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Messages - BFC

Congratz to all Winner Yaw.....

Rock on baby
29/11/10, 13:31
Barca, survey membuktikan Spain ngga bakal juara tanpa La Masia
Buat saya pribadi sih MYLO mengecewakan amat sangat, doski padahal salah satu DJ yg gw tunggu.

Muantabz gan
Apa kt ikuti ada kejadian apa aja??


ga sabar nget ni cuyy
Wuiih, agnes monica mustinya ikut nii.

Sama iklan chitato,
Kan kt beli di sana, ngga bawa dr luar.
Makanya beli barang sana, yg sudah lwat ijin ama polis sana
kalo br dr genk laen br kegab.. (karena polis bs ngga untung
lg kalo bandar local tekor)
Quote from: 7 on 19/08/10, 16:29
masih tbc tapi yon. barusan gue nanya temen gue di salah satu local promoter besar, dia ga sanggup bawa Chembros kemari. Karena promotor yg di Singapur (LAMC Production kalo ga salah), maunya nawar paketan sama 2 DJ / live act lagi, total 3 live act. Sayang temen gue ini ga tau 2 DJ / live act yg dimaksud itu siapa hehe

Emang Chemical nya aja kali yang ngga mau ke JKT, belum level katanya.
Gocipp nya venue di T3 ??
film summer ini jelek sangat
Disk Jockey / Re: Crowd Types
12/08/10, 12:23
Heheehehehe, kan soul nya metal sampe di disco ya crowd biasa aja...

Quote from: Gober on 11/08/10, 10:29
iye live pa atau band elektronik udah mulai jadi mahluk langka sekarang, kalau adapun timbul dan tenggelam dengan cepat.

Apakah udah berubah nih?

Harus dong, kalo menurut pendapat gw pribadi ya (no offense, sma gw juga dj tp cupu) DJ itu cuman "CD player" nya aja, nah content nya itu ada di band. Name it, semua lagu.

So secara kasta mustinya band itu lebih tinggi, tp orang lebih enak beli CD player Sony yg paling baru or Ipod (lebih gaya kemasannya)

kaya adidas kasus ama nike; technology si tiga strip jauh lebih megang, terbukti dari bola deh, kompetisi bergensi mana yg pake bola nike. jgn ngomong liga yaa. tp soal ngendors kanan-kiri paling jago, ya secara nike itu perusahaan advertising dulunya, jadi mana ngerti sport, taunya strategy marketing...
Lagi iseng2 baca2,

mungkin tahun ini bisa dibilang kebangkitan electronic band di indo kali???

dengan banyaknya band2 luar bs jadi indikator buat semua lahan, termasuk sponsor jd melirik live P.A local.

Disk Jockey / Crowd Types
11/08/10, 09:48

Read The Crowd

you've heard of DJs saying they can "read" a crowd, now with this VIP special guide you can easily recognise your ravers....

1. Part-Time Clubbers
spot them:
They've been harassed into coming out as part of a mates' birthday
Most likely to be wearing:
90's-looking 'club wear' they found at the back of their wardrobe, or a smart shirt
Most likely to say:
"wow this place open till 2am!"
Least likely to say:
"Got that Michael Cleis track?"
What to play:
Something mainstream but not too offensive to everyone else - a remix of La Roux should do nicely

2. All Day Drinkers
Spot them:
Sunburnt and lager-breathed, they've come from a beer garden session and should really have gone home eight hours ago.
Most likely to be wearing:
T-shirt, flip flops, short and slightly askew baseball cap: plastic bag with today's newspaper in it for some reason
Most likely to say:
"Dist (spit, spit) isagreacht chooooon!"
Least likely to say:
What to play:
The breakdown of underworld's 'Born Slippy'

3. Regulars
Spot Them:
The pack standing proud like lions on top of their rock. They think they are the kings of the club, and will let everybody know it.
Most likely to be wearing:
Full merchandise from the club - T-shirt, hoody, jeans and a tattoo of the club's logo on their bicep
Most likely to say:
"I haven't paid to get in the club since 2006"
Least likely to say:
"Shall we go somewhere else for a change?"
What to play"
Autokratz 'stay the same'

