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Messages - RAF

Ayo2 controllernya siapa mau beli...silahkan nawar dahhh....
weitss kasih jempol dulu ah buat partner gw  *bgs*


1) 1 Unit (used) Contoller Xone DX - Allen & Heath
a) Tangan Pertama, beli dari baru di URS PRO (David)
b) Dus and perlengkapan lain lengkap, termasuk CD serato original, dll
c) Kondisi bagus dan berfungsi 100%

2) 1 unit (used) travel bag khusus untuk Xone DX diatas

Kedua barang diatas punya sendiri and dipake sendiri. Picture ga sempet upload.

Please DM for price, or alternatively please contact 081315629797


Tertarik sama S4, audio 8 and kalau ada audio 6

Please DM the pricelist, thanks

kalo vestac VCI 300 nya ready stock ga? kalau ga bisa indent? berapa lama? and harga berapa?

btw ada kontak no yg bisa dihubingin ga?

ditunggu ya reply nya.

House / It's all about house music
18/04/10, 13:25
Noir - All About House Music

I remember the back in the 80's when I first heard electronic music
I knew back then this illegal computer sound was gonna be my call
My heart got hooked on 4x4 beats when house took its journey with
Jack, Chicago and Acid House
Now my heart is hooked forever
It's in my soul,
In my veins,
On my mind 24/7
Don't care if it's Jazz, Soul, Tech, Minimal, Funky, Vocal or Hip-house
Name it I love it.

Its all about the House music and it always has been

I don't understand people who satisfy with ordinary pop music
They just listen to whatever radio stations decide they should like and my God, they like it.

Some people even think that house club's for weirdo's only
Maybe they are right, maybe we are weird, maybe this music is weird
and maybe the clubs are overrated
We were in this for the love of music, for the love of beats, for the love of loops
for the love of loops...

Its all about the House music and it always has been

If you're into house music the DJ scene is like a natural path to follow
And back in the days, DJ's were weird people who like music in a weird way
Back then you'll have to be a nerd to become a DJ
Nowadays everybody wants to be a DJ
Nowadays everybody wants to be that nerd
It sickens me
If you are not in it for the love of the music
Would you please FCUK off!
Hate those smart asses who think DJing is the easy way to get laid
Well, get a life!

I wonder what house would be like in the future
Wonder what the clubs would be like
Now that technology has taken over the DJ world
What will the DJ be like in the future
Let's just hope that house music will keep its soul
Let's just hope that DJ's will keep their skin
But actually I don't give a shit
We don't give a shit
Because it's not about how you do it
But why you do it

Its all about the House music and it always will be

Any thoughts or comments with on the lyrics?
Wah, trance jg macem2 yah..kl trance yg terlalu epic and kenceng gw kurang suka (suka bikin 'sombong' and 'autis', bukanya bikin dance..hehe..) yg msh ada pumpin or groovy nya gw suka, coz this can be enjoyed sama yg sober ataupun gak..hehe..IMHO
Dasar lebaiii..terlepas dari request lagunya apa, terserah DJ mau muterin apa gak lagunya (kecuali kl emg si DJ disewa for some kind of private party)...
12/04/09, 08:34
House music is the roots of EDM
Quote from: DJ_Two_L_Three on 06/01/08, 04:14
consistency buat cara main,mixing,feelin ke crowd nya sama flown lagu....consistency buat soul sama attutide nya....consistency sama niat lu spinning....terserah kalo semua itu harus melibatkan idealisme lu atopun "just go with the crowd"

GW stuju banget nih sama yang diatas kecuali sama bagian 'just go with the crowd'nya...I am off course be willing to entertain crowd but it's got to be a healthy mixture between entertaining and educating...

And menurut gw konsisten gak harus berarti stick di genre tertentu..

Harapan buat taon 2008:

- Producer2 lokal lebih produktip lagi and go international. Ada beberapa DJ/Producer lokal yang track2nya udah nongkrong Beatport, which is very good....Ayo dung yang lain jangan mau kalah...

