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Messages - ngale

Jakarta Events / New Horizons
29/11/16, 18:59

Let's turn the music ON, and turn the world OFF. It's time to gather around with good friends and great music! Dance the happiness with the best of trance.

BANANA proudly present:

New Horizons 
Reconstruction Of A State Of Trance 650

Friday, December 2nd 2016 starts from 9pm
At Exodus Jakarta 5th floor

With special performance by :

and our local DJ :

- Attila Syah
- Miko
- Tim Bourne
- Alexander Advark
- Elang Al Ars
- Rizky Ritonga


FDC : 200k

Enjoy our special prices for *PROMO* are valid for the night.

After Midnight :
2 botol Hennesy VSOP 3jt ++
2 botol Martel VSOP 3jt ++
2 botol Gentlement Jack 2,5jt ++
2 botol Single Barrel 3,250jt ++
2 botol Herradura 3,5jt ++
2 botol Corvisier

Before Midnight :
2 botol Jack Daniel 2 jt nett
3 botol Gentlement Jack 3,5 jt nett
3 botol Single Barrel 4,5 jt nett

For more info and reservation :

Call : +6282110664007

Facebook & Twitter : @4bananagroup
IG : @4bananagroup
bro, ini bagusnya gw tlf kok nomornya ga aktif trus ya?
gw yang ngubungin pake no. 085715599030  :)
Alhamdulillah ada nama gw  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* terimakasihh Bro gober :*
lumayan tambah2an beli amunisi 8)
ikutan aaah semoga menaang :D :D :D

1. ada 34 talent yang bakal main di djakarta warehouse 2012
2. CyberJapan udah 3x tampil di festival Indonesia
3. Paul Van Dyk , Avicii , Markuz schulz
4. Home! Paul van dyk feat. johnny mcdaid
5. tahun ini adalah djakarta warehouse project ke-3
permisi suhu2 mau nanya pendapat,gw mau pu headphone dj cuman masih bingung antara ath pro700 mk2 atau technics rpdh 1200.. ada yang bisa bantu mungkin :) atau mungkin ada rekomendasi lain?
maaf kalo salah thread, gw cari2 gaada thread buat bahas headphone soalnya