boleh ikutan.....??
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Producing Music - General Talk / Re: DANSA (Dance Music Chart Indonesia) @ www.homses.net19/05/10, 08:56
boleh ikutan.....??
Videos / Re: JAZZY JEFF dj set ( special buat yang ngga suka hiphop di rvlx )26/08/09, 21:36
yoi dateng lagi doi....
cant wait hardly.... dengerin ini nih do... musiknya mirip mirip premier...nyampling sih doi....tapi not bad... okelah #3
Videos / Re: JAZZY JEFF dj set ( special buat yang ngga suka hiphop di rvlx )24/08/09, 20:23
mantab.... psoting DJ Premier juga dong do... atau gang starr.... old skull
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: "SHOW YOUR OWN STUDIO 2009" Post the Photo and write the detail...24/08/09, 11:04
beh gokil gokil man.... dari dulu sampe sekarang alat gua kagak nambah...
heheheheh #5
Original Release / Re: Filosofi (interlude) _ the elements of dua essensi23/06/08, 06:55
Wah makasih makasih,.
Gw lagi coba tambahin instrument laen tambah vokal cw biar lebih seksi dan gk monoton... Hehe... N Kebetulan sekarang gw bikin musiknya kaya gini terus,,rada urban setengah hiphop tp elektroniknya gk ilang,.... Btw Coba dengerin musiknya THE DIPLOMATS deh do, (mistah, adinda, wisnu, vandal, dj axa, ras muhamad dkk), doi musiknya mirip2 kaya gini, asiklah pokoknya. #6
Original Release / Filosofi (interlude) _ the elements of dua essensi23/06/08, 05:10
New track from the elements of dua essensi, judulnya filosofi tp interlude alias skit, coz ini sebenernya minus one dan ada voc nya... Musiknya rada2 urban, bisa jg di bilang hiphop... Enak didengerin di awal pagi dan tengah malam... Menurut gw...
Silahkan dengar d jangan lupa kasih masukan deehh.... Jam andi rhyms bee - the elements of dua essensi #8
Music / Re: absen dong dj2 yang main soulfull,deep house,nu jazz n also chill07/04/08, 19:39 #9
Jakarta / Re: Things you do in the morning02/04/08, 23:20
Baca koran, liat index dan dollar, kadang update blog
Videos / Re: C-WALK (crip walk ) keren !!11/03/08, 21:38
Yuhu... Disini anak2 lagi pd demam c walk bro, tiap ada acara pasti ada.. D sana gmana bro'.. Btw the roots kan ksini... Wutang/wu-family kapan ya...
Jakarta / Re: Alternative hometown09/03/08, 18:05
Tetep jakarta, the big city of dream
kalo luar mending di Saudi tingkat kriminalnya sedikit #12
Original Release / Re: my new track... MIDNIGHT ILLUSTRATHOR24/02/08, 00:38
Struktur bassnya masih kurang, kalo bisa bikin lebih rapet
Original Release / Re: my new track... MIDNIGHT ILLUSTRATHOR24/02/08, 00:36
Struktur bassnya masih kurang, kalo bisa bikin lebih rapet
Original Release / Re: Dua Essensi Music16/02/08, 08:59
hari ini mau gua taro 2 lis..tapi lupa bawa kabel data ntar minggu minggu inii deh...
dua essensi - Dia Inspirasiku dua Essensi - Tunjuk 1000 Bintang #15
Original Release / Dua Essensi Music13/02/08, 09:16
The Elements Of Dua Essensi - Dikala Senja (Original Mix)
The Elements Of Dua Essensi - N.S.D.F.A (The Fundamen Base) The Elements Of Dua Essensi i - Selantun Asa The Elements Of Dua Essensi - Tabuh Gemuruh Rindu (Center Of Roots Intelligent Mix) The Elements Of Dua Essensi i - Dia Inspirasiku The Elements Of Dua Essensi - Tunjuk 1000 Bintang (Groove Soul Mix) A. #16
Videos / Re: YES WE CAN!! OBAMA 4 President10/02/08, 13:21
Asik...anak menteng...hehe...
Brati waktu masih sd mainya petak umpet juga jo...! Yes we can #17
Videos / Re: YES WE CAN!! OBAMA 4 President10/02/08, 11:34
dua duanya juga akan bersejarah bimz.... hilaary kalo menang akan jadi presiden pertama wanita....obama orang kulit hitam tunggu saja.....
Videos / YES WE CAN!! OBAMA 4 President10/02/08, 11:03
good video. amerika, seluruh dunia, termasuk indonesia perlu harapan. It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation. Yes we can. It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom. Yes we can. It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness. Yes we can. It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land. Yes we can to justice and equality. Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity. Yes we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world. Yes we can. We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change. We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics...they will only grow louder and more dissonant ........... We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea -- Yes. We. Can. #20
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: ANDEZZZ [Departure:People] Movin' On Remixes Coming Soon....09/02/08, 22:06
Maksudnya ngeremix semua lagu yg d movin on atw salah satu bos?
Wah pasti Bakal mantep nh, soulful2 gitu secara doi detil banget kalo bikin lagu.,, d.e #21
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: RELEASE NOW AT YOUR LOCAL CD STORE 'DJ ROMY NEW ALBUM UNITY in DIVERSITY'09/02/08, 21:23
Hydra bikin gw speechless... Keren gila... Apalagi pas "something for ur mind,your body your soul."...maknyus... Pad nya bikin hidup...
Main Talk / Re: First DJ School In Bekasi....Promo!!08/02/08, 00:12
Tinggal meleset sedikit dr galaxi...
Btw wiihh... Sekarang merangkap public relation nh Echa... Kmrn acaranya mukemen gimana bos? #23
Gw sependapat sama Chris M
Music / Re: HIP HOP ?06/02/08, 22:38
agree, gw stuju, Ya intinya sih seperti input-> proses -> output, untuk gw pribadi input -> Musik apa aja gw plajarin, dengerin, smw gw suka, -> d proses dan outputnya house,soulful n groove... "KARENA MUSIK TIDAK MENGENAL BATAS" #25
Music / Re: KATEGORI HIP HOP MASUK RAVELEX???06/02/08, 15:26
sayang suaranya kebelah dua antara opsi 1 dan 3...tapi itu juga udah mewakili atau memberi gambaran sedikit kalo beberapa orang ingin sesuatu yang baru...