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Messages - Dj R'AngeL

'Make Some Noise' is a track full of surprises. Unlike other tracks where you know whats cumming next, this tracks takes you for a ride from beginning to the end. Starting simple it feels like a Progressive Trance track at first which in the break turns into a bit Classic Euphoric Tune you'll never forget and by the end of the break the only thing you can do is smile. After a vocal scream 'Make Some Noooiissee' the track bursts into a Latin beat with a raw baseline and when the tune starts playing softly building up from the back it leads to the next break. By then your sold and you'll be whistling this tune for the rest of the day (or night). The light groove is the icing on the cake making it the perfect track for the warmblooded Progressive House fan.
model nya kaya tatakan gelas sih ya..

Tiesto GUESS, skrg AKG.

waduh bro.. sorry baru balez. langsung kirim via email!!!

Salam supeeerr my ombroo ebump!
Producer muda berprestasi!(sok tua gw ya)
keep up the good work!!
Quote from: phuture89 on 23/10/12, 19:33
Quote from: ApsaRey on 23/10/12, 11:06
Quote from: Dree_ on 23/10/12, 11:02
Quote from: lightstick on 22/10/12, 20:34
iya ini paman, tolong konfirmasi logo "one last tour" nya di halaman atas, itu apakah?

Itu nama tournya Swedish House Mafia

Januari 19 Eco Park - ONE LAST TOUR

Demi dance scene, semoga shm januari nanti yg dateng lebih banyak dr tiesto (28.000) dan guetta (20.000), amin. Biar kalo tembus, eo lokal tambah percaya diri buat event yg jauh lebih seru kayak timewarp, dll. #berpikirpositif

SHM!!! Amiiieeenn!
woow.. the angels.. HOT!!! :D
1. Armin van Buuren
2. Tiesto
3. Avicii

cocok banget. alesso yg super gokil!! mantap!

@SteveAngello: Why are you guys tripping out about the DJ mag top 100. It's just a magazine. Has nothing to do with what tickets you buy or shows you go to
my bro Ebump!! thank u. dah lama kita ga rumpi lagi ya :D
kudunya di indo. KL :'(
stage nya keren banget!
(Read 137 Times) -_-
ada2 aja simon.. bagus dah batal.
congratz man! suuper sekalii
'Make Some Noise' is a track full of surprises. Unlike other tracks where you know whats cumming next, this tracks takes you for a ride from beginning to the end. Starting simple it feels like a Progressive Trance track at first which in the break turns into a bit Classic Euphoric Tune you'll never forget and by the end of the break the only thing you can do is smile. After a vocal scream 'Make Some Noooiissee' the track bursts into a Latin beat with a raw baseline and when the tune starts playing softly building up from the back it leads to the next break. By then your sold and you'll be whistling this tune for the rest of the day (or night). The light groove is the icing on the cake making it the perfect track for the warmblooded Progressive House fan.


Available at : Beatport, Junodownload, Trackitdown, Itunes etc..
long live trance!!

trance nya mas wied bikin merem meleekk
hidup producer labil! hehehe.. salam sukses ntang!
harold & kumar? gw kira orang luar.. :D

pecel 7e7e.. unyuuuu beud sih..
sereemm.. senior vs junior ni ya...

tambah seru, motivasi EDM local semakin maju!!

Quote from: iman45 on 15/03/12, 13:54
Quote from: Debon on 15/03/12, 13:40
@ Echaaa

sempet si ga bisa tidur kmrn, gara2 sempet denger mixtape si Kode alam gaib, emang gaib si,, untung bentaran doang dengerinnya. klo klamaan bisa masuk grogol kali anda..

Btw Vitra, lo mungkin ga akan post lagi, tapi gw tetep yakin lo akan baca terus thread ini... tenang kami semua akan tetap tidur nyenyak, gak worth it lah sampe ga tidur ciman gara2 lo atau orang yg lo bela... justru kalian yg siap2 gak tidur karena untuk klarifikasi knapa beliau gak masuk nominasi, kita akan publish tuh surat yg pernah dia kirim yang menghujat dengan AROGANSI TINGGI...  saya yakin publik nanti akhirnya bisa membedakan mana yg benar dan motivasi sesungguhnya dr sampah2 di thread ini.. stay tuned for more update peeps.. :)

yahhh!!..udah gak bisa nge post dia boncu?

eh ada om Iman.. ;D

dya ga mau post lagi karena sudah kena batu nya disana.. takuuuuuuut dya. LOL.
Selamat Vitra uda di blacklist.
shame yourself..
dya kan bilang itu postingan terakhir. so percuma kalo terus di tanggepin.

sekarangg mending langsung ke pihak terkait nya aja
kepala dingin.. 8)

*pihak terkaiit sudah menanggapi nya.  *tepuktangan*
Quote from: RandyRachman on 15/03/12, 04:32

@Dejah Ar Enjel
Aihhh ga kukuh cyin..heheheh
Ehh mukanya kaya artis deh..anaknya bang rhoma yah?  *piss* *piss*
kalo dibaca2 kaya maho yah ngbrlnya..ahahahaha

Momod maafkan Dejah Ar Enjel yang telah oot thread ini..
dan tidak lupa untuk memaafkan diri saya newbie yang telah oot..

"Why so serious?"

sebagai newbie cmn bs komeng,
knalilah kualitas diri sendiri baru bisa mengenal kualitas orang lain..
pantaskan anda untuk mendapatkan kualitas itu? Ahihhhh
ketik reg<jarak>pantas
kirim ke diri masing2..

mudah2an ga di ban  ;)

@rwandee manrach
bujuk buneng..reply lo..se..se..seswanto.

"Why so serious?"
Quote from: RandyRachman on 15/03/12, 03:39
Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 14/03/12, 16:13
seru banget sih.. gw dulu ga gini2 amat deh.. ;D
hahahhahaa.... ;D *peace*

Damai itu indah lho!!

@djrenjel : Sssstt..pulang2..ikutan2an aja..ayoo mamam dulu..  :P :P

Numpang nyampah..
hehehe..skalian kenalan sama senior2..salam kenal smua.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

ssssttt...kan tadi uda mamam ny..! ;D
jng nyampah dsni nanti di tembak lho.. *upss..
kita dnggerin mixtape aja yuk..!

kalo emang bener..seharusnya lo printscreen donk email nya! situ kan pinter..
apa sih point masalah lo bror?
RVLX tempat silahturahmi semua yang terkait dengan EDM khususnya di indonesia.kita disini saling support..indeed.

lo ga tau apa2 tentang rvlx.  miriis bgt dah...