4. Documenters
Spot Them:
Pinned to the DJ booth, filming and live-editing the entire set on a smartphone and trying to 'guerilla market' their club-based web venture
Most likely to be wearing:
Enough technology to land a stealth bomber
Most likely to say:
Nothing, though they may leave a message on your Soundcloud asking you what remix this is
Least likely to say:
"Who's DJing"
What to play:
Something obscure; better yet, something you made the day

5. Sir-Perve-A-Lots
Spot them:
Guys who perch themselves on the balcony above a dancefloor just to look down and salivate
Most likely to be wearing:
Sunglasses to hide their eyes, a semi
Most likely to say:
"Check her out"
Least likely to say:
Anything to a girl
What to play:
Boy Better Know 'Too many man'

6. People Watchers
Spot them:
Pressed against the wall like voyeuristic ninjas, scanning for comment-worthy punters like Jeremy Kyle meets the fashion police
Most likely to be wearing:
Something uncontroversial
Most likely to say:
"Look at that couple over there, they are clearly on the verge of splitting up"; "Did you see the state of her shoes?"
Least likely to say:
"Shall we just dance and have fun?"
What to play:
Freemasons 'Watchin'

7. Student Types
Spot them:
Young, keen, skint. They may be genuinely pleased to meet you, but that bulge in their kecks is actually a smuggled bottle of vodka
Most likely to be wearing:
Whatever was cool last time their loan came in, a bag with nothing in it but a student card.
Most likely to say:
"Are there any jobs going here?"
Least likely to say:
"I'll get this round"
What to play:
'Lipsin Ting' by scorcher followed by the theme to Baywatch

Selamat berpuasa...................

Quote from: club2club on 09/08/10, 21:46
Hot Chip siapa yang mau dateng? Si Joe Goddart ya? Mendingan si Joe suruh bawa semua member Greco Roman untuk main di underground even gitu dalam rangka pre-party Hot Chip live di Jakarta....hahahaha

*ngarep*  :P :P :P

Yup, Joe, Felix sama Alexis (formasi bugged out nya, otoy =)
tp tgl 9 october, barengan sama Boys Noize dan Javarockinland....

serem ga si,
Quote from: Blow Out on 09/08/10, 14:10
Quote from: BFC on 07/08/10, 15:30
Booka Shade, Hoy Chip and Groove Armada

Serius niyh ???

Salah Hot Chip man, tp kalo ngga salah cuman dj set siii.

b2 kalo ngga salah.
Booka Shade, Hoy Chip and Groove Armada

by answering you answer in BB, Twitterm, 360ent web,and of course special prize to kick back in the artist room

*jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk*

*jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk* *jlk*
Quote from: VK on 04/08/10, 14:13
Quote from: BFC on 27/07/10, 19:33
Mungkin salah satu alasan hal ini bs terjadi karena ini acara gratis kali ya, jadi untuk crowd controlnya agak susah mungkin..


Sebenernya siy bkn krn acara ini gratis, buktinya tahun2 sblmnya fine2 aja.
Mgkn krn lokasinya yg ga support aja kali ya, krn Duisburg itu sndri tempatnya jauh lebih kecil dr Berlin jadi dgn kapasitas pengunjung yg sbegitu banyaknya jadi sumpek trs pd panic deh tuh orang2 krn sesak nafas.. (mirip2 sama tragedi terowongan mina ya) hohohoho

Bener jugha si ..... tp karena masuknya gratis, ngga ada pagar so jadi susah di control jumlah pengunjung yg membludak, teteeepp

btw jumlah yg meninggal bertambah jadi 21 ya, setelah dua cewe German pass di rs
Kemaren gw jalan2 k level one, kata temen gw bisa beli ticket soulwax cuman 200rb. Sampe sana ga ada oranG..

Movie / One Stop MOVIE REVIEW !
29/07/10, 11:21

Unpredictable, keren, ga ngebosenin, ya iyalah Angelina colie gitu mana bosen ngeliatin dia.

Jalan ceritanya juga ngga kacang menurut gw,

8 deh nilai dari gw
Mungkin salah satu alasan hal ini bs terjadi karena ini acara gratis kali ya, jadi untuk crowd controlnya agak susah mungkin..
