suatu saat, ada kontrak kerja DJ yang di langgar, siapa yang bakal kuat menurut hukum kalo profesi DJ itu sendiri nggak ada badan yang menaungi secara hukum dan Legal?
Apa ada yang mau bertanggung jawab? Apa DJ mau bayar pengacara yang berjuta juta bayarannya, sedangkan mainnya cuma dibayar beberapa ratus ribu (misalkan lho...)?

Misalkan, pas lagi main di club, trus kesetrum, (misalkan, lho..), siapa yang mau bertanggung jawab?

Misalkan, suatu saat, DJ cuma dibayar segelas minuman ringan dan ucapan terima kasih, apa mau? Siapa yang mau memperjuangkan hak DJ DJ lokal? Sementara kuli bangunan aja (sorry bahasanya kasar) ada UMR.
Mau nggak sih upahnya di bawah UMR???

Buat clubbers sih yang kayak gitu nggak ada pengaruhnya, alias nggak penting,  tapi kalo nggak ada DJ gimana? Mau dengerin IPOD? Silahkan aja... ;D ;D ;D

Setau gw sih, ada PDJI.
PDJI kayaknya sih udah di akui Pemerintah, wong Ketua nya aja udah ngadep Megawati pas jadi Presiden dulu..
Tapi sekarang sih lagi nggak kedengeran aja nih kabarnya..

Hmm.. Kemana ya???  (?) (?)
Gears and Technology / Re: iPhone
22/12/07, 18:48
harganya udah "terjun payung" tuh, skrg pasaran 5jt (msh di-lock)
klo yg udah dicrack skitaran 5,5-6jt
kompatibel sama XL, telkomsel, mentari dan 3
somehow klo dipake buat matrix kadang suka ngga mau kirim/trima sms
Quote from: Georgie on 09/12/07, 15:31
klo biar download jadi cepet ada g triknya???

weekekekekekkekekkk..klo donlot sih tergantung kecepatan koneksi lo
biarpun "peralatan perang" komplit tp koneksi lelet sama aja boong
mixer $1299
shipping $51
drop-site $200

:-\ :-\ :-\

berat diongkos... :'( :'( :'(
Quote from: capt. digweed on 07/12/07, 16:34
browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true

network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100

kok gue yg 2 ini ga ada ya?
apa emang di block dari kantor?
(?) bingung

klik kanan trus pilih new -> boolean -> masukin browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs -> true

klik kanan lagi -> new -> integer -> masukin network.http.pipelining.maxrequests -> ketik valuenya

mari sama2 kita buat mozilla firefox menjadi segarang firefox-nya naruto  ;D  ;D

sdikit penjelasan dulu, nanti akan ada 2 macam type code yg hrs dirubah

klik 2x di section yg lo pilih trus masukin angka barunya di bagian 'value'
klik 2x lagi untuk mengaktifkan 'value' yg baru

2. booleans 
mereka bakal ganti otomatis begitu klik 2x
misal: awalnya 'true', bgitu lo klik 2x dia akan ganti jd 'false'

gampang kan?  ;D  ;D
let's get started then...

ketik "about:config" [tanpa tanda kutip] di address bar (URL) trus ENTER
ini akan ngebawa lo masuk ke menu buat ngeset parameters firefox
trus lo cari section2 dibawah ini dan ganti 'value'nya dengan yg tertera

browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true
network.http.max-connections – 64
network.http.max-connections-per-server – 20
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy – 10
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server – 4
network.http.pipelining – true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining – true
network.http.request.timeout – 300
network.http.request.max-start-delay - 0
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy - 10
network.http.proxy.pipelining - true
network.http.proxy.version - 1.0
Network.dns.disableIPv6 - true

stelah smua section dirubah, close firefox lo
buka lagi dan rasakan perbedaannya   ;)

beberapa "senjata" yg mozilla users wajib punya

ABP / Ad-Block Plus
tujuannya buat ngeblock pop-ups, banner yg ada di sbuah website.
dengan begitu loading time yg diperlukan untuk membuka sbuah website bisa dipersingkat.
pop-ups, banner, logo dll itu makan bandwith gila2an bro

cara dapetinnya:
1. buka tools yg ada di browser mozilla
2. klik add-ons, ini akan ngebawa lo ke add-ons management window
3. klik get-extensios, ini akan ngebawa lo ke website mozilla
4. search adblock plus, download (ngga lama kok)
5. resatart mozilla lo

nemu vidclip bagus di youtube ato sejenisnya tp ngga bisa lo download? biarkan unplug yg melakukannya
cara dapetinnya sama aja kaya ABP

Quote from: Georgie on 05/12/07, 16:45
mau nanya donk klo bignet mau masang gmn ya...
ada alamat yg bisa saya hub....

thx b4....

lsg kesini aja bro http://big.net.id/
Quote from: space on 04/12/07, 19:02
tuker guling sama N80 mau tdk
hehehe piss man

tuker bantal aja gmn?
Quote from: jesi on 04/12/07, 20:07
Wah canggih tuh,.. keistimewaan nya apa aja sob hihiii maklum norak nih.. biasa pake esia haha

lengkapnya liat disini aja sob

yg jelas dia ini udah 3,5G / HSDPA (High Speed Data Packet Access)
yg notabene lebih kenceng dr 3G
jd klo dibuat brosing2 internet mah keciiiil  ;D ;D