- DJ jangan kebanyakan maenin lagu anthem yang chungky...skali dua kali boleh lah...Sebenernya banyak DJ yang udah mulai punya karakter sendiri2, and play what they like while at the same time educate and entertain crowd...tapi disisi laen kayanya masih banyak DJ2 'nanggung' yang kayanya masih kurang PD 'mau ngapain', jadi kadang suka terlalu sering jadi 'pengikut', dengan kata lain maenin tracks yang udah familiar di crowd and kurang berani bereksperimen....

- Crowd harus sedikit 'lebih cepet bosen' ama anthem2 chungky...biar lebih open sama new things and biar DJs lebih berani experimen and nyoba hal2 baru...

- No more razia2 yang gak penting...bikin nano... ;D

- and pastinya PLUR... *bgs*
House is still the roots...

Element and ambient bisa musiman or tergantung selera could be dark, techy, electric, deep, or whatever

But basically its the groove/beat we are ridding on...

No offence, but even buat selingan gw gak suka ama hard trance...trance yang gw suka juga tergantung tracknya, apalagi hard trance...jogetnya aja bingung mau gaya apa...

Gw lebih prefer yang atmosfirnya bikin fun...you know, not that kind of music yang tipe 'mikir' or what ever..you guys want to hafe fun or what? ya music for most crowd lah, yang bisa dinikmatin ama yang sober, ama yang hacep, ama semuanya...that is 'everybody' mean..perhaps house or progressive with uplifitng trance element would be good or trance tapi yang gak bikin 'gaya arca'...hehehe...

Anyway, thats IMHO..I'm still respect somebody's taste...
coz house is the roots...

and it's the basic element of dance music...
clingakclinguk sapa tau ada yang gw kenal, sambil CCP ama cw yang lucu2...hehehe...trus cari spot yang enak...
- Dance music lebih banyak crowdnya, bukan cuma itu2 aja orangnya..

- Crowd lebih terexpose lagi berbagai genre dance music, so they know what they choice and what they like

- More appreciation on the dance music, kayanya masih banyak crowd yang hanya bisa nikmatin genre tertentu using drugs. No offense, gw juga suka sekali2, but for me the music is what i enjoy the most, not the other way around...

-  Lebih banyak lagi produser2 lokal bikin lagu yang keren2...

- Top world DJ rutin bikin jadwal tour ke Indo...

- Gak pernah ada lagi rave2 yang digerebek...

- Only 100% MDMA 'X' yang beredar....(lho kog jadi kesini..hehehe)

- dsb...dsb...

Sander Kleinenberg...

He invites everybody to dance...
Yes, keep updating the music for the DJ is very important, so the crowd could always be aware and updated.
Tapi jangan juga 'asal update' atau 'asal lagi trendi', harus juga inget peran utama DJ is to pleasing most crowd on the dance floor
Kamsud gw pointless kalau cuma sekedar maenin lagu 'asal baru' atau 'asal trendi' atau 'asal beda' kalau crowdnya cuma bengong aja..
Mungkin akhirnya kembali ke susunan set, jangan juga 100% maenin lagu baru tapi crowd unhappy, ya di ramulah sedemikian rupa supaya crowd bisa absorb lagu baru tapi pada saat yang bersamaan juga merasa terhibur.
Pokonya yang penting untuk selalu jaga balance between pleasing the crowd dengan updating the music.

Just my two cents

Guys, dari semua dance CD albums yang pernah didengerin, yang mana yang paling disuka?

Kalo buat gw:

1. This is everybody too - Sanderk Kleinenberg (Renaissance)
2. Globalunderground 013 - Sasha at Ibiza (GU)
3. Clubhoppers 3 - DJ Naro
Between 2004 and 2005


Reflections - PVD
See Me Fall - Mic Burns & Matthew Dekay
Swing to Harmony - Perasma or  Mathew Dekay both are great!!!
Happy to be sad - Derek Howell
Bounce Back - Armin van Buuren
Work Together - Dimas & Riva

The Switch (King Unique Pushin Vocal Remix) - Planet Funk
MR. Roboto - MV
Nobody Never - 2 Bit Pie

Portobello - Gabriel and Dresden
West London Deep - Dark Matter

Spektrum - Kinda New (Tiefschwarz Dub)
Roman fluegel : gehcts nochts (steve angello mix)
Do to You in 82 - Infusion
The Deutche Song - Psycho Radio vs daf